When I had returned home the following afternoon after visiting Charlie, I had been bombarded with questions from Hero.
I hadn't exactly come up with a viable excuse so I found myself skirting around the issue with monotone answers.
I knew my replies didn't satisfy him and that he was angry about it. It led us into a full-blown arguement, though it ended with him lifting me onto the counter so he could pleasure me.
As the days went on, things had begun to get strange. Dorinda had grown more insistent on meeting with Hero and I was left to my wayward thoughts.
What could she possibly need him for?
The last time we had seen each other, she'd tried to sell him off to another skank.
If I was honest with myself, it hurt that he wanted to associate with someone like that.
At this point, associating with Dorinda was just as bad as associating with Diedre.
With his habits, I knew he had to have been seeing Diedre without a doubt.
Work went the same though I couldn't focus as much. I didn't know which way was up and which way was down with Diedre and Dorinda.
They were either trying to destroy one another over past transgressions or were teaming up to destroy the relationship I had with Hero.
I was also worried about the upcoming court case. There were many outcomes.
What if both Charlie and Elouise managed to hire decent lawyers?
It was possible to get released on good behavior, after all.
During one of my lunches, I'd decided to take matters into my own hands.
I'd snooped through the cloud Hero had set up for our phones weeks prior and went through his files, pictures and call history.
In my findings, I saw he had been visiting Dorinda in the nearest hospital- according to Diedre.
The voicemail had been short but informative:
"Hero, my darling. Your mother needs you at the Enloe hospital. She's run with a fever. I miss our little talks. I need to see you again. Don't you miss the good old days?"
I had to quit listening at this point. She was just as conniving and manipulative as usual. I just hoped my boyfriend wasn't buying into it.
After my shift, I monitored Hero's texts and calls closely. Much to my glee, Dorinda was still booked another week and I had a chance to stop by.
I knew I was nothing but unwelcome. That's what made it all the more fun.
Upon walking into the front lobby, I was questioned on my relation. I fibbed declaring that I was indeed a cousin.
When I made it to the lowest floor possible, I turned, ready to bust through the door, when I saw both Hero and Diedre in the hall.
The moment between them seemed intense and she had a hand pressed against his cheek. It was too intimate for a conversation between a grandmother and her grandson.
I was about to turn and run when Hero spotted me. He instantly pulled away.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He snapped coming right for me.
I rubbed at my watery eyes.
"Wondering why you've been disappearing at odd hours of the day."
"I told you," he growled, "I had my own shit to sort out."
I glowered. "You were looking for a reason to see that pedophile, weren't you?"
Hero grabbed onto my arm, dragging us away from Diedre.
"Watch it." He warned. "She's not a pedophile- she-"
I rolled my eyes.
"She has her own demons in life, I know. You've only told me about a million times."
I started towards her, not quite knowing what I wanted to say.
"Well, hello, Kristina," she purred, "Nice to see you here."
I glared. "Afraid I can't say the same."
I swiveled around, pinning Hero with a patronizing stare.
"Is Dorinda even in this room?"
When I didn't receive a reply, I stomped forward.
They both started shouting their concerns from behind me as I opened the door. Upon entering I saw that Dorinda was lying in a bed looking musty with disheveled hair.
"Kristina?" She murmured.
I choked, trying to come up with a good enough answer.
"Oh... I..."
I soon heard Diedre and Hero rushing into the room.
They looked disappointed like I was an unfortunate bit of news. Granted, I hadn't been invited, but I still had a right to be here.
Hero was being secretive and I didn't like it.
"This doesn't concern you." He ordered. "You need to leave."
I shook my head, not daring to believe it.
"Why? Do I mean nothing to you? Part of a relationship is being honest. I need to be included."
Hero scoffed. "Not this. You're being a pain in my ass. I don't want you here."
I clutched my chest, feeling a sharp pain course through me. I didn't bother voicing my opinions. I knew the truth; he wanted his molester there, end of story.
What ever happened to him despising his family?
Before I could say much else, a stout man with a double chin and an impressive beard entered the room, looking taken aback by all of us present.
"My, my," he spoke in a southern accent. "Quite the gathering we have here. All family?"
As if deciding excluding me wasn't worth it, Dorinda nodded.
"Yes, they are all of kin."
The doctor tipped his head while writing on a clipboard.
"Very good."
I glanced at the barely legible writing filled with curiosity.
"If you don't mind me asking... what's she hospitalized for?"
The doctor sighed, giving me a grim expression.
"She's having severe anxiety and trouble breathing. Unfortunately this happens to the best of us as we grow older. I suggest she takes it easy for awhile. I'll be prescribing her some antibiotics."
I didn't listen as the doctor went on explaining the dangers of refusing to take the medicine.
I approached Dorinda's bed, eyeing her closely.
She seemed weak and her skin had gone pasty. It was odd. Only weeks ago she had been so happy and refreshed. Now she looked retired and exhausted.
What was going on?
I didn't realize how severe it was until Dorinda held onto my hand tightly, refusing to let go.
As I surveyed the room, I saw Diedre's vengeful glare.
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