It was really hard to write this chapter 😥😔 I hope you all enjoy the effort I put into it
Love you all ❤❤❤💗
The following Monday was busy.
Josephine had finally joined the office and was welcomed with as much excitement as the staff could offer.
Brendan was styled pristinely as usual and he nearly jumped in the air when he noticed Jo walking through the building.
I was glad to find that she would be in the same sector as I was, though it wasn't likely I would see her face much.
I didn't mind. I was just glad we were taking the same career together.
As the day went on, I had come into my office around lunch to find a mismatched knick knack.
It had a spongebob head, conjoined with a ballerina's skirt. It made me laugh. I felt special that this had happened to me of all people.
On lunch break, Josephine and I decided to go down to the deli to talk about the dinner. She was elated about it all and couldn't wait to break the news.
She scheduled it for seven sharp on Wednesday at her house.
I knew Hero and I had a session of therapy an hour before, but we could make that work. In all honesty, I found facing a therapist with Hero more nerve wracking.
What would we even talk about? Not Deidre I hoped, though wasn't that why I wanted us to go?
To get her out of our lives?
I didn't know how any of this would go.
I would just have to ride it out and see.
When Wednesday finally did arrive, I hadn't put much thought into my appearance other than my hair and makeup. My mind was polluted with thoughts of what was to come.
What if the therapist did begin to ask me questions about anything? What if I choked while answering? These were all the questions that ran through my mind when I was forced with any altercation.
I thought the worst of everything.
As I finished curling my hair and placed a sequin in my bangs, Hero placed his hands on my shoulders tenderly.
"I like when you dress like this. Shall we go then?"
I swiveled around, grasping my purse.
"Yes. Let's do it."
When we finally turned into a small lot made it to the office, I read the large plaque.
It was a small white circular building that didn't seem at all occupied. It reminded me of the small family owned preschools that were run in small towns.
I held my breath as we made our way up the sidewalk and to the front doors.
Inside, the reception was small and quaint. There was a friendly, plump woman behind a desk that immediately handed us each a stack of papers to sign.
When we were finished, it wasn't long before we were summoned down a long hallway littered with paintings made by several children ranging in various ages.
Upon entering a small enclosed room, we were met by a woman that looked wise beyond her years. She had several necklaces clanging around her neck and an assortment of rings around her fingers.
She adorned a baggy floral top and slacks that fit her obvious professional attitude and had a long mane of sleek brown hair.
She slapped a stack of folders in her lap, smiling earnestly down at both Hero and me.
"What a joy to see you both." She extended her hand. "I'm Dr. Zenith. Now, as scheduled, you two wanted a session together, correct?"
"Yes," Hero murmured, "I promised my girlfriend I would do this... I want to be better. For her."
Dr. Zenith sighed, crossing her legs.
"Now something you must understand is that change takes time. You can't come in for a month and expect a drastic difference. I want to work closely with you two and help as much as I can. Now, tell me what's going on?"
Hero and I looked at each other for a long minute.
"I guess I should start," Hero breathed, "I keep denying that this isn't an issue, but it's affected our relationship. Diedre- my grandmother. Something happened between and us when I was younger and still does to be honest."
My chest grew tight. Oh my god. He was talking about something I thought would stay hidden for the duration of the session.
Or for the rest of our lives.
"What goes on there?" Dr. Zenith urged.
Time seemed to stand still as I waited for Hero to begin.
"When I was ten," he began shakily, "my grandfather had passed in a brutal way. He was a kind man and the way he died in his old wicker chair didn't seem fair, but it happened. Diedre didn't cope with this well. She cried for many nights, over at my parents. Many of those nights, I consoled her. Her affection towards me in the past was never more than a caring guardian. But the way it happened was so... sudden..."
I saw Hero's lips tremble as he recounted this memory.
Dr. Zenith cleared her throat. "Take a moment if you need it."
Hero shook his head. "No... if I don't say it now, it won't ever happen."
As tight as a steel band, I intertwined my hand with his.
"It was around Christmas," he went on, his eyes turning glassy, "It was past my bedtime and the fire had been burning in the fireplace. My grandmother had just finished crying over the family photo album when she did it... she pulled me over and touched me. She convinced me that I would have been in trouble if I screamed and promised that she loved me."
Dr. Zenith swallowed. "How did that make you feel at the time? Can you remember?"
Hero scoffed.
"I remember it like it was yesterday. I was terrified, though I wasn't sure what was happening. She always asked me if I ever missed my grandfather and that if I ever defied her... it may as well have been my doing."
"You said it still happens now?" Dr. Zenith frowned.
Hero shut his eyes.
"Sort of. As I grew older things got more physical between us. I've managed to fend off most of her advances though, she still manages to assault me..."
I felt a tear run down my cheek. It was harder than I thought to hear exactly what that vile woman did.
How disgusting did someone have to be to make a defenseless child believe that they were the cause of all the hurt?
"That's the key word," Dr. Zenith replied, "assault. What you went though was a severe case of abuse and manipulation. You must know that. You should also understand that none of it was your fault. It's also not your fault it still happens."
"I feel like such a jackass," Hero said through a clogged nose, "I know it's wrong. I know I should put a stop to it but... I feel that if I let her down..."
Dr. Zenith took a deep breath.
"There are many cases where the victim blames themselves. They can't seem to let go. This doesn't make you weak; it makes you human. I can recommend that you stay away from Diedre. I suggest that you keep your distance."
Hero hung his head. "It's going to be hard."
Dr. Zenith nodded. "Yes. I agree. It will be hard but as long as you take baby steps forward, you'll always be going in the right direction."
After a minute of consoling Hero, Dr. Zenith turned towards me.
"Your name is Kristina, is that right?"
I straightened up immediately.
"Now, why don't you tell me what's bothering you?"
I shrugged, taken aback by the change in direction.
"I mean... I always knew it was wrong..."
Dr. Zenith shook her head.
"Not just with Hero's journey. Yours as well. You've been together for some time I bet and have gone through trials of your own. Perhaps some family troubles? Personal worries?"
I squared my shoulders, preparing to bare myself to someone I didn't know.
This Sia song is so heartbreaking but has such a message 💔😔
Please remember that you are all loved.
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