[Lớp học sát thủ - Bang hội Starlight] Nhiệm vụ
Nhiệm vụ này ...Nhiệm vụ kia .... :vvvv…
Nhiệm vụ này ...Nhiệm vụ kia .... :vvvv…
to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides…
chỉ là showroom thôi :'3…
tạo ra để vã otp của t/giả, các otp của tui:-DomiLevis-OrterWirth -DeliCell-DoomFamin-RenaAgi-SophiTsu-RayMash / RayFinn:)))-CarFinn / CarMax:)))-LanceDot _ KaldoDot:D __( KaldoDotLance:))-KennyGaluf _ CharlesGaluf __(CharlesGalufKenny)◇__Gọi tui là Dươngg nhee,thật ra thì có nh otp của tui độc lạ lắm nên nếu ko thik otp nào thì cho tui xl nha🙃Nhất là DomiLevis vs KaldoDotLance í,đừng toxic nhoaa😚🫰…
ở đây, chúng tôi nhận vẽ thuê.…
I actively invite message me fe drink coffee, and I also agree the appointment ... called him a cup of coffee I had in mind to hide her embarrassment and arrhythmia of the heart ...I split the bill demanding payment for my coffee, I thought, "well I really like what you going to charge him." Also bear's it!Then time passed our little family together, but also because they must meet college preparation, two consecutive message at this time. stories go deep down into the personal life of life of our own, very good to me but I have a hunch that I do know how much I love you ...Fool me too! I must find a way to make you think differently than our love is not the brotherhood that is the other emotional ... Starting today I try to charge my coffee and my wife says that " He was charged cafe and cafe will pay for my life ...". But I will not even notice!I told them about the dream of my little family in the future of women I like them as casting, so that strangers they told me that dream home without me ... you made me have missed cantilever ...My efforts in many ways still struggling within failed, I began to fatigue, but all their attacks. But I still do not stop dreaming, longing to be ... you pay for cafe life. That's what really made me feel very lonely. I do not know if I should continue doing? By this I do not speak to me that "I love you ...". My love just down the lapse of time that forever... over time…
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.những câu chuyện nho nhỏ về chải.ooc.đi giữa trời rực rỡ.ship nhân vật không ship diễn viên…
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