Hey everyone!! Hope you had a great week <3 please enjoy
"You?" Hero laughed. "You, of all people, want to get a tattoo? Just how many are you thinking?"
"It's not like I want sleeves or anything," I quickly stated, "I just want one. Maybe on my arm or wrist?"
"First of all," Hero began, holding my hand gingerly, "Getting a tattoo on your wrist will hurt like a bitch. You'd have better luck getting one done on your leg."
I smiled. "Please, just humor me."
Hero chuckled. "All right then. I know just the place that will stay open to see someone like you get a needle through the skin."
I folded my arms, glowering. "Excuse me? Someone like me?"
"Fuck," He gasped, "I did it again- sorry. That's not what I meant, baby. I just meant... well... I'm not sure you do well with pain."
I placed both my hands on my hips. "I can handle pain as a matter of fact. I survived losing my virginity to you, didn't I?"
Hero stood, thinking about this for a moment. It wasn't like he'd been gentle the first time.
"Fair point. Come on, let's go."
We didn't drive for long in Hero's Ford Capri. The tattoo parlor had been just a few blocks down the way, but I didn't feel confident walking through the doors.
It looked more like an abandoned warehouse and it was unlikely they had a verified license.
"Are you sure we're in the right place?" I asked, scrunching my nose.
"Yes," Hero clipped. "Don't be so judgemental. They know what they're doing."
He grabbed my hand as we stepped through the front doors. A bell rung overhead, alerting the artist that we were here. I was surprised at what I saw. It was a quaint space, all porcelain white walls and leather chairs.
The man who greeted us was a good deal older than both of us, with several tattoos lining his humongous biceps and was built like a tank.
He slipped on a pair of black gloves, waiting for our response.
"Hey, Kevin," Hero smiled, "I have a newbie here. My girlfriend wants something to remember."
Girlfriend! He called me his girlfriend!
"Alright," Kevin smiled baring a pair of white teeth, "it's nice to meet you." He held out a hand. "What did you have in mind?"
"I'm not sure," I said, stroking my chin, "Do you have any recommendations?"
"Oh, yes!" Kevin rushed over to a table, brandishing a black notebook. "Look through here. These tattoos might give you an idea."
As I flicked through the slick pages, I saw many black and white pictures. For the longest time, none of them stood out to me.
First I saw a flower, then I saw a name written in chains, then a dolphin....
I came across a picture of a small hummingbird. I had no idea why it grabbed my attention. Perhaps it had been because it was simply cute or I felt a connection to it.
Maybe it was a hint that I wanted to fly away from all this bullshit.
"The hummingbird." I demanded, pointing at the page. "I want the hummingbird."
"Alright." Kevin smiled. "Go ahead and take a seat. I'll disinfect your arm before I start."
I was terrified during the entire disinfecting process. I knew that eventually a needle was going to be breaking through my skin and my thoughts weren't helping. I was worried that he was going to hit an artery and make me bleed excessively.
"You ready?" Kevin asked, with a needle hovered over my arm.
I nodded, shutting eyes tightly.
I was shocked at what I felt when it finally happened. It had, of course, hurt like a minor bee sting upon contact, but as it continued, the pain was bearable.
It was more like a pinching sensation. I opened my eyes, watching the needle move across my arm feeling hypnotized.
"Are you okay?" Hero asked as he knelt down to meet my eyes.
"Yes," I breathed. "It's not as bad as I thought."
"Good. It will be over soon enough." He paused, picking at the seams on his jeans. "Kristina, what's up with that picture you handed me?"
"Strange, isn't it?" I said. "The owner of the club gave it to me. Said that it was for me. I think Luke might be into photography. He's just a bit nervous to admit that."
Hero rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't doubt it. Makes sense for a pansy like him."
"Hey!" I exclaimed causing Kevin to eye us both. "Why do you hate him so much?"
Hero shrugged. "I have my reasons. He's very two-faced."
I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't get that feeling from him."
"You don't know him very well." Hero snapped, staring off to the side.
I let it go while I waited for my tattoo to conclude.
It was an hour later when Kevin finished. He allowed me to have a look before he set a patch over it. It was perfectly printed, the designs and lines immaculate. I was satisfied. It was all worth it.
After Hero paid and we bid Kevin goodbye, we headed back into the chilly air. As we headed back to the Ford Capri, I recieved a notification from my phone.
Unlocking it, I saw that I had another text from the man that had testified he was my father.
Yes, maybe the best decision right now was to ignore him. He could have been someone dangerous, but deep inside, I had a feeling I'd regret it if I didn't respond.
The text read:
I'd like to meet in person. Maybe you'll believe me if I can explain.
I took a moment to think about what I wanted to reply with.
Yes. I think we should. We'll set up a time.
As I shut my phone off and climbed inside, Hero searched my eyes.
"Who was that?"
"Oh, just my mother." I quickly lied. "Nothing important."
Hero nodded, getting his car in gear.
I couldn't believe I'd lied to his face.
Hope you all enjoyed.
I tried to make this chapter the best I could. I felt like it kind of sucked.
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