Hey everyone! Thank you for tuning in and reading. (:
It was quiet as I tied on my apron. Lucy didn't try to pry into my talk with Hero and Josephine pretended that she was busy for the longest time, checking the till. I was relieved when it was time to clock out.
The one thing I wanted to do was pass out on my bed, though what I should have been doing was studying harder than I ever had. My semester grades weren't going to look good.
Unfortunately, as I stepped into the crisp air, Hero was standing nervously by his Ford Capri, expectantly.
Josephine eyed me as if trying to silently tell me she understood. After whispering to text her, she drove out of the lot, leaving me in the dust.
"What do you need now?" I demanded.
"This is the part where I show you that I love you," Hero held out a hand, "I won't say words. I'll show you I mean it. Come. I want to take you somewhere."
"What, is it another frat party?" I scoffed, backing away.
"Don't worry. I have a plan for us there-" Hero said, "No-look- just hear me out! I thought about what you said for two hours, baby. I want the real deal."
I scrunched my brows together in determination. "Fine, but whatever it is you want to prove to me, better be worth it."
For the first time in a while, he cracked a genuine smile. "You won't regret it,"
Hero was energetic as he got his bearings together. He slammed down on the gas, making his way down the freeway back towards town.
When we finally reached the dorm halls, I rested a hand on the door handle, only for him to continue on down the road.
"We passed the dorms," I stated.
"I know." Hero replied. "Just put your faith in me."
I remained silent, leaning back into my seat. I looked out my window as we passed several apartment complexes and businesses. We were now on the outskirts of Chico. It wasn't long before the roads became slimmer and darker.
Hero then turned onto a lone dirt road, reminding me of a horror movie I'd seen on commercials.
He parked at what looked like a forest clearing.
"You ready for a bit of a hike?" Hero asked.
I shrugged. It certainly wouldn't hurt to get a few steps in. I hadn't taken the time to exercise since I'd started college.
Hero held out his hand once more, and this time, I took it. He led me onto the dirt pathway, through the thicket of trees. In the dark, I heard the crunching of branches under our feet and the sounds of animals chirping in the distance. I didn't like it, no matter how innocent the birds.
Before I was prepared, the uneven ground soon became elevated, making my legs work. By the time I made it over the hill, my feet felt sore. I was about to ask Hero if I could rest when I saw it.
"It'll be better higher up." Hero said.
We both walked up to the rock that hung over the cliffside like a perfect bed. It elongated towards the sky, which was a perfect blue, littered with stars that glittered like a bright disco ball. I had never seen a sky so...
"It's perfect, isn't it?" Hero smiled. "I used to come out here in my high school days to blow off steam. Chad and I used to scrap it out, getting into lunch detentions and all that. When my parents decided that I was too much to handle, I came here, until my aunt and uncle came into the picture."
I nodded. "It is perfect... Hero... Why do your parents act the way they do?"
I wanted to tell him about the threat his mother had given. but I decided against it.
"There are plenty of skeletons in that closet, Kristina. I'd rather not talk about it. Maybe someday."
I nodded. He probably would never open up to me. Were his parents simply two people that had a kid they weren't prepared for? Or was it something deeper?
"Can we stay here forever?" I begged, changing the subject.
"I wish." Hero murmured. "It's a big deal for me to take you to my safe place... You're the only girl I've brought here... You should know that."
I stared back up at the glistening sky. Shouldn't that be a good enough reason to stay? Could I now believe his words that meant so much to me?
"Come on." Hero began, starting to go downhill. "We need to head to the frat. I have a surprise for you."
I gulped, not sure I was ready for what he had in store.
A few minutes later when we reached the frat, it was just as packed as ever and the music was pumping harder than ever. Rushing over to my side, Hero didn't hold back in taking my hand in front of every searching eye on the front lawn, holding me to his side. I caught a few girls giving me jealous glares, whispering behind perfectly manicured hands.
I didn't see Kylie anywhere nearby, which I was grateful for. Whatever Hero had planned, I didn't want her hanging nearby and being in the center of it all.
As we made it over the threshold, each person in the frat, made a gap for us, as if we were royalty. They all stared in awe as Hero kept his head held high, slinging an arm over my shoulder.
Perhaps Hero was the golden boy here because he was in the frat. Was he the leader or something? I hated the attention...
It was then that I saw the entire gang:
Ellie, Annie, Kylie, luke, and a few other fraternity girls. Kylie was grinding up against Annie in only a skimpy lacey bra and a thong to match. They all looked pretty drunk and unaware of their surroundings.
"Tiffin, what's up, man?" Luke slurred, nearly tripping over his own feet. When he saw me, he made his way over, cupping my face in his hands.
I felt Hero tense beside me.
"Look at you," Luke said, making me uneasy, "so sexy..."
"I'd hope so," Hero snapped, yanking me away. "She's my girlfriend,"
At this comment, Ellie looked mystified. Her mouth hung open. Kylie eyed us both, through misty eyes, adjusting her bra for Hero's enjoyment, I was sure.
"Nice joke..." Kylie replied slowly. "let me... take you upstairs... change your mind..."
She tried grabbing at Hero's hand, but he resisted.
"No, Kylie. You can fuck off."
This seemed to have sobered Kylie up a bit.
"Excuse... me? didn't I make it clear we were dating?"
"I don't give a fuck what you want." Hero spat. "I'm with Kristina and I'm through with your bullshit. I want you out of my life. You're nothing to me."
Kylie looked around at the crowd of students that had gathered around us.
"You better watch the next thing you say." She narrowed her eyes.
A long moment passed, before Hero turned to me, framing my face like I was fragile glass.
"I love you Kristina and I don't give a damn who knows it."
He then guided his hand to the small of my back, crushing me to his chest, kissing me. I didn't care who was watching. I felt stars blind my vision as I wrapped my hands around his neck, feeling our tongues battle for dominance.
All I was aware of was a pair of feet shuffling, which I was sure was Kylie's.
Pretty long chapters lately I know.
What kind of Skeletons do you think are in Hero and his parent's closet?
I already know the end to the book so I'm curious.
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