Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good start to your day ❤❤ just so you all know, Jo will be coming back soon. I miss her so much 😭
"Why on earth are you letting him leave?" Brendan whined, looking like he were ready to collapse.
"Who, Hero?" I asked, trying to make it appear as if I could care less.
"Yes," Brendan fanned himself once more, "Forget about Cole. My, my. All those piercings, tattoos, and biceps... If you won't take him, honey, I will."
"I think I'll pass," I replied, making my way over to the shelves, "He's my ex for a reason."
As I skimmed through a binder listing all the different board of directors, Brendan kept digging further.
"Oh, an ex, huh? Do you still love him? If so, I'll back off immediately."
Thinking about this fact, I had a sudden feeling that Hero didn't play for his team, either.
I set the binder on my desk, trying to distract myself with the peeling plastic.
Brendan sighed. "You do love him. I can tell."
This caught my attention. I went to sit at my raised chair.
"How can you tell?"
Brendan smirked.
"Women's intuition, I suppose. I've seen so many different interns go through this and never follow through with the relationship. I know he loves you back. I saw it on his face. If he was willing to force his way past our receptionist, he's definitely worth it."
"I can't take him back," I said, "Not after everything we've been through."
Brendan raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't that be the very reason you should take him back? Because of everything you've been through? How bad could it have really been?"
"He did many unforgivable things, but he hurt me more than I could have fathomed."
Brendan frowned. "How badly did he hurt you? Not physically, I hope."
I shook my head adamantly. "No, never physically. He's not like that... He just..."
I trailed off, not sure if I could share something so private.
"I can't really talk about it."
Brendan looked at me sympathetically.
"I understand. What do you say we take a night out for macchiatos or drinks at a bar. I'm sure Cole would want to tag along- only as friends if that's what you want."
When he saw my uneasy expression, he back-peddled.
It's not that I didn't like Cole; he seemed like a well-put-together guy, but that was exactly the problem. I didn't want to give anyone any false pretenses.
I could definitely control myself around another guy, couldn't I?
"We don't even have to bring him along. We could make it a girls night."
I grinned at this. "Oh, that sounds perfect. I could invite my friend Josephine along, though she'd like something a bit calmer."
"That sounds great." Brendan replied, "Now we better get to work before Tawnee catches us off-guard. If I fax you a list of clients, could you file them accordingly and set times for their interviews?"
I smiled. "Certainly."
Later as the day went on, Tawnee had arrived without any sign of Cole. I thought I was off Scott-free until there was an announcement about the company meeting with corporate.
I had to face facts. There was absolutely no way I was going to be able to avoid him.
It didn't mean I had to be rude and evade him despite all this.
He did nothing wrong.
As I spent time researching new ways for expansion from Tawnee's quota, a voice rang out from my office phone.
"Kristina Addison to the main office please."
I didn't know that I had an intercom!
There must have been quite some money put into this building.
Without thinking twice, I dropped my computer mouse, rushing towards Tawnee's office.
Just today, I had memorized most of the rooms.
When I spent every thirty minutes disinfecting and cleaning every surface possible, it was difficult to not recognize every unique decoration.
Maybe she needed a coffee run?
"Can I get you anything?" I asked enthusiastically.
"No, I just need you to sit," Tawnee said matter-of-factly. "I have some things I need to speak to you about."
Oh no. This was the part where she said that I had been doing everything wrong. There wasn't exactly a training module.
When I finally got comfortable, Tawnee went on.
"So, earlier, when I had left Brendan in charge-"
I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the shame in her eyes.
"I am so sorry if I messed up your schedules-"
Tawnee shook her head.
"No, it's not that. You're actually doing swell- much better than I could have anticipated. It's about Hero. I'm not judging because I was young once too. I heard how he stormed in. If you two are going to fool around, please keep it tame around the office."
My eyes widened. "Oh no, that's not it at all-!"
Tawnee didn't seem bothered by this. She looked mischievous with a bright grin plastered on her face.
"I won't say anything else on this matter. You can start heading towards the front desk. Cole will be directing corporate through the doors momentarily."
Without another word, I shut the door behind me, now feeling angry at Hero. He was giving my boss the wrong ideas.
In the span of fifteen minutes corporate still hadn't shown up. I took the liberty of straightening up my office, making sure it was clean enough for me the next day.
After everything smelt of fresh lemon, I sighed, heading over to my computer. The screensaver felt dull to me, like it was any other desktop. If I was working here for a year, I wanted to stand out and be my own person.
I flicked through random google images, pressing on a cute picture of a kitten playing with some yarn. It wasn't much but at least it was a start.
I jumped in my chair, making it slide across the carpet as I heard Tawnee clap her hands together.
When I made it to the front room, more employees than I could have imagined were gathered in a giant circle. I caught Cole's eyes as I strode in.
And what eyes they were....
Stop it. Fucking moron.
"Alright,so," Cole spoke, his voice booming, "I'm sure you're all aware of the expansion we've been gossiping about. Marketing had a new strain of kids battle robots coming in and they want a seperate department for it."
I gasped. Wasn't that the department Jo would be working in? Oh, that sounded pretty cool.
"Some things are going to be changing," Cole went on, "this week has shown some grueling schedules, I know, but if you go over your hours, we're willing to double your salaries. With that said, marketing will be hand-picking a select few of you to join their offices."
A sudden explosion of ominous whispers broke out through the room.
"I know," Cole laughed, "It's quite the offer. Now, if you would like to volunteer to be on the list for their quarters, there will be a bulletin in the main office. I wish you all well. Now please clean for the next shift."
As everyone scattered across the office, I watched as Cole joined a group of men, joking about some private joke.
I felt a punch of adrenaline spike within me as I watched him draw farther away.
I knew it wasn't the best time to propose anything within earshot of others, but I couldn't ignore my flaming anger towards Hero.
I wanted him to feel as embarrassed as I did.
Ugh. No. That was dumb. I wasn't doing this for revenge.
I was simply... befriending a co-worker.
Not willing to let him get away, I tapped on Cole's shoulder making him turn around.
I saw that the group of men were now staring in confusion.
I bit down on my lip already nervous.
"Could I speak to you privately?"
When I saw the men all still staring I lowered my voice.
"It's work related." I lied.
Cole cleared his throat professionally.
As soon as we made it in my office, I didn't hold back from asking my question.
"Would you like to go to dinner?"
Cole shook his head like he was trying to understand better.
"I'm sorry?"
I hung my head. "I thought a lot about your proposition earlier and... I don't see any shame in getting to know each more. As co-workers. I didn't have lunch today. I've been busy with filing. Would you like to join me?"
It took a minute for Cole to register what I said but when he did, he looked like he close to passing out.
"Yes- yep- yeah-" He replied, fumbling over his words. "I mean, yeah. I would love to go with you."
I nodded. "Great. I'll be waiting in reception."
I didn't dare to look back as I reached the double doors.
What on earth was I doing?
I sense trouble brewing...
Just a warning; there will be a lot more drama going foward 🙈
Love you all ❤
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