Barely had time to register who was on the other side before the steel door slammed on its hinges, revealing the one person who was enough to dry up my moist center. God. Did this callous woman not know when to stop?
"Hmm. On your back. As you should be."
I glowered, staring at Diedre's still composed form. Felt almost illegal for someone of her grizzled age to have such a juicy figure. Greying she may have been but any frat boy worth their salt would plow into her without thought. Fucking whore.
"Shut your goddamn mouth, molester."
Even as this abusive grandmother laughed insincerely the sight of her skulking through the dank, dark area was truly horrifying. Scared of the Grim Reaper? No. He had nothing on this witch. Hero must have felt the same because he cowered... Oh, my sweet boy.
"Kristina. Your threats mean nothing to me. Thought you had a cleaner mouth. Then again, your parents were utter trash so who am I to make assumptions?"
How dare she!
"They. Were. Not. My. Parents. Emma and Archie are."
That comment caused her to still, fuck-me-heels teetering dangerously.
"Ah, yes. Emma and Archie. And that darling little Eleanor. Casing them was quite the adventure. Won't be long now."
Huh. Swiveling towards the man I'd just allowed to tongue me... Instant regret reared. Had this all been a ploy to distract me?
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Running freshly manicured nails over tight leather Diedre looked towards the ceiling as if in deep thought.
"Money does incredible things, Kristina. The prison has some pending bails. Elouise and Charlie found it quite easy to give into my proposals and walked right out those front gates. Jake is going to be harder however. Listen: Stay away from my family and I will lock your kidnappers up again."
What in the actual-? Advancing threatningly, I speared her with the utmost loathing.
"You rancid bitch! Your family... ?!"
"I'd watch your tone if I were you. Not exactly in a position to make demands and I hold the upper hand. Questioned Emma hours ago about giving up full custody of Eleanor seeing as neither you or Hero are fit parents."
Though this was just absolutely insane I couldn't but feel desperate.
"She... She wouldn't do that."
"Really? All those difficult years... Being seen as mentally crazy by everyone. Locked up against her will with no cash to call her own. After a few thousand are thrown her way she will give in. Trust and believe, my dear."
No. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening. Knew Diedre had plans up her sleeve but none so calculating. And why free two people she had no clear attachment to? Just to hurt me perhaps? Narrowing steely eyes, I challenged the abuser; something she wouldn't have expected.
"Listen here, cunt. This is my life and family you're playing with. You may have your own set of devious schemes but so do I. Hero is done with you. He's told me everything. My gavel will rain down faster then you can blink."
Now that made him raise both brows in consternation. What?
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