𝟎𝟎𝟏. strike first
chapter one,
strike first
When attending West Valley High School, there isn't much to do except skate, read or gossip. Out of all three options Mackenzie Alexopoulos spent her spare time reading. Her mother raised her and Demertri to be these bright minds, but it was more her brother who pursued that path.
Even though Kenzie loved solving the questions in front of the class, she absolutely hated the names Yasmine and her minions would call her. Mackenzie eventually outgrew that stage.
Nonetheless, she maintained a close relationship with her brother. Sticking by his side every single day. Both of them were adopted by their mother, Faith, who was an angel sent from heaven.
Mackenzie was extremely fortunate to grow up with such a wonderful, free-spirited woman. She had always felt like she belonged in her family.
Kenzie has always appreciated having a brother; it is like having a built-in best friend. But things change once you reach high school.
Her and Demetri were very close; they shared some interests and always tried to stay close at school.
They somehow ended up in the same clique. This was fantastic for Demetri, but humiliating for Mackenzie. Especially if you go to school with Yasmine, Moon, and Sam.
They were similar to the plastics in mean girls at West Valley High. With Yasmine in charge, they set out to ruin the twin's life.
"Sup nerds." Mackenzie taunts as she sets her lunch tray down on the table, taking a seat in between Demetri and his best friend, Eli.
"And you decided to go with the ponytails today. Great choice, I wonder what the Sanderson sisters have to say about that."
Demetri smirks back, hinting at the trio a few tables away from them. "Hey! What's wrong with my hair?" Mackenzie glides her hand over her hairstyle, pouting her lips.
Her hairstyles were her expressions. As well as her face. "I think they look nice." Eli muttered under his breath as he shyly tucks away.
"Why thank you. At least someone appreciates my look." Mackenzie smiles to herself as she gracefully peals the skin off of her orange. Chucking the pieces onto her lunch tray.
"Hey can I sit here?" An unfamiliar face approaches the quiet table. Demetri and Mackenzie give a shocking look at each other.
"Mmh, I'll have to put you on the waiting list because as you can see we're currently packed." He sarcastically says.
Which the boy took literally and began walking in a different direction, "Wait! He was just joking!" Mackenzie stopped him.
The boy began to slowly turn with a half smile across his face. "Sit." She insisted as she chewed on her lunch.
"I'm Miguel. I'm new here." He smiled. "I can tell." Mackenzie reminds him while raises her eyebrows with a smile.
Mackenzie could feel Yasmine's deep stare burning into her without her even glancing over at her table. "Yasmine's looking over at us. Probably just making fun of me." Eli sighs.
He slowly hides his upper lip from her view with his right hand. "No way. She's most likely thinking of all the ways she going to tournament Miguel over here."
His smile slowly fades as he realises what the girl just said. "Wait, what?" Miguel asks worried. "Dude, you have to relax." Demetri adds raises his eyebrow.
Mackenzie flips her phones and checks the time. Alerted at the time, she packs away her lunch tray.
"Bye guys. Metri, mom's picking you up this afternoon. Be there."
"I know." Demetri replied. "Sure you do." She chimes, "See you later, nerds."
Mackenzie taunts as she exits the cafeteria and makes her way past the crowded hallways filled with sweaty teenagers.
🥋 ⋆⭒˚。⋆
The brunette haired girl wraps her uniform around her waist after tying her long hair into a messy bun. Mackenzie over the summer was able to get job at the Larusso's car dealership.
Even though she had to face Sam most of the time - Mr and Mrs Larusso pay excellent money. She already had her future planned ahead of her. Once Kenzie had the chance to leave this place, she was ready.
For a long time, Mackenzie had want to be an artist. Whether she was painting or writing. Her dream was to become successful. And luckily she always had a mindset that would get her there.
"Mackenzie." A voice called from behind her as she shut her small locker door. It was Mr Larusso.
"Hi sir, is everything alright?" She asks dusting off the front of her uniform as if it was dirty beforehand.
"No, no." He smiles, "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be promoting you. To a higher level."
As Mr Larusso tells the girl the news, her smile grows bigger across her face. "Really?" She asks again knowing the answer.
"Yes. Amanda and i have noticed all the hard work you've put in while working here." After Mackenzie's shift and hearing the wonderful news, she headed home.
Her house was located in the 'rich' neighbourhood but her family wasn't rich. But, they were comfortable. All that mattered was that they had a roof over their head and their mother made sure of that.
"Hi Mom." Mackenzie says as she opened the front door to her mother whipping up a batch of fresh chocolate chip cookies.
"Hello sweetheart." Faith's voice rings as she sees her daughter's familiar face, "How was school?"
Mackenzie nods, "Uh boring." Faith smiles at Kenzie's usual answer.
Mackenzie hangs her bag up and leaves her shoes at the door before she walks upstairs to her bedroom.
Her room was covered with string lights and plants. Surrounded with posters of art and movies, and on the left was a massive bookshelf filled with all types of books.
She flops onto her sage coloured sheets that lined her bed perfectly. The girl's bedroom was filled with a mixture of scents.
Some from the books themselves, others from the pots of flowers scattered around her space. The walls were painted with a light, airy colour - one that matched the light streaming in from the large, open window.
The room was full of life, much like its' owner. The walls were simple, but the bookshelves were colorful and textured.
Mackenzie had always been one to make it her own. Everything in her room had been done with her signature, artistic touch - even the plants. She'd hand-made a hanging basket for her plants, allowing them to soak up the sunlight during the day.
And they would absorb the light from the lights in the evening. Mackenzie was now pleased with how everything came together and exhausted.
— leila's notes !
hello lovely readers ! i hope you enjoyed chapter one, it's not one of my best chapters but it'll do for now. for the story line, each chapter will go along with the episodes incase you needed to know ! remember to vote and even comment <33
also amazing sign-off gif by the one and only talented -mxyfieldz !! you should def go check out her book, holy diver !
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