Hey everyone (: I thought Needy by Ariana Grande fit the mood with the beat and tempo. Hope you like it!
I pretended as if I didn't notice either one of them, but Hero's girlfriend wasn't about to give me that pleasure.
"Looks like a skank to me," She hissed as she clung to Hero's side even tighter than before.
My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what she'd just called me, and evidently neither could Josephine. She gave me a searching look before turning her attention back to her.
"Hey," Luke said, intervening, "Let's not start that here. It's too early."
"Why don't you tell her to quit trying to steal other people's boyfriends, then?"
Hero's girlfriend went on, giving me the stink eye.
This caused Hero to glower at her and shove her away just like the other night, making her stumble over her heels. He, however, remained silent.
Luke looked at me as if expecting me to elaborate. I knew now I had no choice. I didn't want to tell anyone what happened, especially in front of the student body right now, but this was my karma. It had to be. I just waited the next few moments for Hero to throw me under the bus to make matters worse.
I wouldn't allow him that pleasure. I would beat him to it.
"I was drunk!" I blurted out without thinking. "I didn't know what I was doing- I was laying down and he began groping me. I honestly thought it was Josephine-"
I had enough time to look at Josephine to see her eyes widening in horror. Now that I thought about it, I realized how inappropriate it sounded.
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it." Hero interrupted looking quite smug. His girlfriend, however, was still seething.
"You were practically lying on the bed, asking to be-"
As if she was the most disgusting thing on the bottom of his shoe, Hero glowered down at her, grabbing her tightly around the arm to distance them completely.
"Why do you always have to be so goddamn annoying? Can't you bother someone else?"
I thought she would fight for his attention, but much to my surprise, she frowned, stomping over to the bar, trying to make conversation with the young bartender. For some reason, Hero remained where he stood, pulling out a phone, glaring down at the screen as he did so.
Did he really need to be standing so close?
"Hey, Tiffin," Luke said, trying to cause conversation.
So Hero's last name was Tiffin?
"Fuck off," Hero spat, "Your presence makes me depressed."
The tension in the air was palpable, but despite everything, Luke feigned indifference to it all. He turned to me, running a hand through his smooth locks.
"Hey so, crazy day, huh?"
I laughed. "Yeah. I'll say." I glanced at Hero, trying to gauge whether he was listening to my dig at him.
"Hey, so, I know this may sound sudden," Luke began fiddling with his clothes more frequently, "But I think you're super cool and you obviously know what you're doing. You're not like other girls..."
As Luke droned on, I spotted Hero glancing up to look at us, clearly interested. I didn't know what to respond with, but I was glad at least one person noticed this. I wasn't like other girls. I didn't find the need to throw my life away doing meaningless things. I had a career I needed to reach and starting tonight, I was going to get back on track.
"Thank you so much," I replied valiantly.
"I was wondering," Luke went on, "If you maybe wanted to go on a date. I really like you and I'd like to take you out."
My breath instantly caught in my throat. This was not a question I was anticipating him to ask. I'd never actually been on a date before and with one look at him and what he clearly likes to do on the weekends, I could tell my parents wouldn't ever approve.
"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm not allowed to date,"
This seemed to confuse Luke beyond all belief.
"I'm sorry... You're not allowed-?"
I blushed at this. "No. My parents don't approve of anyone. They're very strict and would kill me if they ever found out I was even in your room alone last night."
This didn't seem to sway Luke's decision at all.
"Come on, you don't think we could give it a try? You only live once, after all."
I didn't get a chance to come up with a response, because within the next second, Luke had been knocked flat to the ground. Hero was standing over his limp body, with a raised fist. He looked furious.
"The girl said no! Next time I'll knock your teeth out!" he threatened.
I stood back, not feeling comfortable with the boy in front of me.
Hero simply looked back at me, with a blank expression on his face.
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I really do appreciate it.
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