I was exhausted by the time we drove home. My parents were ecstatic about my engagement as well as Niall's and Josephine's. They were already making an outline, despite my arguments.
Hero and I had a lot to figure out before we settled down.
I was still angry over the bruises. If I would have known they would swell like this, I would have put a stop to it.
He'd said he wanted everyone to know I was his. Well, they did. I was just glad that in the dark ballroom my parents had been none the wiser.
Hero was incessant, asking me what my deal was as we headed down the freeway. Being me, however, I pouted the remainder of the ride.
I could tell it got on his nerves that I refused to speak my mind, but I could have cared less. He did this. Not me.
When we finally made it into the apartment, He went on with his questions, annoying me. I finally exploded.
"Don't act like you don't know!"
He raised an eyebrow, furthering my irritation.
Without saying another word, I grabbed ahold of the straps of my dress, slipping it down my body.
"My bruises." I spat.
"Your hickeys?" He chuckled, making light out of this.
How dare he.
"Yes, my damn hickeys!" I shouted. "Thanks to you, I had a few people making accusations about how I got these!"
Hero surveyed my face, smiling.
"You know, you are cute when you're pissed. What did they say?"
I paced the floor, fully aware of my nearly naked body.
"First, Jo made it clear she thought you'd done this to me and I don't think she knew they were hickeys. I'm pretty sure Cole thought that too."
Within seconds, his expression dropped into a disgusting sneer.
"What was that fucker doing speaking to you?" He spit.
I snorted. "Don't change the subject. You did this on purpose."
After a long moment of silence, he rolled his eyes.
"I didn't mean to be that rough with you. I got carried away."
I folded my arms.
"Come on, be honest. You wanted this to happen. You knew Cole was going to be there, didn't you?"
He huffed.
"Can we not fight about this? Don't act like you didn't like it."
Without another word, I stormed off to the bedroom not caring whether he followed.
I didn't remember falling asleep. The melatonin seemed to help most nights in that regard. When I came to, I felt more skittish than usual...
I was in a plain white dress that didn't look like it had much thought put into it. It was as if it had been ordered off Amazon at last minute.
My hair was in disarray and I looked like a wreck. What was happening?
Across the way, I heard a pair of heels clicking. To my surprise it was a pretty girl looking well-kempt in a bridge coat and jeans, her luscious chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders.
"Excuse me," I said, eyeing the white emptiness around me, "where am I?"
The girl circled me like a vulture.
"At the alter, though I'm shocked you decided to stay after Hero left."
Wait, alter? He and I were getting married already? How?
I bit my lip in nervousness.
"What are you talking about?"
The girl didn't bother explaining further. She developed a sour look on my face that told me she was here for buisness.
"Did you think you really stood a chance against me?" She smirked. "The girl that stole his heart- his first love may I daresay."
I licked my lips, feeling them go chapped.
"He never told me about you." I replied.
The girl laughed.
"Why would he? He's a cabinet full of secrets. I can see the worry in your eyes. He filmed you, didn't he?"
When I didn't elaborate, she went on.
"The sex tape. That's what he does to girls like us. Women that fall head over heels for the danger. Women that... want to keep him."
I shook my head.
"No, I'm different. He told me that he never wanted to release it. I'm changing him."
"Are you?" The girl smiled. "You're losing him and you know it. Girl's eyes follow him everywhere he goes. His grandmother rules every aspect of his life. He's someone who likes the party life and doesn't care who he sleeps with. I mean, look at you."
I nearly choked. She was no better.
"You and I are like two peas in a pod." I murmured. "Why makes you any different?"
The girl paused a moment before leaning in close.
"As I said: I'm his first love. No one lets that go."
With a start, I drew a deep breath. I grasped at my chest, feeling like I was being deprived of oxygen.
Dream. It had been a dream.
Hero shot straight up, grabbing at my arms.
"Kristina? Are you Alright? Breathe!"
I swallowed, eyeing his green orbs.
Here he was in the flesh looking as sexy as ever. I wanted him to gather me in his arms, then I didn't.
Who was that girl?
"What's wrong?" He asked, eyeing me warily. "Are you still pissed over those hickeys? You know I love you, right?"
Well, at the moment, I wasn't sure.
Oh stop. It was a dream you idiot.
"You swear that you love me more than anyone?" I asked. "Even... a first love?"
At this, He coughed uncomfortably.
"Babe... where is this coming from? I was telling the truth when I said I never loved anyone until you."
I shook my head, wanting to get real answers.
"You said you filmed other sex tapes."
Hero seemed exasperated, running a hand through his hair.
I didn't give in.
"Hero... when you did that to other girls... did you ever fall in love with them? Is there a chance their feelings might have been mutual?"
He exclaimed, shaking me gently.
"Kristina. Listen to me. All I care about is you. You're the reason I live and breathe. Why the hell would I throw that away for... someone in my past I don't even remember?"
I cleared my throat. Okay. I sounded even more crazy when he affirmed my ridiculous worries.
"Everything I do is for you." He went on. "I would jump and catch bullets for you. Do you not understand how much I care?"
At Hero's teary eyes, I knew I absolutely did understand. This was all so insane. If I didn't quit over-analyzing him like this, I was going to be admitted.
I melted into his strong embrace, kissing his chest.
"I do. I do understand. Let's just go to bed."
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