Chapter 1~ Mekhi
"Listen, Love, we need to end things, my unit is being deployed, and I don't know for how long."
I listen to my boyfriend Mekhi as my heart is pounding, my mouth goes dry, and my vision gets blurry. The words are spoken so firmly and precisely but I don't comprehend what he is talking about. We need to end things? He is being deployed? What? The questions race through my mind but instead of asking I respond.
"I don't mind waiting," I hear myself whisper, I am sure he hears the desperation that I feel saying those words at the same time I am confident this will clear everything up ending the conversation.
"You've already waited for six months" the words are just as harsh but spoken softly this time.
Mekhi walks over to me and places his arms around my neck. I circle my arms around his waist, inhaling his signature scent, Issy Miyake cologne. I can hear the emotions in his voice. He sounds frustrated " I don't want to hurt you, Love. You are such a good girl. I want you to stay that way."
I don't move or respond.
"I thought we could be that couple, but Love, after my last tour, I don't want this life for you. The unexpected deployments. The long stretch with no communication. Missing holidays, the distraction of wondering what you are doing. I don't want to hurt you, baby"
He says everything but the truth, the truth that he refuses to share.
"I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose, and I wasn't hurt on New Year's Eve. I was scared." My response sounds angry; I'm not. I feel myself getting emotional. I don't want to cry before he leaves, I don't want to cry at all, crying is useless.
This leave didn't go the way either of us planned. After a six month deployment I thougt our relationship would go to the next level, and New Years Eve we would officially become a couple.
The night started off perfectly, Mekhi picked me up from my parents house Dress blues , he looked so handsome. We met his military buddies at the New Years Eve Ball on base and we danced until midnight. He kissed me at midnight and I though for sure I could be with him for the rest of my life. That night we stayed downtown at The Rio hotel. Mekhi didn't drink at all during the ball but once we got to our suite he poured champagne for me but he poured Jack Daniels straight for himself.
We listened to music , slow danced , the night was more than I expected but a few glasses of champagne and a few more double shots of Jack for him the mood changed.
When I asked him what was wrong he ignored me instead he cut off the music, the lights and told me to get into bed. I did, he paced the floor , went into the bathroom, looked out the window and checked the lock on the door, he did this two or three times before laying next to me in bed.
My stomach did summersaults with nerves and excitement. He held me close to him and whispered in my ear that it is not safe in this world. I didn't think anything of it, he seemed to have calmed down, between the champagne and the way he rubbed my face I fell asleep, think everything was good. Until the following day, when it was time to check out, he wouldn't leave the room or let me leave.
Lost in my thoughts of that night , I hear " Picture time" Pops, Mekhi's grandfather comes in holding his camera. Not wanting it to seem like something was wrong, I look up and smile at my handsome soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.
While I'm lost in thought, Pops holds up his camera, telling us to "Smile." Pops takes more shots commenting on how well we complement each other.
Mehki is tall; most people are tall to me, considering I am 5'1. He has a golden complexion and almond-shaped eyes. His wavy hair is jet black and is cut close. He has a thin mustache that he grew while he's been on leave. I love his lips; they are soft and full; looking at them now all I can think is I'll never get to kiss him again.
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