Poppy turn around, her heart in panic ... to realize that it was Branch who had just jumped in the water, it was his purple nose piercing the surface. (Not Nemo lmao-)
- N-No! She giggled nervously as he happily swam towards her, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he wiggled his three functional limbs the best he could.
It took just a few seconds for him to join her and throw himself on her, licking her face, all happy to show her that he could swim even with his injured leg. Poppy froze as she felt his two strong arms around her waist, blushing as she was, I remind you, in her underwear at that precise moment.
- Branch, this is not a g-game! she laughed again, nervous and pushing his body slightly away from hers... why was she nervous ?? He probably didn't even realize that this situation would have been uncomfortable in ... normal circumstances.
Branch had noticed her attempt to get him away from her, had he done something wrong? Letting out a sorry whimper, he lowered his head and rested his chin against her chest ... before giving her a heart-breaking look.
- Aww ... Poppy felt all the nervousness leave her, you just wanna bathe with me, don't ya?
He nodded with a little "Aurf!" Which made the queen smile. HOW COULD THIS TROLL BE SO ADORABLE ?!
- Okay ! She said, what do you wanna play, buddy?
Branch immediately recovered his cute smile and barked before swimming around her, splashing her in the process. Poppy laughed, following the awkwardly swimming gray troll. Branch noticed that she was following him and, barking, turned to her and began to throw her cold water.
- Aurf! Aurf!! Branch barked out loud
- N-NO! She laughed, throwing water back at him laughing, she hadn't laughed so much in a long time.
It was a real battle, each throw the other freezing water and trying to escape. At one point, Poppy dived under the water in an attempt to save herself, Branch confused, barked before diving to follow her.
In the dark water, Poppy opened her pink eyes, only to see the silhouette of Branch in front of her. Without knowing why, the pink troll didn't move, not an inch, only the water carried her gracefully like a floating pink angel.
Quietly, Branch swam towards her, something pounding fast in his chest; what was that ? He had no idea ... He didn't know what it was, that sudden urge to have her near him, to keep her close to him forever ... that thing was dancing in his chest, and he had no idea what this thing was called ...
Boom boom... he would call it boom boom.
Happy, boom boom dancing in his chest, Branch let his body press against the one of his precious friend. Soon they found themselves on the surface again, floating and snuggling against each other's body. Branch tried to tell her, maybe did she know what that feeling was?
Did she share it?...
- Boom boom, the gray troll told her, watching her as the feeling pierced his blue gaze.
But Poppy didn't understand, and just smiled at the words; what did he mean? She didn't know it, but she repeated those words anyway;
- Boom boom ...
They were there, in the middle of the water point and floating, in each other arms and their gaze plunging into their partner one, alone in the world...
Alone in the world ... they had to find the others trolls.
Poppy was swimming towards the shore, Branch still clinging to her. Soon she felt the soft sand against her back, and blushed, cause it was the weight of the wild troll that trapped her against the ground:
- How long are you going to stay on me? Poppy joked, she didn't want to admit it, but he was so cute and cuddly, she felt... safe under him like that.
- Boom Boom ... Branch only whispered, closing his eyes and sighing happily, literally wanting to fall asleep on her.
Poppy smiled and once again raised her pink fingers to stroke his black hair, letting her head fall to the ground ... when she noticed, in the forest, someone had forming a path.
- There is still hope ... Poppy whispered, tears of relief coming in her eyes, because this trail would finally lead them to someone from the rebels ...
- There is still hope ...
Far away, in the snow-capped mountains, Trollex was advancing along. His heart was beating slowly on his chest, his breath was trembling; techno trolls was not ''designed'' to face such temperatures.
It had been 3 days, 3 days since he had been on the run and he was exhausted ... but he couldn't give up, even though he was the last troll who had not become a zombie, cause all his research for the cure could save them...
He had to believe it ...
The snow was stretching as far as the eye could see, as if there would never be an end to a blizzard sweeping his hair in all directions .... He wanted to continue, but the poor midnight blue troll felt his strength leaving him little by little ... He hit his face to wake up, he must not fall asleep! Otherwise he would die of cold!
"You dumb fish, you should never have come here!"
Only Yodeling Trolls could survive in such an environment, not a techno troll who cannot resisted the cold ... but at first he had only thought that the rock trolls could not come here looking for him, they were too used to the stifling heat of their volcano to risk a hyporthermia .... on the other hand he had put himself into this situation without thinking about the danger that came with it.
- H-HELP! He finally screamed because the cold was getting over him
But only the wind continued to whistle violently around him, as if it was screaming at him that he was alone ... completely alone ...
- P-PLE-E-EASE! ... S-SOMEONE! HE-HELP-P! ... Trollex yelled in despair.
He fell to his "knee" in the snow, trembling violently. His heart had never beat so slowly, the cold air entering his lungs was like hundreds of small knives ... His skin was pale, almost colorless, he would at least have wanted to see the ocean one last time...
He would have liked to see her one last time ...
- H-Help ... He whispered and fell in the snow, closing his eyes.
He felt he was about to fall asleep, to fall into darkness ... when he heard footsteps in the snow.
Was it a dream?...
He opened his eyes, his vision blurring by the ice forming from the water of his tears ... a troll stood in front of him ... or was it an angel coming to him?
He couldn't tell, he felt the stranger's arms wrap around him, before he fall asleep.
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