Chapter 21~ Venom
Temor's POV
I got home and poured myself a drink. I needed to get my nerve together to call Love and make this thing with us official. I know she said she would be busy but I hope like hell she answers.
My hands are sweating as I wait for her to pick up the phone.
" Hello," she says; her voice sounds so soft and sexy
" Sweetheart, I miss you" I can't believe I just said that corny shit...
"Aww, Temor, that is so sweet, baby. It's only been a day."
"Love, I need to talk to you, baby, and it's important." I know I sound pressed
I'm listening, " she says.
I tell her that I can't stop thinking about her and that I enjoyed our night together and the time we spent together. I tell her that her conversations motivate me, I know she is just getting out of something but I want her to be with me; I want us to be together.
She just stays quiet, so I continue.
"Love, I didn't expect to meet anyone like you or to feel the way I feel, but I do. I want to be honest with you, I have a girlfriend, or I had a girlfriend."
Before I can continue, she says it in such an unbothered tone.
"That's what's up" then she hangs up the phone.
I am holding my phone, listening to a dial tone. I am not sure what just happened so I call Love back.
After two rings, she picks up.
"What can I do for you?" I pause for a second when I hear her answer. I wonder if I've called the wrong number because this doesn't sound like my Love. I can't describe it, but there is a rawness that I can feel as she speaks.
"Love, baby, listen to me. I wasn't finished, I want to explain. I did have a girlfriend that, as of right now, is my ex-girlfriend. I want you to be my girl. I ended that relationship and I want us to be together."
Complete silence, that's all I hear. I'm not sure if I should continue speaking. I'm not even sure Love is still on the line. I don't hear a ringtone, so I know she is there.
" Temor," she calls my name .."Yes, baby, I'm here," I say, feeling better because I hear the silkiness of her voice. It's lighter than usual. I find myself gripping the phone tighter to ensure I don't miss anything she has to say. And all I want to do is apologize because I can tell by her tone I've hurt her.
"Sweetheart talk to me" I get up to grab my car keys. This will probably go better if I just go see her in person. Then in a real soft voice sounding remarkably unbothered, she says...
" Wow... Temor let me make sure I understand what you're asking me, baby. You enjoy spending time with me so much that you were motivated to end your relationship with your girlfriend.
I motivate you so much that now you want to give me, Valeria Minah Amor, the honor of being your girl. Because you want us to be together.
You enjoy me so much that you want to turn me into the chick that blows your phone up while you dickin' down other BITCHES at the beach and ignoring MY that what you are asking me.... you're asking. Me to be that girl Temor?
Yes, that's what you're asking, Well. You can go suck a dick with that bullshit. I am not interested!"
Then I hear the dial tone for the second time.....did she just tell me to suck a dick? I clearly underestimated my Lil Sweetheart. Shorty got venom running through her veins.
This is how I usually start my new relationships. I let the new chick know what's up and nine times out of ten they are cool, flattered even, girls are competitive they don't want to lose. So they go along with the program.
In some cases, I end up messing with both girls at the same time. As long as I buy them shit and take them out, make them feel like they are number one, then I have no problems.
Shit, I've been doing this for a minute. I've had girls cry and beg for us to stay together. Some even ask me what they can do to keep me. But I never had this reaction...shorty cussed me the fuck out, and she didn't even entertain the idea.
I'm not worried. I'm already formulating a plan. There is more to Mi Amor than meets the eye; I just have to step to her correct.
Don't worry, Love, you are already mine.
❤ Love Question...
Have you ever found out you were the "other" person?
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