The following week wasn't easy nor hard. Hero hadn't recieved any texts or calls from Dorinda or Diedre and it had worried me to the bone.
Dorinda and I had our differences from time to time, but I wished her well.
The way I'd left the hospital left a mark on me. It seemed rash. Like there was a parting of ways. Out of anyone, why was I the person she wanted near her?
It had upset her mother.
Speaking of Diedre... the fact she hadn't phoned either of us scared me. She was definitely planning something.
Work went smooth as did therapy sessions at the end of each day. Dr. Zenith took things more seriously after I voiced my concerns, though it made Hero a bit aggravated.
I could tell speaking to anyone else about his... needs... was hard for him. He and I got into a heated arguement amidst this, though Dr. Zenith was able to console him.
We didn't progress much except for establishing that he had a tough upbringing and how it would be best to seperate himself from any negative triggers from the outside.
She, of course, had asked me if I felt as if I were in danger and I had told her the truth. I didn't. What an absurd notion. Hero would never put me in danger. He had his own demons to fight as did I.
As time went on, the court date crept closer. I wasn't sure whether this was a good decision on my part, but one afternoon at a therapy session, I decided it safe to divulge the truth there.
Hero wasn't happy when I admitted I'd gone to see Charlie, despite me explaining how guarded the building had been.
He'd ripped at his hair like never before and had said how damn stupid and reckless I'd been.
"You went against what I wished!" He'd screamed. "You defied me and broke your promise!"
At this, I repeated how it wasn't my job to do each and every thing he told me to. That wasn't how relationships worked.
After we had finished bickering, Dr. Zenith had asked us to take a moment and survey what had been said. She had a few fair points.
It was unfair for Hero to expect so much from me considering I was my own person.
She then explained to me how it would make sense for me to understand his worry over my safety.
That was all he wanted from me. To be safe and sound. I couldn't blame him for that.
Once I had explained that I had substantial evidence against him, Hero's attitude had changed.
It seemed visiting the man who I once considered my father hadn't been a waste of time after all.
The day of the hearing was stressful to say the least. The night before, my parents and I had met with our lawyer, arranging my recorded video and our evidence. By all intents and purposes, it seemed the court would be in our favor.
When we entered the courtroom, it was scarier than I'd imagined. Though I was glad it was a full jury, my anxiety worsened at the cold stare of the judge.
I was glad that Archie and Hero were present, though they were on the sidelines. That was probably for the best. I imagined Hero leaping over the jury to strangle Elouise and Charlie.
Unfortunately I had choked up a few times while on the stand.
To make matters worse, Charlie had a few tricks up his belt, declaring how much of a loon my mother was. He also stated how I ought to be guilty for any fraud considering I was an accessory.
His attorney also grilled me, asking me questions I didn't even realize were relevant.
All in all, when it had come towards the end of the hearing and I'd been called to the stand to give a reason why I believed I'd been a victim to kidnapping, I answered as honestly as I could.
"I didn't believe it at first," I said, eyeing my mother with guilt. "I had... who I believed were good parents. Then, out of nowhere, I had this strange woman approach me, though she did appear unkempt, she wasn't the least bit insane."
The judge lowered her specs.
"What do you mean by 'Unkempt'?"
I thought I saw the barest ghost of a smile on Charlie's face as I went to answer.
"Homeless." I replied. "She was homeless. We had met as if by pure chance and she'd presented me with documents from my birth and blood tests she had taken. She had my blood from birth but I also took some again to be sure."
As I said this, nothing much was said. The judge had the security officers brandish a few papers and vials and outlined a few more diagrams on a wall.
I was worried for the entire duration that she was going to schedule another court hearing because the evidence we'd provided hadn't been enough.
Awhile after deliberating, she called for the jury to gather and discuss the guilty party.
Much to my shock, the intermission had only taken them twenty minutes to come to a conclusion.
When the judge had finally slammed the gavel and stated that Charlie and Elouise were guilty, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Archie and Emma smothered me in their arms, screaming in victory.
The judge, I saw, had a bright grin on her face.
Hero, however, waited on the sidelines for me. I didn't blame him. He was out of his element here.
As the judge stood to escort Elouise and Charlie out a door, she spoke once more:
"Miss. Addison, you've all had a long, tremulous journey. Justice has been served and I hope things get better for you."
Before I could turn to find Hero, he was already at my side, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
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