Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good morning! I think I'm improving on my (smut) scenes lol.
PS. I love Dua Lipa <3
When I woke again, the afternoon sun was blaring through the window. I was stuck in the crook of Hero's shoulder, suffering a tight pain in my neck.
Moving into a more comfortable position, I stared down at his angelic face in the sliver of light. His eyes were closed serenely, causing his lashes to fan against his cheeks. In the morning light, his pale skin looked more fair and airbrushed, making me jealous.
For once, he wasn't mad at me.
I sat admiring him for the longest time until I realized how late in the afternoon it was. Grabbing my phone off the dresser, I saw that it was eleven-thirty. Crap. What about work?
I violently shook Hero out of his sleep without regret. He sat up on his side, narrowing his eyes at me in frustration.
"Is there a fire?" He snapped.
"What?" I asked, flabbergasted. I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Are you dying?" He went on.
"What, no!" I exclaimed, upset that he wasn't more concerned about me being hurt.
Hero faceplanted back into his pillow.
"They why am I being woken up at an indecent hour?"
"I have to go," I said, "I have work to get ready for!"
Hero sat up again, knowing there was no chance he was getting any more sleep.
"You work on Fridays?" He groaned.
I sighed in instant relief, remembering that my Fridays were late shifts. Okay, so I didn't need to head back for another hour.
"Not yet, but soon," I replied.
"Okay," Hero grumbled, swinging his legs over the bed, "I guess I need to take a shower. You would think you'd need a break from all this chaos once in a while."
I laughed. "No. I've never taken a break. If I do that now, I may as well say goodbye to my future."
Hero rolled his eyes. "Right." He jumped up, grabbing a new pair of jeans. "Joining me?"
I paused, staring back in consternation. "Huh?"
"You going to get in the shower with me or not?" He asked impatiently.
You going to get in the shower with me or not?
This statement threw me in for a loop. I may have done many things that had gone against my beliefs (Or had it been my parent's beliefs?) in the last month or two, but being so unguarded in such a small, wet place made me nervous. I'd never been fully naked, had I?
Could I do that with Hero? Could I trust him that much?
As I stared at him with his lips pursed, I knew I could go through with this. Call me crazy, but he was my rock. This boy may have been damaged and complicated, but I knew he was my ideal man.
He was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I knew he was. That must have been why we always found our way to each other.
"S-sure." I stuttered. I had begun to remove my clothes shakily until Hero stopped me.
"No, don't. I want to strip you." He bit his lip appreciatively.
Hero led me towards a lone room I hadn't noticed before. As he slid the brown sliding door, we stepped into a large ceramic styled bathroom with a giant walk-in shower. After turning on the shower-head, he turned back to look at me.
"Get in." He ordered.
"With my clothes on?" I asked.
I frowned as I removed my phone from my pocket and reluctantly stepped onto the now steamed tile floor. I didn't like my clothes sticking to me like glue. It was disgusting.
My nerves eased as I felt the scorching hot water relax the knots in my shoulders. I had just finished slicking my hair off to the side when Hero entered completely nude.
He took me by surprise when he approached me from behind, placing both his hands on my shoulders, guiding them down to the small of my back.
"I like you wet like this," He whispered in my ear, giving me the chills, "It allows me to look at every curve of your body. Has anyone told you how hot you look?"
I remained silent. I felt goosebumps rise up my arms as I felt his hands lowering towards my backside hidden under my skirt, cupping me.
"You're not skin and bones," Hero went on, "On top of having extra meat in all the right places, you're irresistible- You're too good for me and that's what turns me on."
Much faster than I could have expected, Hero whipped me around, lifting me up in his arms, pinning me to the wall of the shower. I wrapped my legs around him, taken aback by the strength he possessed, to be able to hold me. He had an impressive physique, the water making his abs glisten.
Hero reached behind him to grab what looked like a stick. When he brought it to my view, I saw that it was indeed a loofah.
"Are you... going to wash me?" I breathed. There was something about this that was so attractive.
"Oh no," Hero said, "There will plenty of time for that. For now, I want you to feel good."
My eyes focused on the loofah, confused at what he could have been referring to. Certainly, he couldn't mean-
"Spread your legs," Hero ordered, "I'm going to put this inside you."
"Will it fit?" I asked.
"You'll expand."
I didn't know how true this was, but I wasn't about to suspend in the air looking like some idiot. I sighed, closing my eyes and opening my legs as wide as they would go. I sucked in a sharp breath as the tip of the loofah touched my entrance, then felt it enter me.
"Are you okay?" Hero asked, seeming genuinely concerned.
I nodded, afraid to open my eyes. "Y-yeah."
"I'm going to move it now."
Hero levered me up on a leg, twisting the loofah slowly, so I felt the soft material rub against me. Every nerve inside me felt sensitive, making me squirm. He was relentless, twisting and pumping faster until I couldn't take it anymore. I sobbed, overcome with my climax.
"Are you going to come for me?" Hero taunted.
"Yes!" I screamed out. "Yes, please!"
Hero took my reply seriously, removing the loofah, and tearing my blouse open, popping the buttons off. I would have normally been upset at this, but I was too engulfed in Hero's presence to care. With my bra following my blouse in a sogging heap on the floor, he scrunched my skirt to my hips, entering me in one swift movement.
Hissing through his teeth, Hero yanked on my hair like he was deprived, ramming into me, like there was no tomorrow. My climax built inside of me once again, going higher and higher, until at last, I exploded gloriously, Hero coming with me. Our lips touched for the briefest moment.
"I love you," He gasped.
"I love you too," I whispered back.
Our peace was soon interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I was tempted to ignore it, but as it kept ringing, my head was pounding.
"I have to get that," I said.
Hero nodded, easing me down on the ground. Aware that my butt was still on display, I crawled over to my phone checking to see who was calling. It wasn't a contact I recognized, but I pressed accept anyway.
"Hello?" I shouted.
The echo of the falling water was deafening, but I could hear a faint buzzing through the phone. I was about to speak again when I heard an audible breathing from the other end.
"Who is this?" I asked, feeling a bit uneasy.
"Kristina?" A brittle voice asked tentatively. "Is that.. you?"
"Mother?" I asked, wondering if she was calling from the company phone.
"I-" The person's voice cracked uncomfortably. "No-I- Oh, I'm sorry. I have to go-!"
Hearing the beep from an ended call, I stared at my phone, dumbstruck at what had just happened.
Thank you everyone for adding my book to your list :)
Makes me feel special <3 <3
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