"We were talking about our future." I explained as Kylie and I got comfortable into some pajamas. "It tends to set him off."
She sighed.
"That was a common theme with him, I must say. He is aware you're engaged right?"
I laughed at her attempt at a joke.
"Of course it's just... I always envisioned a life with kids of my own. I know we're still young and it's foolish-"
Kylie shocked me by shaking her head.
"It's not foolish. Who gives a damn what age and order you have kids. As long as you get it done."
I sat back, mystified at the direction our conversation was headed.
"If you told me a year ago I would be talking about kids and marriage with my enemy," I began, "I would have never believed you."
Kylie giggled.
"Yeah, me either... look... there's something I want to ask..."
I raised a brow.
"Ask away."
She went red in face, gathering her thoughts.
"Am I... invited to the wedding? I only ask because... well... I think I've met someone..."
My eyes went wide.
"Really- oh-? Who?"
She paused a moment before answering.
"I had downloaded this dating app the other day out of curiosity. It's mostly for hook-ups, but I thought that if it worked for me, there was no shame."
I smiled.
"Absolutely not, but... are you looking for something more serious?"
Kylie took a deep breath.
"Yes. It is what I want, but...."
"But what?" I interrupted. "You're at a time in your life where you need to make demands. What is he like? Have you two met?"
She shook her head.
"No, we haven't met. Most of the time he talks about how much he likes... well... my body and wisdom. It's a plus that he's my type... all tattoos and all. He's a body builder."
I nodded.
"Sounds like you hit the jackpot. Tell you what: why don't you bring him along to the wedding? It'll be fun. Now all we have to do is find Rose someone... speaking of which, have you heard from her?"
Kylie eyed her socks.
"No. Not yet. I hope she didn't leave for Alaska."
Evidently, I hoped the same thing.
Later on in the day, Kylie had left. I'd decided to take a Melatonin and fall into a slumber.
Thoughts of what Hero said to me as he'd left ran though my subconscious, taking over my thoughts.
Was it so bad to want a family? Yes, I was taking Dr. Zenith's advice and tried to understand his stance but... he couldn't be afraid of this forever.
I needed him to let go.
When I awoke, it was pitch black. Crap. I didn't think I'd been asleep that long. As I peered through the dark, I saw a silhouette near a dresser.
I then heard.... was it crying? Sobbing?
As I squinted harder, I saw that it was Hero, leaning against the dresser, a beer bottle in hand.
Jesus. Was he drunk?
"Hero?" I murmured amid a croaky voice.
It took a long minute for him to answer but when he did, he slurred, sounding out of sorts.
"You.... right.... I.... wrong...."
I blew out a strangled breath.
"What are you talking about?"
He gulped before making his way closer to the bed.
"I'm... worried..." he finally gasped.
"Worried about what?" I asked utterly confused.
Hero nearly screamed out his reply.
As I gathered him in my arms I knew exactly what he meant. Damn that vile woman. Because of what she'd done to him, she was going to hold him back from anything good in his life.
He went on sobbing and hyperventilating like never before as I comforted him and I didn't judge him for that.
How could I? He didn't hate kids. He wanted to protect them. How could I say that not everyone was like that in the world? It was a scary place.
"You wouldn't let that happen." I whispered. "I mean... like I've said; there are ways to prevent it. You could be that father that doesn't let your son go anywhere."
Then again, maybe that wasn't the best idea. We wouldn't be any better than Elouise and Charlie, would we?
"I can't... give.... you that...." Hero mumbled as he rested his head on my lap.
I ran a finger through his messy hair.
"That's fine. We don't need kids. I just wanted to know if things changed. I'm perfectly fine with getting married. I hate seeing you like this."
I wasn't sure how long we remained still. I gathered him close, rocking him ever so slightly. I enjoyed it. For once, I was the one caring for him.
When I pulled away, I saw that his eyes had shut. He'd fallen asleep.
Making quick work of it, I stripped him out of his now soaked clothes from sweat, throwing them to the floor.
Hearing a sharp thud, I lowered to the floor to inspect it. It was Hero's phone, shining brightly with a text from Diedre, though it wasn't what I expected.
It read:
You're a callous woman. I told you to leave me the fuck alone and I mean it. You've ruined everything for me. What else could you possibly take.
I looked back at him in pity. My poor, poor boy....
He meant everything to me and now he'd really shown change.
Just a quick thought but I need a cute nickname for Kristina and Hero 🥴🥴
Lol. Like every fanfiction has it.
Love you all ❤
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