Hey everyone:) I thought Fever by Dua Lipa was perfect <3
After I shared some of my already filled-out applications with Josephine, we went around town visiting several restaurants and stores grabbing some more and asking for positions.
When we had stopped at a Starbucks before we gave up after about ten attempts, I was surprised at how excited the employees were that I'd returned.
It turned out that they had lost five people and were in desperate need of help. When they saw that I had brought along Josephine, they all but threw their arms around her, hiring her on the spot.
I was glad that the manager seemed to be pretty lenient. She was clear in the fact that we could work any days of our choosing as long as we had at least up to three days of full-time work.
I didn't see any issue in this, knowing I could shift my classes for Fridays easily enough. I was happy to see Josephine was willing to do the same. It looked like we were going to see more of each other more often.
For celebration for getting a job together, Josephine and I went out for ice cream. By the time we had returned to the dorm, I noticed that it was nearing dusk and my last class of the day was a mere twenty minutes away. I frowned as I realized Josephine had a completely different schedule from mine.
As I spent time curling a strand of my hair, she noticed my frown.
"What's the matter?" she asked.
I sighed. "Oh, it's nothing. I just wish I had someone to join me in the same classes so it wouldn't be so awkward. I've always been used to being the odd one out..."
Josephine forced a tight smile. "I get where you're coming from. Every one of my peers in grade school refused to talk to me. It was like I didn't exist."
I shook my head, still in disbelief at how much we had in common. "Do you think things will ever get better for people like us, always being cast out of everything?"
"I don't know," Josephine replied truthfully, "Haven't you noticed the patterns since we left high school? The cliques and groups never went away- they're still just as strong as ever. Even into adulthood, my mom says that it still continues."
I nodded, realizing my circumstance. "I just wish things could be easier."
Josephine shrugged. "It's just the cards we were dealt with. The only thing that matters, is the fact that we know we are awesome. Come on, we should hurry before we're late."
I nodded, rushing to finish my hair.
Later, when I had made it to the door of my English I class, I ran my hands down the front of my long vintage blue dress before I proceeded to walk in. As I made my way to my desk, I couldn't help but remember what Josephine had said about the cards in our life. I knew I shouldn't have worried so much about what had been done to me in grade school, but I couldn't help it. People- especially boys- were vile to me.
But why? Why did they have to be so nasty? What was wrong with me? What did I do differently from everyone else?
"Excuse me,"
I turned my head to see a cute boy I had seen a few times, leaning against my desk. He had perfectly cropped brown hair that fanned across his forehead and a need for wearing designer jeans and plaid shirts. As he smiled I noticed braces.
"I don't think we've spoken before," The boy went on.
"No, we haven't," I said, "I don't really talk to anyone."
The boy smiled even wider, the metal in his teeth now turning me off of his looks.
"Well, I'm looking to change that. I came over to see if you wanted to go to the bonfire with me tonight."
"Oh, um..." I stared even closer at the blue bands in his braces. "I don't date."
"Really? Why not?" The boy pressed, making me a bit uncomfortable.
"It's complicated." I offered. "My parents are super strict..."
"Come on," The boy urged, "They don't have to know."
"I think she said no."
We both turned towards the thundering voice that spoke. Of course. I had to refrain from throwing a fit altogether. It was Hero, now grabbing the back of the boy's shirt, so he, himself, could lean on the desk.
What the hell was he even doing here? He didn't take this class. At least, he hadn't for the last few weeks.
When I saw the professor enter, setting his belongings on his desk, I swiveled around to face Hero once more, feeling agitated.
"Hey," I hissed under my breath, "unless you want to get in trouble, please go sit."
Hero snorted. "Fine by me."
He easily slipped into the desk right beside mine, folding his arms behind his neck as if taking a nap.
"Seriously?" I whispered.
"Alright, class!" The professor shouted gleefully. "Let's get started!"
I faced forward, determined to focus on my studies.
Please remember to vote and comment :) I love you all
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