Chapter 29
Chapter Twenty-Nine
What a prat! How could he say those things to me? I know I’m not the prettiest girl out there but I am nice in my own way. Savannah remarks as she stomps down yet another hallway, this time on the second floor. It’s an hour past curfew and she hasn’t been able to face going back to her common room with no boyfriend. Especially after promising that she would. Maybe she can go ask that Ravenclaw dunce for a date and then not go?
She turns down the next hallway, ignoring the fact that it’s darker than most. Her head is raging too much to also not notice the slightly ajar door or to react instantly when a hand reaches out and pulls her through it.
However, mere seconds after the door shuts firmly behind her and no light appears to show her attacker, Savannah twists around, pulling her wand from her robes and thrusting the body hard against the wall, her free hand holding one of the attacker’s hands above their heads while her other jabs the wand tip into their throat.
“Whoever you are, I suggest you say who you are before you are made into dust.” Savannah growls. Her heart thunders dangerously in her chest, threatening to burst. Her head is running through culprits, cold and full of clarity as she wonders who tried to apprehend her.
“Come now, Savannah. I only pulled you through a door.” Savannah moves her foot slightly, focusing on the candles in the room and causing them to come to life.
“The one and only.” The blonde smirks and looks down at her with amusement. She scowls at him and lets go, brushing off her arms.
“What do you want?” She asks rudely. Scorpius’ smile wavers but he steps before her, looking into her face with sincerity.
“Found that bloke yet?” Savannah felt her cheeks bloom with colour and she glares at the floor.
“Of course not.”
“Why not?” She takes a deep breath and looks up into his beautiful brown eyes, the tawny shining with fall gold. She bites her lip and shrugs.
“Because he found me first.” She admits in a small voice. Scorpius swallows and takes a deep breath of his own, telling his heart to calm down. “Doesn’t matter. I’m going to bed.” Savannah loses her courage and starts to the door.
“Hold on a second” Scorpius attempts to stop her, but she keeps walking. She’s grabbed in the same manner as before and before she can register, she’s pushed against the wall, her wrists locked in one of his hands above her head while his legs keep her captive. She squirms but stops as his body brushes her own.
“Scorpius!” She snaps, betraying herself and looking into his eyes again. They shine with amusement and …and nerves? He leans down until his lips are next to her ear.
“I don’t find you disgusting in any shape or form, Savannah.”
“You don’t act like it.” She mutters, uncomfortable with his proximity. He pulls away and looks down at her, his eyes so intense it causes goosebumps to rise on her arms.
“Scorpius?” He blinks and curls one half of his mouth into a smile.
“Do you want to know why I’m so moody? Why I snap and get upset at you for nothing?” He asks. She nods.
“I just assumed that you were on your period.” He frowns.
“I am not that moody.”
“Mmhhm, whatever you say.”
“Savannah, can you just listen?” He asks exasperated. Savannah squirms a bit but settles down. She can feel the tension coming off of him and realizes that this is very serious.
“I always listen.” She murmurs. Scorpius sucks in a breath.
“I act like a temperamental female because I’m angry at myself. I’m angry that I never told you when we were younger and that I didn’t tell you since you got here.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Savannah, for Salazar’s sake, I like you. I like you more than I should for my age, but I can’t help it.” He closes his eyes and brings up his free hand, brushing away the hair on her face. “I like the way you use such beautiful magic without thought, the way you are so innocent in some things and an expert in others. I like the way you have a temper and how you’re not afraid to speak your mind. I like the way you bite your lip when you’re nervous or when you lie. Most of all, I like the way you look at me.” He reveals, keeping his fingers on her cheek. She can feel them shaking slightly. Her own chest is trembling, not expecting this revelation.
“How do I look at you?” She wonders. Scorpius brushes his thumb over her eyebrow, swallowing thickly.
“I’m not the son of the infamous Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, I’m not the person to represent the great reputation of the Malfoy family, I’m not some Slytherin. When I see you looking at me, I see exactly the person I want to be in your eyes.” Savannah’s mouth opens slightly but he answers before she can ask. “The one who makes them glow.” Savannah blushes and bites her lip.
“I’m not beautiful like that girl.” She whispers. Scorpius arches one brow, tilting her chin up so she meets his eyes.
“What girl?”
“The one from Halloween. The Ravenclaw girl.” Savannah admits. Scorpius scowls and shakes his head.
“I don’t even know her name. It doesn’t matter, Savannah. I think you are a beautiful girl. Even if you had a humped back and one eye, you’re even more beautiful inside. Mind and heart.” He promises. She smiles tentatively.
“Really?” Scorpius nods and brushes his thumb along her cheek. She leans into the touch before opening her eyes in shock. “You like me?” Scorpius lets out a startled chuckle.
“I believe that was the point of my speech. I like you; I have since you fished me out of the lake in first year, and since you burst into the Great Hall and practically forced the Hat to sort you. You don’t take anyone’s crap, Savannah.”
“I keep your arse in line?” She breaks in. He laughs and nods.
“You won’t let me get away with anything. You’re spitfire.” He praises. She blushes once more and shakes her head.
“Scorpius…” He lifts her chin up again and sees her eyes shining with uncertainty. Secrets swim in the pretty blue.
“Tell me that you don’t like me. Tell me that you can’t picture us together and I will leave you alone and never mention this again.” He says heatedly. She bites her lip and shakes her head.
“I can’t.”
“What do you feel for me? Do you like me as I like you? Do you like that I will hold your hand every day? That I will hold you at every chance I get? That I will kiss you greedily when you least expect it? Because if you have feelings for me, I will do all of that.” He promises. She stares at him, her lips parted and her breath coming out in harsh pants. “I will argue with you, even when I know I’m wrong. I’ll tell you that you’re being a stubborn lass and you’ll smack me upside the head and tell me to stop being an idiot. Hell, I’ll even massage your back when you’ve had a bad day and watch whatever soppy muggle movies when you feel like it. I’ll take your tempers and your secrets and I’ll hold them in my hands as I will hold you when you get so upset that you cry. Godric be damned Savannah, just be with me.” He lets go of her wrists and takes her shoulders in her hands, his eyes burning feverishly.
“Be with me.” He demands. Savannah licks her lips and hesitantly reaches up a shivering finger, tracing the shape of his nose and running down the lines of his mouth before cupping three fingers under his pointed chin.
“If you insist.” She murmurs. He smiles and cups her face with one hand, the other falling down to rest on her hip.
“I think I should let you know that I’m going to kiss you now.” He whispers throatily. He tilts his head towards hers, delighting in the way she tilts her own upwards, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheek as she closes her eyes and her lips are already slightly parted, tasting of fresh rain when he finally brushes his own against them.
His hand moves from her face, sliding back into her hair and deftly undoing the braid, running his fingers delightedly through the silky strands and pulling her more firmly against him. She went happily, gripping his shoulders with strength and demanding another kiss by pressing her mouth against his.
His mind abruptly exploded with colours. It shook him to his core, his entire body racing with goosebumps and chills. The hair on the back of his nape rose up and he felt his muscles spasm as the colours race through his brain, slipping through his iron tight Occlumency shields as if they were merely there for decoration.
He continues to kiss Savannah, unable to pull away as the contact between their lips, their hands and skin, their bodies, sizzle with some sort of magic, surging into his heart and making it beat quickly, filling each limb with undeniable strength and rustling the hair upon his head.
The colours within his head settle down in a rich royal purple, coloured with gold and a touch of red, racing almost joyfully as it touched each part of his mind, showing him and opening his mental eye to what else it was doing; touching his heart, the pulsing ball of rich earthy brown that was his soul hidden in the ethereal planes where all souls hid, and finally crashing into the volatile red particles that flowed in an unending cycle throughout his entire body, the center a fiery ball of intense flames right below his heart, a physical representation that was his magic.
Scorpius gasps in shock as Savannah’s tongue flits out to trace his lips, her breath cool and refreshing. He allows his own tongue to wander, tugging on her hair to pull her closer and she lets one hand fall from his shoulder, gripping his waist tightly in an embrace to pull their bodies together so that no space remained.
“Holy Salazar” She murmurs against his lips, twisting her head a bit to change their kissing, and hyping up the electricity flowing between them.
The colours of royal purple and gold and red spiral playfully around his magic, the first touch making Scorpius scramble wildly in his mind to find his sanity. They weren’t colours, they were Savannah. This was her magic, the wild magic that held her entire being, that made up everything she was. It reflected her thoughts, what she says, what she experienced, how she felt.
Words simmered through the colours, his mental eyes catching them occasionally as he attempted to shift through his astonishment at seeing such miracles.
Perfect. Right. Pleasurable. Complete. Scorpius pulls his mouth away as he reads the last word. Love
“Savannah?” He rasps. She pants heavily, looking up at him with bright blue eyes, the ocean crashing about like a tsunami. He knew that she had seen what he had, feeling instead what his magic had to say.
“You…you’re the one.” She whispers, placing her hands on either side of his face and pulling him back down for a knee-weakening kiss. Scorpius revels as his mind eye glances at their still entwined magic.
“Be with me, Savannah. Be mine and I’ll be yours.” He gasps out as he feels the desire pulsing from her magic. It stirred his own and made it hard to think coherently. She couldn’t answer completely, too caught up in tasting the butterscotch flavor of his mouth. She only ‘mmm-ed’ and continued kissing him.
“I can’t breathe.” She wheezes, pulling away some many minutes later. Scorpius also gulps in air, leaning his forehead against hers and staring into her tumultuous eyes.
“Will it go away?” He asks. She shakes her head.
“As long as we’re together, they will never leave each other. Watch this.” She closes her eyes, brushing her hand over his eyes to make him do the same. He saw their magic once more, and without any notion, hers shifted and morphed into a shimmering animal. A wolf. The purple became its coat, the gold glinting as her eyes while the shock of red ran as though a crown on top of her head. Scorpius tentatively reached out to his own magic, feeling it encompass him. He pictured the beautiful shape of the canis lupis and when he opened his mental eyes, he saw a flame red wolf chasing in circles the violet one, the ruby red sparking in his eyes and a new touch of gold running down his back from the tip of his nose to his tail. The wolf pauses and throws back his head, releasing a howl of pure sound, making Savannah’s wolf yip and rub her muzzle rapturously against his.
“Je t’aime” Savannah blushes furiously as they both open their eyes, seeing his tawny ones reflecting the truth. She bites her lip before nodding to him. Her native language, from her forebears, floats through her mind.
“Ich liebe dich” His eyes widen and he smiles happily, pure joy racing across his face. He leans back down for another kiss. This one lasting for many minutes until Savannah pulls away to voice her hesitations.
“What are we going to do?”
“Yes, what are we going to do now?” Savannah asks, still a bit breathless. Scorpius hugs her to his body, relaxing even further as her nose brushes the skin of his neck.
“Come with me. For Christmas break. My parents won’t mind. I don’t want you here alone.” He urges.
“I couldn’t impose like that.” Savannah argues. Scorpius pulls away slightly and kisses the corner of her mouth, breathing in deeply the scent of rain.
“They will not care. Mother adores you and my father has great respect for you.”
“It is so sudden. So soon.” She protests.
“I love you Savannah. Not just in French, not just in German, and not just in magic. I love you in every language, in every shape, in every way.” He promises huskily. Warmth floods through Savannah, making her mind hazy and a smile to form on her lips.
“You sure know how to convince me, Scorp.” He smiles and kisses her lightly.
“Will you?” He asks again.
“I would love to.” He grins and kisses her nose, trailing his way down until he finds her mouth once again.
“I’ll tell mother on my way to the common room. Do you want me to walk you back?” He asks as they walk to the door. He holds out his hand as they travel down the corridor. She fits her hand against his and interlaces their fingers together, their magic yipping happily.
“I’ll be fine. I have to do some packing before I go to bed.” They reach the great staircase and look at one another.
“See you in the morning.” He promises, leaning down and kissing her senseless. Savannah watches him go, smiling like a love-struck teenager, of which she is.
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