Morning everyone!! (: beware before you begin reading. There's a side of a character that's going to get darker.
Btw, I can't believe I'm only like 2 chapters away from finishing the book.
Like the idiot that I was, I agreed to go to the dinner.
I may not have liked most of the people that would be attending, but I couldn't take the chance of Hero going alone.
After my meeting with Diedre the night before, it was clear that she was willing to cross any bridge to get to him. Even if I had to die in the process, I was going to protect Hero with every fiber of my being.
I didn't bother dressing up. I threw on a casual sundress and straightened my hair, my nerves in shambles. Hero dressed in his normal jeans and leather jacket, looking much different than the meek boy he was deep inside.
As he kissed me long and leisurely, I felt the cold metal in his lip with a finger.
"I really like these." I grinned. "I don't get my parents aversion to them."
"You should get a pair of them yourself," Hero snorted, "You'd look hot with a few of them."
I squirmed at the thought. "No, no. A tattoo is as far as I'll go."
Hero chuckled. "One day, you'll see it my way. Come on, let's get this over with."
It took us a while to get to the restaurant. A million thoughts ran through my mind on the way. How much worse could Diedre really be compared to her daughter? It wasn't like she was going to roast me over a fire or anything like that.
As I stared at Hero gripping the steering wheel, I saw his twisted expression. He really had become the young boy from his past when he was forced to be with his grandmother.
I almost wondered if his bad-boy persona was all a mask- something he used to divert everyone's attention from his insecurities.
Oh, my poor boy.
When we finally made it to the restaurant, I understood why it had taken so long by car. It was farther downtown and was all intricate cedar looking more like a backwoods shed.
Through the windows, I could see couples clinking long-stemmed glasses together, looking like they were from another age.
I was very under dressed.
"How come you didn't tell me we were coming here? I mean, look at the scenery..." I said, still gawking at the many designs carved into the wood exterior.
"You've been shaking like a leaf," Hero replied, "Relax. You look sexy."
I took a deep breath before we made our way to the entrance. I grew nervous when he reached for my hand. It wasn't because I didn't want him to; I was on high alert.
I still wasn't sure what Diedre had in mind and I had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn't take too kindly to him showing too much PDA.
For once, I was looking forward to seeing Dorinda more than anything.
I grew more self-conscious about my state of dress as we drew closer to the register. Sitting behind booths and tables were men and women looking like they'd just finished their business meetings and were headed to a family resort. I saw them shoot glares like I didn't belong.
Oh, I just knew Diedre had done this on purpose.
Hero cleared his throat at the waitress who seemed like she wanted to retire already.
"Diedre or Dorinda Tiffin?"
"Of course," The waitress rolled her eyes, not bothering to cover it up, "I have them in the private room. Right this way."
As we made it to a closed partition, I closed my eyes, wondering if it was too late to sprint out of here.
No, I couldn't do that. Hero deserved better than that. I made a promise. I would stick by his side, no matter how uncomfortable it would be.
As the waitress opened the partition, I saw that they took private rooms here seriously.
It was certainly big enough to be a master bedroom- maybe even larger. It was decorated with simple tan wall coverings but was adorned with many chandeliers and a long sleek table like any normal kitchen.
It was quite the affair, with Hero's parents, Diedre, and a few other couples I couldn't remember meeting.
They all looked at us expectantly, dripping in expensive cuffs and jewelry.
If only they knew I could rival that.
Dorinda surprised me by jumping to her feet, seeming a bit jittery.
"Finally, you arrive," She said, "Please, Hero, I saved you a seat."
Like last time at the ball, I expected Diedre to argue. Instead, she nodded as if in approval.
"As long as my girlfriend can join?" Hero asked tensely, pointing at two empty chairs.
For a moment Dorinda seemed to have an internal battle with herself but gave in.
"So be it. Kristina, dear, if you could come sit."
As we quickly took our seats, I didn't forget the last threat Dorinda had given me over the phone. She must have just remembered because she stared at me longingly. Not with hatred- with curiosity.
She immediately wrapped her arms around her son. I had a sudden premonition it wasn't for my benefit.
Diedre took one last look at Hero before sending darts my way.
"Kristina, my dear. You sure are a... handful, I must say. My brilliant grandson sure does know how to pick them. I'm sure you two do many things together, as you youngins do nowadays."
I wanted to laugh. Here she was, acting like she didn't molest an innocent soul for a living.
I'm sure you two do many things together.
What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was she asking if we were intimate?
I narrowed my eyes. "We sure do."
Take that however you want to.
"Is that so?" Diedre went on. "Like what? I'm well aware you come from a long line of Addison's. I'm sure from your background and kin, you have a stable career. I do hope children aren't in the cards yet."
Dorinda cut in. "She has a very impressive resume mother-"
Both me and Hero gave her a mystified glance. Her husband looked just as flabbergasted.
"What did you say?" Diedre demanded, looking upset.
"I said," Dorinda repeated firmly, "She has a lot going for her. Has a set career in finances, was a straight-A student all through high school, and is worth a fortune. She is, without a doubt, the perfect match for my son."
For a minute I was concerned how she knew most of this, but I let it go. I was in awe of the change in behavior.
I saw Diedre straighten threateningly in her seat, looking like she was capable of murder. One of the couples sipping on their champagne perked up.
"Very impressive," A woman with thick brown hair and a sparkling purple dress said, "What do you make per hour?"
Before I could put my foot in my mouth, Dorinda interrupted once more.
"She's under Tawnee Horan's thumb, so definitely enough to live comfortably."
The woman looked like she wanted to lift her glass in celebration, but lowered it when she sensed Diedre's eyes on her.
"Well," The woman finished, "It certainly helps to brown-nose your way in, doesn't it?"
I lowered my head. Okay. Now I knew what this dinner was all about. I was the butt of their joke. They wanted to make a fool out of me.
Though Dorinda was present, I couldn't help but feel her agenda wasn't as conniving.
"So, please tell me, how did you two meet?" Diedre asked.
I bit down on my lip. Oh no. What could I say?
We met at the frat. Both Hero and I knew that. Did Dorinda? She looked at me, as if silently asking me if I had anything under my sleeve.
Before I could come up with a lie, I felt a shove at my back, then something hot and searing striking my legs through the fabric of my dress. I screamed out in pain.
Looking up, I saw that a rather mortified waiter was handing me several napkins.
"Oh my- miss- I am so sorry-" He tried apologizing, covering his mouth. "I didn't mean to- oh, shall I get you an ambulance? That water is scalding!"
I felt the skin on my legs pulsing. I tried to stand, but it was too painful to do so.
"What the fuck kind of asshole are you!" Hero shouted, grabbing fistfuls of the waiter's suit. "I should fuck you up!"
"Hero!" I exclaimed, hunching over. "It was an accident- oh, I think I need to go to the hospital."
"Right away, miss!" The waiter cried, rushing around the partition. "Right away!"
I groaned as I forced myself to stand. What else could go wrong?
Dorinda looked genuinely worried, casting worried looks between her mother and her son.
She grabbed onto my arm gingerly.
"Kristina, let me take you to the washroom. They might have wipes-"
"Don't be silly!" Diedre said, standing up, making her way to us. "Let me take her!"
Hero stiffened, wanting to say something, but for some reason couldn't spit a thing out.
Dorinda held onto me, unwilling to let go.
"Kristina." Diedre scolded, looking right into my eyes. "I can help you. If you wish."
I didn't know what came over me, but I nodded, allowing her to sling my arm around her shoulder. Deep down, I knew that I had been invited for a reason.
If I could get something out of her, even in the throes of pain, it was worth it.
When we finally made it to the bathroom all the way across the restaurant, she allowed me to rest against the tiled wall.
It felt nice. It was cold.
After checking if anyone was present, Diedre, approached me.
"Quite the success, are you?"
I nodded. "Yeah... I... Aren't you going to help me with my-?"
I yelped in pain again. I was quickly struck across my burnt legs by Diedre, staring back with a poisonous look in her eyes.
"Listen here, you little bitch. I heard you loud and clear the other night. If you think that I'm going to let some trashy, brown-nosing harlot, take away what's mine, you're mistaken. He's my grandson. It's written in the stars."
Oh my fucking god. She was insane.
"By the way," She went on, "I paid for you to hurt. That slip-up from the waiter wasn't an accident, let's get that right. I told him to boil that goddamn water above protocol and dump it over you. I want you to remember my mark."
I gasped, still feeling her strike.
"That's... That's illegal.."
Diedre laughed. "You know my past. It shouldn't come as a surprise. I do what I want darling. I don't care who you are. I will take what I want when I want it. Hero does as I tell him. If you want a competition, you got one. Just know that I will always win."
She reached into her purse pulling out a dollar bill.
"I'm usually not this nice. Take it. The vendors in here sell powder for a dollar. I'll see you soon."
I backed up against the wall, watching as she exited the bathroom. I really had opened Pandora's box. Shit. What a box that was.
Before I could turn towards the vendors, the door to the bathroom swung open. Dorinda charged through, rushing towards me.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" She gasped. "What did she do in here- The ambulance- it's almost here!"
I swallowed. "She-she hit my burn-"
Dorinda's eyes watered. "Fuck! Jesus... I knew all that was for show- Oh, let me get some wipes for you! Oh, here's powder!"
As she opened the cap, she shook her head at me.
"I tried warning you. I really did."
Sorry about Diedre.
Though I did write this, I am very disappointed in Hero.
Love you all <3 <3
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