Chapter 7
Suggestive? Eh. Pls suggest what should happen next because I have ideas but I feel like readers get to see it in a diff light so pleaseee
James POV
"Thomas, good luck at the game."
"Aw, that's sweet of you, but you know what would make me feel really lucky?"
"A kiss."
Ever since our date on Wednesday, Thomas has been looking for any excuse he can find for a kiss. To be honest, so have I, he just usually beats me to it.
I plant a peck on his cheek, secretly wanting to make out right there on the sidelines.
"Come on, sweetheart, can I get a real kiss?"
I don't have to think twice before throwing my pom pomed arms around his neck, causing him to stumble backwards. Thomas grabs my hips and pulls me up into the air while I wrap my legs around his waist.
Thomas is first to pull away. "Thanks, I feel really damn lucky now, darling."
"You're welcome," I smirk. "Win the game and don't forget that you're my date to Laf's victory clubbing night or whatever."
"Of course we're winning and I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Thomas runs onto the field for warmups and I walk over to the rest of the squad.
I filled Peggy and Laf in on me and Thomas's date, yesterday. They were supportive and agree that he's a great guy.
When I see Peggy warming up, she just looks at me with a sly grin plastered onto her face.
"You didn't tell me that you guys were doing.. you know... the deed." She makes vague hand gestures while saying this.
"Peggy, no. Shuttup. Seriously. No.. just no. We haven't done anything like that!" I stammer out.
"Not yet."
She is sometimes so annoying, but it's really just because she's right. Not about us having sex, but the fact that this relationship is moving incredibly fast. I'm worried that it'll end up being a fling, that we'll go too far, too fast and there'll be nowhere else to go. For now, I'm going to focus on cheering and I'm going to do whatever feels right. I mean if I have to save up my feelings for them to last, then it wasn't meant to be. Right?
My thoughts are disrupted by the national anthem playing. The other cheerleaders and I stand, facing the flag with hands over our chests and smiles on our faces.
After the anthem we make an alley with two lines of people for the football players to run through.
It's just a bunch of faces in a crowd running past. Sometimes one of them stop to wink or whistle at a cheerleader, which happened to me about 4 times. Then I see Thomas and I cheer noticeably louder as he runs by. He winks through his helmet as he runs by. Wow that was cute.
No James, stop drooling over Thomas and get your cheer face on. There we go.
For the first quarter we do some simple stunts and cheers. The basic, "when we say blah blah you say blah blah. Blah blah!" Usually I would be bored out of my mind, but college games are a lot bigger than high school ones.
All of the sudden, the announcers say my man's name and I'm enthralled in the game.
"Here comes Thomas Jefferson, a sophomore star quarterback, third in the nation. He fakes a pass then heads around, missing defendant after defendant. Oh he's gonna make it- he's gonna do it folks. Touchdown!!! For the Klovers."
Our squad is stationed next to the in zone where Thomas just made his touchdown. I make a heart with my hands at him and he gives me one back, beaming like a child.
"Oh now what's this, is Thomas Jefferson in a relationship with a cheerleader for the Klovers. Well he is one of the many openly gay players in college football. Annndd... I'm getting reports that this specific cheerleader's name is James Madison! Lucky guy!"
Did that actually just happen? I'm so embarrassed holy crap. Thomas is still smiling. I guess he's glad to tell people about whatever our relationship is. Maybe that means this won't just be a fling.
Okay, back to football and to cheering for football.
It's halftime so you know what that means... time for the dance!!
I'm shaking because I'm so excited. I step into my first spot in the dance. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
The music starts and I do the choreography perfectly. I'm sure to add a lot of sass into the drop and the other suggestive moves. Then we go to the stunts.
It's pretty complicated, but we executed it perfectly. Every time the song says work the flyers(including me) go up then down.
Finally we get to the last position. Samuel does an amazing job at being a base, especially since he's not used to it.
After the dance is over the entire stadium cheers for us. I do a toe touch and a back flip. When we return back to the sidelines I go up to Samuel.
"Hey amazing job as a base. Thank you for stepping in for Charles, it means a lot to me."
"Hey, no problem. I knew that he could be creepy I'm just sorry that I didn't warn you as soon as I saw he had an interest in you."
"It's okay, are you going to the club tonight?"
"Yeah, my boyfriend will be there. His name is George King. He's a bit annoying, but he's a lot better after you get to know him... or after a few shots."
I just laugh and walk back to my spot.
The score 21-27, King's are winning.
We are in over time with 30 seconds left and the score is tight, 34-33, the opposing team is winning. We're on offense. God Thomas better have one hell of a play planned here.
"Set, hike!"
Thomas catches the ball and passes it to number 04 on our team. While the attention is focused on his teammate, Thomas sprints up ahead and into the end zone. Right before 04 is tackled, he manages to send a spiral throw towards Thomas. The world feels like it's moving in slow motion. I see the ball travel through the air, praying that it makes it into Thomas's hands. I see Thomas grab the ball, hoping that he doesn't fumble it. No, he holds the ball steady and in the end zone.
"TOUCHDOWN," I scream. The rest of the squad joins in except no one seems to feel as excited as me, except maybe Laf. He's already found Hercules in the mass of people storming the field and is totally making out with him, right in front of everybody.
Thomas and I already agreed that he would get ready in the locker room and would pick me up at the dorms around 9:45. Peggy's supposed to be giving me a ride home. I see her standing next to the exit, car keys in hand.
••time skip ••
"Okay see you at the club James!"
"Wait! Will you, um maybe, help me get ready?" I ask hopefully
"OMG YES!!!"
We head up to my dorm and I show her what I was planning on wearing: some daisy dukes, my adidas all stars, and a short sleeved crop top that's says, 'Pretty Boy' in bubble letters.
"James, that outfit is seriously hot! But will you let me add a little something to it?"
"Sure, just tell me what it is."
Peggy just pulls out a jar full of some sparkly substance.
"Body glitter!"
"Do you think that Thomas will like it?"
"I think that he'll love it."
I thought I heard her mumble a little, 'like he loves you" but I'm sure I didn't.
Peggy grabs the glitter and a makeup brush out of her bag. She applies it to my arms, my exposed sides, the highlight areas of my face and sparsely on my legs.
"You look like an angel"
"Oh honey, I ain't gone look like no angel up on the dance floor tonight ayyy!"
Peggy just rolls her eyes while looking out the window.
"James, don't freak out, but your date is here and he looks really hot."
"Peggy, at this point, I'm not sure he could get any hotter."
We sit and chat for a minute when I hear a knock on the door.
"James, that's him! I'm gonna go hide in the bathroom, you get the door!"
I shouldn't be nervous for this, but my hands shake as I reach for the door knob.
When I open the door, I see Thomas leaning against the door frame. He's wearing slightly distressed jeans, a maroon top that stretches across his chest and some vintage-ish white Jordan's. He has his hair fluffed out and apparently he has an ear piercing because there's a diamond stud in his left ear. Damn.
"You look amazing," we say that in unison. Gosh already embarrassing myself.
In the car ride to the club we talk about the game.
"I can't believe that that announcer found my name that fast!"
"I'm glad, I'm so done with people trying to say I'm with some girl even though I've been out for years now. I also like the world knowing that I snatched myself a hottie."
I turn my head away so that he can't see my blush. "You're just saying that because you feel like you have to."
I feel the car swerve and see that he is making a beeline for the nearest parking lot.
"Hey what are you doing?!"
Thomas stops the car and turns the ignition off.
"I would never ever say something like that if it wasn't true. You mean a lot to me James and I don't know how it's happening so fast, but I think that that just proves that we're meant to be. So, baby let's just enjoy life, together. I wouldn't want to be with a different person. I'm falling for you, hard. I've been wanting to ask this since Wednesday, but will you be my boyfriend?"
"Yes!" I grab the front of his shirt bringing him down to my eye level, staring into his eyes. He closes the gap with a kiss. I move into his lap so he can lean up a bit. Then I feel his hand on my ass. We make out till he's over me in the back seat.
"Thomas, they're gonna wonder where we are. Come on let's go, I wanna get wasted. And I wanna dance with you~"
"Ugh fine, but let's finish that later~"
"Maybe, if you're lucky."
When we reach the club, the bouncer recognizes Thomas immediately. Then, surprisingly, he recognizes me.
"Hey, y'all together? I watched the game this afternoon. Good for y'all!"
I just smile and grab Thomas's hand.
"Babe, let's get drinks."
I down a few shots and Thomas is looking really surprised. I'll give him a real surprise. I grab his arm and drag him to the dance floor. 'I don't mind,' by Usher is playing.
I stand in front of Thomas, grab his hips and grind for a little bit. Then it gets to the "money, money, money" part and I pick up one leg and twerk it in a circle. I add a few drops and other stuff into the mix.
And on the line 'you can twerk while in the splits' you best believe I dropped my ass to the floor and shook what my momma gave me. By then a whole group of people had formed a circle around us. Guys whistled, fun girls cheered me on and jealous bitches walked away with their arms crossed. A few guys even threw some ones on the floor, but I ain't no cheap ho.
I hopped up and went back to Thomas, I slowly place my hands onto his shoulders and he pulls me in by the waist. Then came the rap. Thomas apparently knew all the words. He's yelling them over the music, yet somehow it still appears effortless. I jump into his arms and he's grabbing my ass. Then this rich bitch throws tree hundred dollar bills at me. I had to fight off a few broke college students for it. I tucked the bills into my shorts waistband.
I grab Thomas's arm and run to the bar.
"Miss, can I get one of these" I point to a drink on one of the few menus they gave strewn across the bar.
"James, you can't eat a fried Oreo, but you can drink all this?"
"That Oreo was going to go straight to my hips, I'll probably just vomit all this up tomorrow. Happy Hangover!"
The bartender hands me my red/ pink drink and adds whipped cream to the top. Thomas looks hella confused, guess he's never seen one of these before.
I grab the top of the cup with my mouth and lean my head back swallowing the shot.
Thomas is looking at me with his jaw slacked. I look down and see him crossing his legs, trying to hide
"Yo Thomas you wanna go home~"
"Yeah but I'm drunk too"
"Chill, I'll call an uber."
Our uber driver shows up and we get in the backseat. At first he tries to make friendly conversation, offering snacks, the aux cord etc. I think about 5 minutes into our ride he realizes that we could care less. Thomas and I are making da fuq outtt. It gets French and we both unbuckle. Thomas is leaving hickeys all over my neck and is climbing on top of me, unbuttoning my shorts.
I feel the brakes slam, causing Thomas to fall in between the front and back seats. Then the driver literally grabs a spray bottle and sprays us both in the face.
"No, no! Bad drunk gays. You can't do the deed in my car!"
Thomas looks pissed, but I just giggle and buckle back up.
When we get back to the dorm rooms I grab one of the hundreds from Thomas and hand it to our driver.
"Uh, this was a 15 dollar ride?"
"Yeah I know."
"Thanks, but you still can't fuck in my car."
I just laugh and walk towards the building with Thomas at my side. When we get to the dorm Thomas tries to get with this again.
"Thomas, I don't feel like it right now."
He looks disappointed, but then he just smiles and wraps me in a hug.
I get dressed into some boxers and one of Thomas's shirts. He just takes off his jeans. We lie down in his bed with me on top of him. He doesn't complain, he just tightens his hold on me.
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