nhạc phim
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Về bài hát được rất nhiều bạn yêu thích…
ta gặp nhau là do duyên số liệu sau này có được như thế không?"anh ơi chở em chở em""ok chở em"hôm nay mưa rồi có sấm nữa vậy anh đâu?…
SuGa× you…
Truyện lần đầu viết ạ nên sai xót j xin đừng cho gạch đá…
Chua chua ngọt ngọt…
Essential reading if you are interested in Theravada Buddhism and more specifically the Thai Forest tradition. This magnificent volume is an intellectual, spiritual, and cultural biography/history of a revered teacher in this tradition. The 800 plus page story covers Ajahn Chah as a young man in Thailand and his practice, and then moves on to cover the story of his founding a prominent Thai Forest Monastery. _Stillness Flowing_ covers Ajahn Chah's teaching methods, and finally the influx of Western interest in his teachings which leads to monasteries being started in Britain and eventually the United States. An interesting comparison between Thai teaching methods and Western methods based on the needs of very different students. Thai culture as it relates to Buddhism is covered in depth. The book is filled with wisdom and pieces from Chah's teachings that impact the reader far beyond the historical information. An admirable, impressive, well researched and well written work about the Thai Forest Tradition.…
Đọc rồi biết nói trước mất hay!…
Ngẫu nhiên kể , buồn kể, vui kể , tuỳ tâm kể…