Chapter 31
Chapter Thirty-One
“You returned very late last night, Savannah. No wonder you’re not done packing.” Peregrine complains. Savannah does not respond, concentrating too much on her reflection. She was locked in the bathroom, glamouring the brilliant bruise on her cheek, where the blood had split the skin over the bone and looked just ghastly. Her neck was a confection of a palm-shaped bruise, blue and green in its glory; bite marks that had scabbed over numbered at least seven and spread over one side of her neck. A particularly nasty bruise/bite mark lay over the left side of her collarbone, burning with ache. He had infused what he had inflicted with his magic, making her unable to heal her hurts. Her side where she had crashed into the stone banister was also sore as all get out and her wrist felt sprained, a brilliant bruise a companion for the pain as well.
She bites her lip and pushes the liquid swelling in her eyes away as she brushes another layer of glamour over her wrist. She had to wait for her neck and cheek glamours to settle before adding another layer.
“Savannah, we’re leaving in half an hour and you’re not even packed. We still have to eat!” Rose banged on the door. Savannah, without breaking her concentration, snaps her free hand at the door. A faint whirlwind of sound echoes to her and a startled yelp is made.
“There, packed! Go down to breakfast, I’ll meet you on the train.” She yells. She hears Rose grumble as she and Peregrine leave. This glamouring would take at least fifteen more minutes.
She brushes her hand over cheek once again, brushing her fingernails over the sweetly cool third layer glamour, sealing and pressing the fourth layer to them. Finally, the last of the bruise disappears beneath it and she gets started on the fifth layer of her neck glamour, using her other hand to add a third layer to her collarbone.
Glamours were a pain.
“Took you forever! The doors were already halfway closed!” Albus comments as Savannah glides into their compartment. It’s the last one on the train and slightly expanded to fit them all. James and Geoffrey were nearest the door on the left side, holding hands and speaking excitedly of their holiday pranks. Rose and Lionel had the middle seats of the right side, Albus and Peregrine smooshed together in the far corner of the left side, holding hands and grinning at each other goofily. Scorpius sat by himself in the right far corner, looking at Savannah with shining eyes. The nearest corner on the right and the middle seats of the left were occupied with their carry-ons.
“Sorry, had to pack up some stuff.” She shoots a glare at Rose and Peregrine, warning them to shut their mouths. Scorpius pats the seat beside him and she goes happily, eagerly accepting the heated kiss he presses to her lips the minute she sat. Hoots and whistles of surprise pour forth and they pull away to glare at the others.
“When did that happen?” Lionel questions, a satisfied grin on his face. Scorpius, his own expression one of pride and happiness, slings his arms around Savannah’s shoulders and pulling her against him, her head falling to his shoulder.
“Last night. We have the same anniversary Albus. We’ll remind each other.” Albus chuckles while Peregrine rolls her eyes. Savannah grins and nestles into his side, feeling safe for the first time since last night.
Last night…the images she had forced away flash in her mind once more and she instantly shields Scorpius’ magic from it. As she had done the night before and this morning. It also blunted her from him, and she lost the feeling of contentment and joy seeping from him.
“Savannah?” Scorpius questions. She jerks and blinks to awareness. She glances outside the window, noting the beautiful scarlet trim of the train and seeing the English countryside rolling by. Her natural instincts inform her that they were halfway back to London.
Had she fallen asleep?
As her body echoes with weariness, she realizes that she had simply zoned out, too caught up in the nightmare of what had happened.
“Yes?” She coughs, sitting up and repressing a groan as her side and wrist protested. Scorpius watches her with great concern. She looks around and sees the others watching her as well, worry apparent in their eyes. A few wrappers for sweets and food lay in a small bag that Peregrine always brought with them on the train so that the trash had somewhere to go.
“You’ve been shaking like a leaf the entire ride.” Scorpius speaks up. He had not been so worried at first, it had been quite cold in the carriage, but when they had draped first his, then Lionel’s, and finally James’, Albus’, and Geoffrey’s cloak over her, they had concluded it was not the cold and taken the cloaks off before she overheated.
“I must have zoned out.” She shrugs. Rose leans forward, peering closely at the side of her neck closest to her.
“What happened?” She whispers, reaching forward and widening her eyes as her finger cannot touch the skin of Savannah’s neck. Savannah flinches back, holding her neck and glaring at Rose.
“Nothing happened.” She insists. Scorpius goes to touch her neck, curious as well. Savannah rears back from him, knocking into Rose’s elbow. She bites her lip as her side pulses with pain and a small squeak emerges from her lips.
“Are you hurt?” Albus demands. Savannah sits up, refraining from holding her side. Rose pulls out her wand unnoticed.
“No, I’m not hurt. I just got an elbow to the side.” Savannah growls.
“She barely touched you.” Peregrine notes. Savannah scowls and shakes off her hand before she disrupts her carefully constructed glamours.
“Savannah, stop it. What happened?” Scorpius kneels before her on the floor, trapping her to the seat. As his tawny brown eyes meet her blue ones, she relaxes, safety wreathing about her. Her trembling ceases and the images of Morgan touching her vanish.
“Nothing happened.” She insists. Rose finally gets close enough, swiping her wand tip across the barrier on Savannah’s neck. Savannah cries out and clasps her neck as the glamour falls to pieces, curling into smoke seconds before hitting the ground. Her eyes follow the wisps before glaring at Rose. “It took me an hour to do that!” Rose scowls back.
“What are you hiding?” She shoves Savannah’s hands from her neck and then it is quiet. No one can take their eyes off of the horrific sight of her neck. Rose turns completely towards Savannah, running her wand over her face. Savannah says nothing as the cheek and collarbone glamours are discovered and broken away, does not resist as she wearily offers her wrist to Rose’s brutal inspection.
“Ouch” She hisses as Rose handles her wrist the wrong way. When the glamour falls away, Savannah cradles her wrist in her other hand, her eyes averted as the silence becomes even heavier.
“Did you do this?” Rose whispers. Savannah looks up in confusion, only to find her friend staring at Scorpius in shock. Scorpius glares back, cheeks tinged pink and his entire body radiating fury and intent of murder.
“I would nev-!”
“Stop, it wasn’t him.” Savannah sighs. Scorpius breaks off, breathing heavily as his body trembled with anger. Albus knelt next to him, taking Savannah’s wrist in his hands carefully. Peregrine settled next to Savannah, her eyes passing over her with intense scrutiny.
“Who did this?” Scorpius demands, his voice strained with repressed fury. Savannah shakes her head, unable to tell them. What could they do?
“Who did this?” Scorpius yells, losing control of his temper and getting to his feet, pacing. James stands up, pulling Geoffrey with him, and gently steer him back to the ground, while James scoots Rose away from Savannah and turning her face to look at his.
“I swear to you, that what you tell us will be told to no one else. We will do as you wish with the information and not harm the person or people who are responsible unless you wish it.” He pauses; his hazel brown eyes alight with anger and worry. “Tell us who did this to you.” Savannah bites her lip and touches her neck, wincing and blowing out a breath.
“I ran into Morgan on my way back to the common room.” She whispers.
“I’m going to kill him!” Scorpius explodes, racing to his feet and lunging to the door. He had it halfway open before Lionel and Geoffrey managed to drag him back and force him to sit down opposite Savannah.
“Why did he hit you?” Savannah shakes her head at Peregrine’s whisper. She could not tell them.
“He didn’t hit me. He…he threw me to the floor and grabbed my throat.” Albus, close enough to see, shakes his head.
“Those are bite marks Savannah.” He denies darkly. Savannah throws her hands up.
“He assaulted me! Okay? He assaulted me and I couldn’t get away before he did terrible things to me. Are you happy now?” She snaps.
“No” Scorpius growls. Savannah lowers her hands, her chest heaving and her eyes wide as she simply stares at Scorpius. At his furious expression and the anger radiating off of him.
“I’m sorry.” She gasps without warning, her eyes filling and overflowing with a great amount of tears, her chest tearing out a sob. Scorpius wrenches away from Lionel’s hold and gathers Savannah into his arms, settling into the far corner of the right seat and cradling her to his body, wrapping his arms around her in any effort to protect her. Albus pulls Peregrine back to their original spot, Lionel rejoining Rose as James settles beside Geoffrey. They talk quietly among themselves as Scorpius whispers to Savannah, brushing his fingers through her hair and gently touching her wounds.
“Ow!” Peregrine complains, covering her eyes from the bright yellow glow. When it fades, they see Scorpius with his face pressed to Savannah’s neck, right over the bruising.
Or where the bruising used to be. Her neck was smooth and unmarred once again. Savannah gasps and holds a hand to it, before looking at Scorpius, who seemed as surprised as her.
“Did you just heal me?”
“I didn’t mean to. I just wished for you to be and then…well the wolves kind of touched noses. Then there was the light.” Scorpius whispers. Savannah hugs him tight around the neck and presses her bruised and cut-up cheek to his face. Invisible to the others, their magic in the shape of wolves tumbled together, licking and nuzzling each other happily. Savannah squeaks in shock as the light bathes over her entire body, healing her side, her wrist, her cheek, and her collarbone. She breathes in relief as the pain disappears and slowly she opens her eyes to see Scorpius staring down at her, love gentle in his gaze.
“I healed you.” She smiles and kisses him lovingly.
“That was beautiful.” Peregrine breathes. Savannah nestles more firmly into Scorpius’ lap, intent on a nice nap.
“Yes Lionel?”
“Why did he assault you?” She tenses and thinks frantically before sighing in defeat.
“All I can tell you is that he was mad about something.” Though the others attempted, none could get the answer. When the train is about an hour from the station, Savannah wakes up from a refreshing nap and kisses Scorpius on the soft skin below his ear to rouse him.
“I’m going to the loo. I’ll be back.” She whispers. Everyone is basking happily in the rare winter sunshine coming in from the window.
“I’ll go with you.” Scorpius would be damned if he let her go anywhere alone. If he had only walked her to her common room!
“I’ll be fine. It’s right around the corner.” She promises. She leaves before he can protest any further. He can see a faint purple mist about her and relaxes, knowing she was shielded.
“You really love her, don’t you?” Albus comments drowsily. Peregrine is dozing peacefully against his shoulder.
“I didn’t think I did, but we discovered a lot of things last night.” Scorpius replies with a smile.
“Did you sleep with her?” Scorpius blushes at the thought.
“No, no we’re not ready for that.” Albus nods, reassured. The door opens and Savannah returns, looking radiant as the mist fades away and she makes her way back to Scorpius.
*Poof* A puff of green smoke enters the compartment, right before Savannah. When it fades away, a rearing cobra is coiled in front of her, hissing and baring its fangs. Savannah seizes in terror, the snake representing her greatest fear.
“Afraid, Merlin?” The drawl comes immediately after their compartment door is opened. Morgan strolls in, stopping just inside the door. Savannah flicks her eyes to his, her purple mist firmly in place over everyone except him and the snake.
“If I am?” She counters. Scorpius begins to get up, but the snake hisses at him and Savannah shakes her head at him. He reluctantly sits back down. Savannah glares at the snake before reluctantly turning her back on it and facing Morgan. A faded scar lies over his cheek, where Savannah had cut him last night.
“What do you want?” She whispers, exuding a bit of mist between her and Morgan so that they couldn’t be heard. This was not for her friends’ ears.
“I felt my magic being burned away from your charming body, Merlin. Came to investigate. It really is cute, that you have a lover now.” He remarks. Savannah shrugs.
“A lover implies that I’m cheating on someone with him. He’s my boyfriend.” Morgan scowls and steps forward, towering over her.
“You are mine.” He swears. Savannah laughs, feeling emboldened. He would dare try nothing on the train.
“You will dream and hope and wish that to be so, but it will never be true. I will never, ever be yours.” She promises calmly. Morgan steps back, his eyes flashing green as hers flash purple.
“You never denied me before, sweet Merlin.” Morgan’s voice echoes lightly, a soft touch to it now. Savannah’s also echoes; a somber tone held within it.
“I had not truly known you, sly Morgan.”
“You know me now. And you still yearn for me.” Morgan smiles liltingly. Savannah scoffs.
“Mere disease of the flesh, Morgan. You will not win this child’s Power. She is stronger than you will ever hope to be. You and your tool of a descendent.” Morgan’s eyes burn with fire.
“She is susceptible to all sins of the flesh, naïve old fool. Ambition, lust, desire, and so much more. She will come to us soon, with her innocent little heart willing and her entire being ready for the sweetness that is Power.” Morgan promises. Savannah laughs, throwing her head back and letting loose beautiful peals of resonating mirth.
“Naïve am I that this girl has escaped your advances since she was little? That she knows more Power than your boy will ever hope to achieve? Morgan le Fay, I promise you this. You will never have another descendent. And since you believe in Fate so much, I’ll let you in on a secret.” Savannah winks and leans forward, beckoning Morgan to lean forward as well. Savannah’s lips whisper next to his ear.
“Fate has much set in store for you. And much set in store for me. But nothing set in store for us.” Morgan sneers and pulls away, his eyes fading back to brown as Savannah’s returns to ocean blue.
“You speak of Fate when you earlier treat it scathingly? You know nothing of the universe.” Morgan spits. Savannah shrugs, smiling with savage triumph at the unnerved glint in his eyes. She notices suddenly that green mist covering her friends, making them unable to move. “Release them” She snarls threateningly. Morgan smirks, comfortable in his old position.
“Make me” Savannah grabs up the collar of his robes, her purple fire smoldering against her palms and his clothes.
“I will gladly throw you off this train and deny any involvement.” She promises sweetly. His eyes darken and he reaches out, caressing the side of her face. She lets go instantly, holding her cheek in disgust. “Don’t touch me!” She hisses, throwing purple mist at him. It hits him head on and catches him by surprise, throwing him harshly out of the compartment. The mist fills up the doorway, and when he goes to enter once more, he finds his way blocked.
“I will tear down this wall piece by piece.” He threatens. Savannah turns slightly and points at the snake, a whirlwind of violet-tainted air circling it and bringing it to eyelevel so that Morgan could see it clearly.
“Afraid to be near me, Savannah? Afraid that you will finally succumb to all that I have offered you?” Morgan says silkily. Savannah shivers and snaps her fingers, wraithlike flames of neon violet surrounding the snake. A high-pitched squeal was let loose as the snake squirmed in pain from the heat. It hisses to Morgan, who watches hungrily.
“I will kill him.” Savannah threatens. Morgan looks up.
“Do it.”
“What?” Savannah backs up, startled. Morgan flicks his gaze between the burning familiar and to the girl that will make him all powerful.
“You feel it on the edge of your mind, the darkness, the sweet pleasure of your darkest desires. You enjoy the pain you bring to the snake, you want to kill it. Do it, Savannah. You have the power. You have the desire. Kill it.” Morgan whispers. Savannah looks at him in horror, her eyes torn to the snake and to him. He was right, she could feel the darkness. But it did not tempt her, though killing this snake did. She hated snakes.
Wait. If she wanted to kill the snake, did that not mean she wanted a taste of the darkness? The thrill of such evil and no restrictions reigning around her and freeing her utterly from every obstacle surrounding her?
Yes It was true. She did listen to the whispers. She could view each individual strand of darkness that threaded her mind, each one that slowly worked its way in to corrupt her, to bring her closer to what Fate had never decreed.
“Kill it, Merlin. Kill the snake.” Morgan urges her. She glares at him, her body shaking from her sudden revelations.
“I will not be like you.” She promises, closing her eyes and cleansing her mind of the dark threads, feeling a weight previously unknown disappearing from her entire body. She points to the snake, the licking flames disappearing and its body healed to perfection.
“I am so sorry for hurting you.” She tells it as it is lowered back to the ground. It hisses at her before turning to Morgan.
“Come” Morgan commands. The snake rears and hisses at him before curling around Savannah’s leg. She squeaks and attempts not to panic. Morgan’s mouth falls slightly open in surprise before his eyes darken angrily. “Have it your way. And Merlin.” He swipes away the mist and freezes the snake before grabbing her by her neck, in the same place where the bruise had been hours before. He pulls her close, despite her iron grip on his hand, attempting to peel him away.
His lips caress her ear as he whispers into it with sick promise. “You will be free of me when you rot in your grave.” He shoves her away and struts out of the door without another word. Savannah holds her neck with one hand, watching him go with uncertainty in her face.
“Morgan?” She calls before he is entirely out of sight. He turns his face halfway towards her. “You told me not to let him in.” He nods; his eyes hard. “Then why did you let her in?” His eyes darken with hatred and he continues out of sight, a green mist slamming their door shut.
“I will get you to safety.” Savannah touches the snake, leaving a streak of purple magic on his back. She goes to the window, throwing him easily out of it. He lands without harm on the ground, already slithering away. The charms on him keeping his safe, healthy, and fed and watered until he reached a new home.
She turns and sees her friends still frozen. Their eyes watch her with trepidation. Savannah moves her hand over the mist tainted dark green and frowns.
“This might take a while.” She comments, sitting cross-legged on the floor and closing her eyes, her palms lying upwards on her lap. Her friends inside the mist felt as it rippled, a purple wind pervading it and slowly breaking it apart.
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