As both Elouise and Charlie took their places at the table across from each other, I fetched the pitcher filled with sweet tea. They waited patiently as I began serving plates, exchanging glances.
Charlie lifted the pitcher filling his glass.
"Ice tea with salmon, is it? Quite an interesting choice."
I shrugged as I took my seat.
"It seemed like it made sense. The salmon is strong in fiber so I figured the tea was nice and light to balance it all out."
Elouise clasped her hands together, giggling.
"I'm surprised to say the least. The last few times we've had lunch, you've ordered meals with high sodium. I think you gained at least ten pounds."
I stuck my fork into some rice, but paused, letting this comment sink in.
"Why should that matter?" I demanded.
I heard the clunk of silverware before I saw their shocked expressions.
"Pardon me?" Elouise scolded.
"Is there a crime in being fat?" I continued. "What society deems overweight anyway? Would it be so horrible for me to weigh over one-hundred pounds?"
Charlie eyed me with hate in his eyes.
"You dare talk to your mother this way?"
Deep inside I wanted to scream and shout that neither of them were my parents, but I refrained. I had to keep control of the situation.
I looked at Charlie with a steely gaze.
"It was only a question. I think it would be only fair to get an answer."
"Of course it would be horrible!" Elouise shouted. "It would be scandalous! Can you imagine what the magazines would say? A beached whale, that's what they would call you!"
I shook my head in disbelief.
"And if I developed some sort of eating disorder?"
It went silent for a moment until Elouise spoke.
"An eating disorder? Please. Those aren't real. It's a pose for attention. No daughter of mine-"
Tears gathered in my eyes.
"No, mother. The struggle is real. I am the daughter of the most successful entrepreneur's on the Forbes list and I'm constantly trying to maintain this persona. It's good to let go, you know. That's one thing Hero has taught me."
"Hero," Elouise said, "isn't he that..."
"Tiffin." I replied. "His name is Hero-Fiennes-Tiffin."
"Oh, right, he's that delinquent." Charlie began, "he was always toxic for you."
"How so?" I challenged. "He's never done anything to put me in harm's way. Hero loves me the way I am. In fact, he's glad that I've put on pounds."
Charlie cleared his throat awkwardly.
"That's enough. I'd rather not hear about this."
"The truth?" I urged. "The fact that there might be someone who loves me? Someone who doesn't have an agenda?"
Elouise tried to beg us to stop the fighting but Charlie went on.
"What road would this lead you down?" He growled. "Destruction? A penniless future?"
I scoffed. "Being poor has nothing to do with this. I told you how much money his parents own."
Charlie took a sip of his tea.
"You've lost your way. Nothing matters anymore. I see that. You came to make things right so I suggest you stick to that promise. We'll get you on the payroll... but you must not see him. We'll do online school."
I now stood up, causing the seat to scrape against the floor.
"No matter what you offer me, I will never give up my happiness. I will not leave him because you order it. That's not how life works. I make my own decisions."
"But I am your father." Charlie snapped sternly. "I've given you everything! Life, a roof, self respect! Everything! This is how you repay me? How you repay your mother!"
I laughed. "You must think I'm stupid. Neither of you are my parents. Never will be. Just because you do all the things you're obligated to do, does not mean I'm unworthy."
I gasped, realizing what I'd just said. Oh no. I'd screwed up hadn't I?
I may have just caused the department the entire case.
"What did you just say?"
Elouise did her best to calm Charlie but he quickly swatted her away.
He started for me, but I backed against a wall.
"I'm not your father?" he said through clenched teeth.
I shook my head as I felt my way across the expensive tapestry.
"No. I've known it for awhile. You're nothing but scum that treated me like dirt the moment you chose me."
Unfortunately as I turned, Charlie grasped both my shoulders slamming me hard.
"Listen here! I don't give a fuck what you want! I'm taking you far away from here, you cunt! You got that!"
I felt the spray from his mouth hit my cheek. I shut my eyes, wishing for the entire ordeal to stop. Maybe I didn't have a grasp of the predicament I was in.
If I did what he said, I lost everything I worked so hard for. If I didn't do what he said, would he harm me?
Before I could say much more on my behalf or escape his tight hold, an explosion erupted.
Several policemen and detectives bursted through the front door, pinning both Elouise and Charlie to the ground.
"Chico Police department!" Several voices yelled. "You're under arrest!"
As two cops wrestled them to their feet to face us all, a beefy man in a chiefs uniform cackled.
"Oh, how I've waited to see you two nutjobs in person. Let's see what you're charged with. Apart from money laundering- which is a federal offense might I add- you're also facing charges with child endangerment and one count of kidnapping. If it wasn't for Kristina here, we couldn't have caught you freaks."
As I looked into the depths of Elouise and Charlie's eyes I saw nothing but a black abyss.
An emptiness.
The chief eyed me curiously.
"Any last words to say Miss Addison?"
I took a deep breath.
"Only one thing."
I glanced first at Elouise then to Charlie.
"I hope you two find the will to change and learn from this."
It was all I could say. They had been my guardians for a time and though they deserved to rot for what they did, I couldn't hate them fully.
Charlie, however, had different ideas. He was fuming, the whites of his eyes turning red if that was even possible.
His nostrils flared like a bulls looking like he could strike at any moment.
"I knew you were trash the moment I set eyes on you," he spit, "I should have locked you away like the street rat you were so you could have learned some decency. Now you're nothing and will always be."
As the cops led him and Elouise away, Emma and Archie ran into the house embracing me in a tight hold.
"Are you okay?" Emma asked as they pulled away.
I smiled. "Yes. I think so."
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