As predicted, the board members accepted my reasoning for leaving, though they were skeptical to begin with.
The plump man from before- Arwin- had voiced his concerns for the company until Hero had stepped in.
After all, who would question the son of Chester Tiffin? No one if they wanted to keep their job.
As the day went on, Jo, Brendan, Rose, and the rest of our friends rang the phone lines incessantly. They were understandably upset that I had outed them, but after I explained how TMZ somehow covered it, they calmed down.
Our parents were still on edge over our revelation. Though both Diedre and that man (whatever his name was) were behind bars for now, they wanted their pound of flesh.
Garrick, Archie and Leo were furious. They said in great detail how they wanted to perform what they called a blood eagle on the man to show him what it meant to hurt.
Though Georgia and Tawnee were aghast at what had occured, Emma remained livid. She had stormed across the backyard of our home, her hands formed into fists.
"That bitch, Diedre! Even after all I told her I'd do if she ever tried to hurt my daughter again and she goes after her friend? Oh, jail is the least of her worries."
I didn't doubt her. It was true when they said a mothers love never died. Even after all I'd said to her, she was still willing to fight for my honor.
What a family I had.
After Hero and I finally got a chance to relax in our own sanctuary, it was odd at first. Meaning to grab a bite in the fridge, he caught sight of the H+K mantelpiece I'd made when he left.
It immediately brought tears to my eyes. Damn. I never forgot about it and cherished it even when I thought we were over.
How wrong I had been.
Hero lifted it in his hands, handling it with care.
"What is this?"
I sighed.
"I guess you can say that I went off the deep end. This... this was what I made when I visited the hardware store. I wanted to keep the memory of what we had alive somehow."
He didn't reply for the longest time. He simply stared at the chunk of wood, running a finger over the indents the letters made.
He then set it down, making his way over to me. His expression was unreadable until both his strong hands cupped my delicate face.
He thumbed away a few tears.
"God, Kristina Tiffin, you're so perfect for me. Even after all I did to you, you never gave up on us."
I shook my head.
"No. Never!"
Pressing his lips to my cheek, Hero feathered his way from cheekbone, to my chin, then smoothed his way across both my closed eyelids.
This. This was love.
Till death do us part.
When I opened my eyes again, he was staring at me intently.
"Everything pales in comparison to you, Kristina. Know that."
Without warning, he lifted me into his arms, bridal-style.
"I'm taking my wife to bed."
I didn't bother saying a word.
I wouldn't let a thing ruin this perfect moment.
Depositing me on the large bed, Hero instantly flipped me onto my hands and knees.
"What-?" I began but didn't get to finish.
"I want you doggy-style," he growled like some feral animal, "when I enter you, I want it to feel like the first time."
Dear god. He was really going all out.
Before I could think about getting comfortable, he lifted the skirt of my dress and hissed through his teeth.
"A thong?" He snarled.
I blushed.
"Of course."
Lowering the flimsy material, Hero slapped my ass.
"Are you mine?" He demanded.
I arched my back, intending to send a message.
He began massaging my tender globes.
"Did you wear this to show off that pretty pussy to your husband?"
I nearly came on the spot, but I managed the ease the burn I felt between my legs.
Running the length of his soft lips over one cheek, Hero followed it by a scratch of his teeth. He nipped harshly. This should have turned me off but I didn't.
I needed more damn it. This son of a bitch was making me wet.
He knew it.
Slipping one finger into my entrance, he sucked in a breath.
"You're so ready, my little minx. Spread those legs as far as you can. I'm going to wreck this cunt."
Doing as instructed, I waited for the onslaught. Because I was faced towards the headboard, there was no telling when he'd begin. It could be-
Without preperation, Hero rammed into my tight hole. Dragging me so I was forced to lay headfirst into the mattress, he swung his hips like a pendulum, hitting my clit on each thrust.
I tried to get into an easier position, but he was having none of it. He held my hips at bay, spreading my cheeks like an open gourmet.
Was this punishment? Oh, I didn't care. My muscles were lax and I felt that tingle building up inside me.
Above me I heard Hero grunt out a set of words, but I couldn't make them out. His breathing became more labored and his movements more hurried and rushed.
Burying himself inside me to the hilt, he emptied his seed.
Holding himself still, he cradled my belly.
"That didn't hurt the baby did it?"
I couldn't help but laugh.
"No. I'm sure she's fine."
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