As the guard led me out to the lobby with my legs bent awkwardly, everyone jumped up to envelope me in their arms.
"What the fuck happened?" Hero demanded directing a glare at the guard, who was now holding both his hands up in fear.
"My apologies, Mr. Tiffin. She was sitting there and I heard her say her water broke-"
The guard didn't get to say much else. Hero grabbed ahold of my arm, ushering us out of the building, with our family hot on our heels.
It was like I had gone from an intelligent young woman to fragile glass; all the women assisted me into the Ford Capri unwilling to let my arms go. It took a bit of arguement but after awhile, they hurried to their own vehicles.
I sucked in another sharp breath as a contraction ripped through me. I was on the verge of screaming my head off.
"What's going on?" Hero growled, yanking the car in reverse.
"Not much," I choked out, "just about to give birth is all!"
He didn't respond right away. He was busy gritting his teeth and rushing away from the parking lot, leaving gravel and dust in his wake.
"Fuck! If you lose this baby..."
If I lose this baby?
Damn. Talking to my husband was not easing my nerves at all. What would happen if we lost her? Would he ignore me for months on end? Would he leave me?
No. I couldn't think that way. This child would be fine. I just needed to focus on what was important: pushing our spawn out of my tight vagina.
When we finally reached the front of the hospital, some of the staff were out front with a stretcher. Lucky for us, they had finished emptying an ambulance and didn't waste any time in getting me a doctor.
My usual wasn't available, but I could have cared less at the moment. The contractions were only getting worse by the minute and every step we took to my room felt like an eternity.
When they finally rested me on a bed, all the personnel rushed around to give the doctor what he needed. Throughout his examination, he tried to soothe me, insisting I was safe in his hands but it didn't ease my fears.
Was the baby okay or wasn't she?
"Mrs Tiffin?" The doctor finally said. "You're two months early, correct?"
I quickly eyed Hero in the corner who looked utterly worried before blowing out a breath.
"Um... yes. Will my daughter be fine? Is she stillborn?"
Oh god. Please say no. Please say no.
The doctors face turned to stone.
"No, I'm fairly certain she won't be stillborn but we might need to hook her up to an endotracheal tube upon arrival. Don't worry, Mrs. Tiffin. She'll be alright in our hands."
I nodded, felt a tight pain push through my hips, then recede. It seemed to go on forever but in reality, had probably only been ten minutes.
The nurses made sure I was as comfortable as possible, with my back inclined and my legs spread wide. It was indeed a compromising position but it didn't matter right now.
I just needed to deliver my girl.
I did my best focus on the task at hand but I felt myself fading out every once in awhile. Here and there, I heard a shout about centimeters dilated.
First it was five. Then it was six. Then seven and eight.
"Alright!" The doctor suddenly bellowed. "Get ready to push Mrs Tiffin!"
I nearly suffocated, sweat instantly beading on my forehead.
"Wait... what?"
"You're fully dilated, Mrs. Tiffin. Give me one hard push! Come on!"
I didn't know what to do. Although Hero and I had taken childbirth classes, nothing could have prepared me for this.
With a loud scream, I pushed like my life depended on it. The pain was unbearable. I felt like I was forcing some hard foreign object out of me.
I must have done well because the doctor exclaimed happily.
"Very good! Very good! I can see her head! You're almost there! Push!"
I did as I was told, willing my damn child to slip out on this try, but I knew that was only wishful thinking.
"Come on! Just one more push! Yes! There you go! Push!"
This push seemed to be neverending. I lifted onto my forearms, elongating the action, wishing this didn't hurt so bad.
Hate. I hated Hero at the moment. This was his fault.
He was the culprit. He-
At last, a wail that definitely hadn't been mine wrung out through the room.
"Congratulations," the doctor said, holding out my precious bundle before handing her off to a nurse, "you've given birth to a beautiful baby girl."
As applause erupted, I could only think of one thing:
My child. Give her to me.
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