Hey everyone!! I thought You need to calm down by Taylor Swift was perfect (:
The following weekend went as perfectly as I could have hoped. I'd kept up with calls to my parents every morning and night, which seemed to ease my father's nerves, and dedicated my free time to studying for my upcoming English test. Josephine helped quiz me and I did the same for her, seeing that we both had the same score on our admission tests.
When Tuesday had come around, me and Josephine decided to take a trip to the cafe for a quick bite to eat then headed over to the library closest to the university. It was as quiet and stocked as I'd hoped. several shelves stuffed full with books lined the walls and the librarian scurried around the room, organizing the returns.
Besides me and Josephine, there were two other girls that sat on the table opposite of ours. one of them looked like she belonged, a tall pile of books stacked near her, and she dressed conservatively, in a long dress and leggings. The other girl, however, wore a black crop-top that hung below her breasts and a pair of holey jeans. She sat toying with a lollipop, probably making her friend do all the work.
I was surprised when I saw the two friends gather the books together and hug before they parted ways. Perhaps I had been too quick to judge?
When I stood up and headed for the shelves to find the Young Adult category, Josephine looked at me in question.
"Are you finished studying already?" She asked.
I smiled. "No. Just taking a break. I want to find something good to read."
"Oh!" Josephine perked up. "I can make a recommendation! Read Little Women by Elouise May Alcott. It's very inspiring!"
"Oh, great read!"
The librarian peeked from behind a shelf the next aisle over, looking as excited as ever.
"Would you like me to get it for you?" She offered.
"Sure, that would help," I replied, "Is it in the Young Adult category?"
The librarian grinned. "It's technically intended for all age ranges, but yes. Young Adult is its genre."
Almost as soon as she disappeared around a corner, the librarian reappeared brandishing an old, tattered copy of Little Women smiling as she did so. I snatched the book away instantly, going to sit next to Josephine once more. As soon as I flipped to the table of contents, I heard a commotion near the entrance door.
At first, I saw three figures enter, but as I observed further, I saw a person out of the bunch that I could have gone without seeing for years. Kylie. She wasn't wearing anything that surprised me- though she did wear a transparent material that revealed too much- and sashayed provocatively over to me, proving just how slutty she really was.
She flicked her perfectly straightened hair over a shoulder, flashing an evil grin, with her two friends behind her doing the same.
"Look girls," She said in a sickly-sweet voice, "Didn't I tell you she'd be here? It makes total sense,"
I knew she was talking directly to me because she propped her hands on my table, leaning into my personal space.
I slammed the book shut, staring right into Kylie's eyes, not daring to break contact. "What's that supposed to mean?"
I noticed from the corner of my eye that the librarian was skulking from the edge of a shelf, watching our confrontation. She didn't look like she was ready to stop us anytime soon. Was she actually enjoying us fighting?
Kylie giggled dispassionately. "Isn't it obvious? You playing that whole 'I'm an innocent Virgin Mary' act. You're so pathetic, you know."
I looked back at Josephine, but of course, she could only stare with her mouth wide open.
I raised an eyebrow. "What are you even talking about? You're making no sense."
"It's your clothes," Kylie murmured, "you dress like a grandma. Wake up. It's modern times, sweety."
What I wanted more than anything was to tell this girl that I didn't care and I wasn't about to be dragged in her drama, but I decided to take the high road and stand up without an introduction.
"I'm sorry," I replied, still looking her in the eyes, "Me and my friend have to go. Come on, Jo."
Before we could walk off, Kylie huffed angrily, beginning to shout:
"You just think you're better than everyone, don't you? With your fancy designer dresses and immaculate life! You're not any different, going to this college!"
I shook my head as I proceeded out the library's doors.
Hi I hope you're liking the story so far (:
What do you all think of Kylie? Do you think what she's doing is unfair?
I promise there's a big reveal about her in the next chapter (:
Please remember to vote or comment if you'd like <3
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