Hey everyone! I hope you're doing well. This week has been excellent- for me at least. Remember to stay safe <3 <3
P.S. I thought Go All The Way from the Twilight soundtrack would have have been a good song to play at the club.
As the first shot hit my stomach, I felt the intense burn.
The taste was vile and made me want to puke but I felt like I needed to give in because of the effort Luke put out for our date.
These were also free. Offers like this didn't happen on a whim.
As the months passed, I found that my beliefs had been thrown out the window. Alcohol was now more like a routine. It wasn't something that was sinful or something I should stay away from.
If it was thrust in front of me, it was easier to indulge in with friends.
I felt a sudden rush hit my head. With a start, Luke held on to me, making sure I wasn't going to fall.
"You okay? Maybe you shouldn't be drinking."
"I'm fine," I began, holding onto the table with both hands. "I think I stood up too fast. I just need to walk it off."
Despite my reassurance, Luke eyed me apprehensively, standing by just in case I did fall.
We were soon interrupted by the same waitress stopping by our booth without a tray this time.
"Yes?" Luke urged as he rested a hand on my back.
"Tonight is the contest for the best drink," she replied, "The winner was a large margarita. Brian would like you to take the first sip."
"What, is the man trying to kill us?" Luke exclaimed.
He laughed, having found this humourous but I wasn't laughing over it. My legs now wobbled as I found it harder to stand.
"What do you say?" Luke asked expectantly. "Shall we give it a go?"
I did my best to appear sober.
"Yeah. I'll try."
Things changed drastically as we made our way down the pulsating stairs. My vision was blinding and it felt like everything was moving at an abnormal pace.
It felt like an eternity had passed by the time we made it to a gathering of couches and tables. Several people were around the area, cheering on a girl with camo clothes.
"Ah! There you are!" Brian appeared from the mass, pushing us towards a large margarita cup that looked intimidating. "Time to put Cindy's drink to the test!"
As we both sat on a plush velvet couch, Luke eyed me.
"On three, okay?" He shouted over the music. "One! Two! Three!"
On count, we both dipped our heads down, sucking on separate straws. The taste was strong and fruity all at once. I wanted to stop but when I saw Luke trudging on, I wanted to do the same.
When we finally pulled back, I saw the margarita was more than half gone. The effects hit my head immediately making me feel lightheaded.
"Well, how is it?" Brian laughed.
It seemed everyone was waiting for our responses. Luke stared at me in silence, as if worried I wasn't comotose.
I stuck up two thumbs, shouting over the crowd.
"It's excellent!"
With immense applause, the crowd dispersed joining the bumping music once more. Brian patted Luke on the back before he too disappeared.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Luke asked once more.
I sighed, feeling numb. "Can we head back to our booth?"
Luke gasped. "Yes! Good idea! I'm so sorry."
It wasn't long before we reached our booth. I felt sluggish but the alcohol was beginning to ebb away. All that was left was a dull headache.
When we sat, I saw that our glasses had been removed, replaced with a glossy white envelope titled:
To your special friend, with the girl of his dreams.
Had our seat been taken?
"Excuse me?" I called to a waitress nearby. "We were sitting here and got back to find this envelope?"
"Oh, yes," the waitress replied, smoothing a hand over her black strands. "Mr. Evan's set it down for you a moment ago. Said it was sent just a moment ago."
"Must be important if Brian dropped it off." Like shrugged. "Would you mind opening it?"
With a nod, I ripped into it, pulling out a small picture. It was in color, but it wasn't at all clear what it was. The camera that had taken the photo seemed to have zoomed in on a brown haired girl covering her face with her hands.
It had been intentionally blurred, for a certain purpose it seemed.
On the back read:
Playing With Fire.
I narrowed my eyes trying to see what was in front of me.
A candid shot?
"Luke, are you in photography?"
He raised an eyebrow. "No, why?"
I instantly handed over the picture. He too, narrowed his eyes, then went pale.
"Is she- naked?" He asked, now blushing.
"I guess so." I said.
Luke set the photo down on its front.
"I honestly have no idea. It could a prank from an ex. Let me go ask Brian what this is about. I'll be right back."
As Luke made his way to the lower level, I stared off to the side, out of the booths glass walls. I saw the many blaring lights and bodies colliding together. Though they were all likely drunk, it was unbelievable the amount of energy they had.
I didn't belong here. I wasn't one of them.
Then, out of nowhere, I spotted a familiar face. Hero was standing in the middle of the dance floor, looking around anxiously.
No. This had to be the effects of the margarita.
I rubbed my eyes for extra measure, but when I saw that he was really there and he made direct eye contact with me, I knew it wasn't a figment of my imagination.
Hope you all have a good day.
So apparently there's a rumor going around about an HP TV series? Lol. I would be stoked.
Don't forget to comment and vote <3
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