Crap. Crap. Crap. Immediately checking for a pulse I thought of the next plan of action- ambulance. Knew breaking into their house was illegal but Kylie needed help.
Once my shaking hands took hold of the landline, I prepared to press down on familiar numbers until his scream echoed:
"Who the fuck-?"
When it became clear Ezekiel planned to rush me with some sort of bat, I came up with an instant retort:
"Wait! It's me- Kristina! Please!"
He froze, as if contemplating whether it would be best to gamble but eventually gave in.
"God damn. Couldn't tell who that was from so far away. Why the hell is my K knocked out? Have you called someone?"
Well no. Thought you were about to knock me the hell out Big E.
"Yeah. Hold on. Let me-"
"No. Not yet. Just explain what occured."
Nodding erratically, I tried to remember everything from start to finish. Stop you idiot. He just needs the important bits.
"I asked her a question about her past and she had, like, an aneurysm or something."
Likely understanding her predictament Ezekiel rushed out the sliding glass doors. He knelt patting his wife's cheek gently.
"Kylie, baby. Open those gorgeous eyes for me sweetheart."
It seemed she wouldn't comply. Okay. Yes they were married but what was he hoping to do? It was essential that we-
By some miracle her lashes fluttered. Thank God. Though why E wasn't that worried seemed odd. When his wife sat up, he cleared his throat.
"Think it's best you leave."
What? Staring back at the man that seemed to have my back months ago felt almost alien. Why were these two acting so weird?
"I'm sorry. Was not my intention to make her do that. Just wanted-"
"Get you mean well but with this bullshit happening in your life... It isn't the first time my girl has fainted over this kind of subject."
Oh my god. Was her past that bad. Knew I should have left but I needed to know what happened. Clearly Hero knew.
Just when I accepted the enivitable, Kylie spat out a garbled response:
"No. Honey. It's okay. We've downpayed this for too long."
"Go. I'll be fine."
Clenching his teeth like some ferocious beast, Ezekiel left. Running to aid my best friend in standing I sat her in a chair waiting for the worst.
She didn't mince words jumping right into it.
"I was molested too."
Holy fuck.
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