Chapter 17 - Call Me A Freak
Loves POV
The ride to Eric's house isn't far; he also lives downtown, not far from Posh.
As we were riding he asked me if I wanted to stop and eat, and I told him yes.
We go to this 24-hour diner and order breakfast food but decide to take it to go. Once we get to Eric's house, Eric goes to his room and comes back and hands me one of his jerseys. And tells me to get comfortable.
I go into his bathroom and take off my dress, then it hits me. I don't have on any underwear. The dress's V neck didn't allow me to wear a bra. I like the feel of my silk stockings, so I passed on my usual g string. Call me a freak, but I love the way silk stockings feel against my bare skin. Thank goodness Eric's Jersey basically comes to my knees. I let my ponytail down and walked out of the bathroom.
Eric takes my dress and hangs it up in his closet, then he grabs my hand and leads me to the living room, where he has set up our food and poured us more drinks.
"Love, are you okay?" he asked me. I look at him and smile " Yes, why do you ask."
He tells me that he noticed that I seemed to have a faraway look most of the night, that my lips were smiling but my eyes never did.
Before I could answer he asked me about Temor.
"Love, what is up with you and Mo?"
"Mo," I repeat, knowing precisely who he is talking about
"Yes, Temor, I didn't think you went for the player type."
Changing the subject, I ask Eric about the kiss on the dance floor.
He explained how he observed a guy getting ready to approach me as I was dancing. He came down to protect me since it seemed like I was in the zone. The more he watched me dance, the felt drawn to me, so he came behind me, and when I turned around, the look I gave him made him want to kiss me.
"So you're saying it was my doing."
Eric looks me in the eyes and says, "that and I have wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you. You know your lips are tempting."
"Why didn't you kiss me then if my lips are so tempting?" I ask
"I heard you had a man" he said
"I get it, and I did have a man up until a month ago."
"And now?" he asks
"Now, no man, but I have someone I am talking to," I said
He said, "That someone being Mo, right?"
I nod my head, he shakes his head, and we finish eating.
He asked me if I wanted to watch tv or lay down? I tell him I want to lay down, so he walks me to his bedroom. Eric pulls the covers back and I climb into his bed and lay down. I can smell his cologne all over the pillows and comforter.
He pulls the comforter over me and leans over and places a kiss on my forehead, and cuts the light out. He walks out of the room, saying, " Good Night."
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