"You sick fuck!"
"Hero, no!"
Both Elouise and Emma dropped their belongings in shock as both men advanced. Fear permeated as thoughts of Eleanor reared; Yes, my husband did this out of mere devotion to his daughter, but what if she was hurt? Good God. She was almost over one year old. So young, so fragile. Speaking of the small brown-haired angel she wailed as her father charged forward.
"Stand down, boy."
Even from several feet away, the vile grin could be seen on Charlie's face. Like he'd won some race. What in the hell was even happening?
"Stand- ? You got three goddamn seconds to unhand my kid before I do it for you!"
"Look at you, all high and mighty, as if we're equals. MY little girl should be thanking me for saving her from the likes of such filth-"
Ever the composed professional Elouise stalked towards us in expensive Louboutins... Really. Absolutely nothing about this moment made any sense. They'd just sprung from prison. Or had Diedre supplied these brands?
"Give Hero his daughter back."
What? Where had the usually stern woman gone? Then again that chesire smile proved there was some personal agenda.
"Why should I?"
For a second the older couple shared an intimate look before nodding in unison. Okay. Didn't like this at all. Once Charlie shoved Eleanor away I waited for the inevitable ball to drop- which happened: Emma ambushed my husband.
"Give her to me. Now."
"Mom, stop!"
Serving as a blockade, I slapped at her hands.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Maybe we were all causing this issue to escalate but every parent within proximity insisted on acting delusional. Emma's eyes bugged out as if take aback by the action.
"Kristina- I- he isn't a fit father-"
Shaking my head, I said:
"Tell me what the hell is going on; is it true you accepted money from Diedre in exchange for Eleanor's custody? What's the plan, huh? Using that tape as leverage? Just so you can live comfortably?"
At her miserable silence, I already knew the truth. All these boxes weren't meant for decoration. No. Someone was moving... Right? Or moving in.
"Kristina, honey. It's not what it seems... Though that lady has done some offending thing-"
"Mom! She raped her grandson!"
All eyes gravitated our direction; No doubt that comment stung Hero but needed to be said.
"Yes, and why that is terrible, my granddaughter's safety is utmost priority."
Was she for real?
"Safety isn't what that molester wants! Are you kidding? This is pure revenge!"
Tears began to race finally showing a hint of remorse in Emma's orbs.
"But... She said the money was from an organization dedicated to housing children to suitable guardians. That would be Archie and-"
"Open your eyes! Once you testified- or whatever the fuck she demanded- all custody would have gone to her... Oh my god..."
Turning to spear my kidnappers with a glower, I spat:
"You two were probably in on it. Off this property! And you can alert Diedre of my choice to not give in."
Neither said anything. Simply brushed non-existent dust off their clothes and departed in their polished Escalade. When it became clear we were alone again, I directed vitriol at Emma:
"You're not to come around us ever again."
"What? I-?"
Mustering every bit of fury possible, I screamed to the heavens:
Taking my word as law, the red-head rushed inside, leaving her mess scattered across pavement. Jesus. We were on her land after all. Approaching warily, Hero set one hand on a shoulder.
"You okay, baby?"
"Yeah. We need to get our shit sorted and fast."
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