A home far away from home
I woke up feeling strangely comfortable than I usually was.
I looked up and realized why. Sans was holding me close. One arm holdin a phone and listening to music while the other one was stroking my skin. He looked down at me and smirked. "Mornin' sweetheart". I felt my face go red. "W-what?!"I said sitting up straight. He looked at me confused."You dont remember?" I tried to remember whatever triggered him to do or say that. Then it hit me, I had my first kiss last night.
"O-oh, r-right I must have thought it was another dream" I said, feeling myself blush. Sans smirked " So you've dreamt about kissing me before?" he said in a teasing tone. "What?! N-no of course not, it's not like i had a crush on you before or anything." I said feeling nervous. "Ok?". "Anyways we're about to land so get ready, k?" I nodded. "I cant believe I actually kissed Sans last night. Everything feels like a dream and Sans is supposed to be my gaurdian here. What the hell!" I turned towards Sans smiling. "Well I might aswell enjoy this dream while it lasts" "Dream? What dream?" I realized i accidentally said that last thought outloud. "Oh nothin important" then the pilot's voice came on the radio. "Attention folks we have arrived at our destination. Please unfasten your seatbelts and exit the plane in an orderly fashion." "Welp, that's our cue to get movin' " I laughed. "So where are we?" I asked once we retrieved our luggage: 2 backpacks. He smirked "sheesh kid, we're already here. Can't ya wait til' we get out of the airport?" "Fine, fine, whatever" I said rolling my eyes. Once we were out of the airport I instantly recognized where we were. Mount ebott. I had a million question but only nostalgia came to me. Sans held my hand and whisperd as a breeze swept through the air. " Happy Birthday kiddo" I was even more confused when Sans said that. "Don't you remember? It's October 5! Did'ja really think I'd forget" I was surprised he knew that it was my birthday today. "How'd you know?" Then Sans' face turned serious. "Kid.." I stared at him with a puzzled expression. "Don't tell me today really is your birthday, is it?" He said looking down. "I-it is, why? Is there a problem?" He sighed. "Yeah there is... mind if i take the ol' shortcut?" "Um...sure" In an instant a blue haze sorrounded us and I felt like I was being pushed through time and space and it stopped we arrived on a bed of flowers, the exact place where I jum- fell down. Sans sat down and scratched the back of his head. "Sit down kid we have to talk. Right Now" " This question has been bugging my mind latley and today it got worse mind if I ask ya' ?" I smiled patiently " of course Sans" He sighed again "So tell me kid, why would you climb a mountain when you knew the people who climbed it never came back?" I gulped. "Hehe, well you know me I'm adventourus so i-" he gave me a glare that sent a shiver crawling down my back "The truth. Please?" I sighed and look down at the bed of flowers. "It was a very long time ago when I was still 8. I never had any friends and I was an orphan so no one ever wanted to take care of me or want to be friends with me. I wished that I could dissapear. After 7 years or so I turned 15 and myths about Mount Ebott started to spread I didnt believe it at first but after 2 years of more suffering I decided to climb and take my chances. I saw a pit and I did'nt think twice about it, all I wanted was the pain to end." "I just wanted the pain to end" I repeated wth tears in my eyes. "You must think I'm a pscychopath. I'm pathe-" Before I could finish anything I felt Sans put his hands on shoulder. He gave me a pityful-stern look. "You are not pathetic and you are definetly NOT a pschycopath. Everyone has there bad times in life. Yours came to early. We're all here for you, Frisk. I'm here for you" He lifted his hand and wiped away the tears left on my face. "Thanks Sans" he smiled. "No prob' kiddo" "Now that we've got that feelsy stuff over let's head onto the rest of the underground although, we've got plenty of time considering we'll be staying here for awhile. C'mon lets get goin" I thought I was going to relive happy memories. Sadly, I ended up signing my death wish entering the underground
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