Ava's POV
Edited by TenYearOdyssey
I stretch my limbs out on the bed and yawn. Immediately I wince at the massive pain pounding in my head. I try to remember what happened last night, but all that comes to mind are blurry images of me dancing. Wait, did I dance?
Groaning, I push myself off the bed and get ready for the day.
I quietly close the door behind me and wonder what I am going to do today. First things first, I have to eat breakfast. In a haze, I start walking downstairs, but the shrill voice of my mother suddenly stops me.
"Ava, where do you think you're going looking like the that?" my mother half-screams.
"Breakfast," I meekly reply.
"I think not. I will not have my only daughter looking like a homeless person while she lives in the palace. Go back this instant and change."
Well, my headache just got worse. "Yes mother," I say turning around to head back to my room.
"Wait just a minute, knowing you you'll probably pick something worse so I'm coming with you."
I pause and she comes to stand beside me, looping her arm through mine and says, "So how's it going with Thomas?"
I blush and turn my face away from hers. "Not bad, he's a decent guy."
"Is he now," she mutters under the breath. Then she's smiling at me nicely, for once, and pushes the door open.
I follow after her as she ruffles through my closet and hands me a silk purple top and a pair of tight fitted jeans. Taking them, I head to the bathroom and quickly put them on.
When I walk out, my mother is looking around the room, probably trying to find some type of mistake in the decorticating.
"Ava, today you're going to meet Thomas's brother, and his fiancée so please do behave," she says.
I frown. Thomas has a brother. I had read about it online, but I didn't remember until just now, too much had happened between then and now. "Of course, mother."
She smiles and says, "Thank you, dear."
I wonder at her attitude. She's in a remarkably good mood today.
I follow her out the door, but she stops suddenly and says, "Ava, Thomas should treat you better."
"What did you do," I ask.
"Nothing. I just had a little talk with him," she replies.
I stare at her, that was actually a nice thing to do. What's with her today? "Thank you, mother."
She nods and we enter the grand hall. I look up to see the queen and king, the queen smiles at me kindly and says. "Ava, good morning."
I smile back as she says, "Today you're going to meet-"
My mother cuts her off by saying, "I've already told her."
I nod and then realize someone's missing. "Where's Thomas," I ask.
"He'll be here soon," the king replies, his eyes, so similar to Thomas', watch me carefully.
I take a seat next to my mother as the butler brings our breakfast. In the middle of me eating my toast, Thomas enters the room. Eric is right behind him. They both look a bit rumpled and messy.
The king stands up and booms out, "Where have you been?"
Thomas glares back, his gaze unflinching and replies, "Nowhere that concerns you father."
That doesn't seem to sit well with the king, because he bangs his hand on the table and replies, "I order you to tell me this instant, as your king."
Thomas's face remains neutral, "If you must know, I was helping my friend, Eric, here out at...his farm."
"Very well," the king says. Gesturing to the table he mummers, "take a seat son."
Turning to Eric he says, "You may leave now." Eric does a sweeping bow and leaves the room.
Thomas pulls out a chair beside his father and takes a seat. The queen tells him that his brother and his fiancée are coming. His face immediately hardens and he flinches as if struck.
What is with everyone today, I wonder. First my mother and now Thomas and the king.
Suddenly, a butler appears and says, "Presenting his royal majesty, Prince Alexander Noah Quintos Deles Williams the II and his fiancée the Duchess of Evergreen, her majesty Antoinette De La Rose Addington Everleigh."
After the butler exits, a gorgeous girl with fair blond hair, a perfectly sharp face paired with hazel eyes, and a gorgeous gown that looks like shimmering gold, steps in. I feel quite dull next to her.
After her follows a tall lean man. He looks like an almost exact replica of Thomas, but his hair is a shade darker and instead of Thomas' ice-cold blue eyes, he has bright green emerald eyes. He's dressed smartly as well, clad a dark blue dress shirt and some black slacks.
They both appear breathtakingly beautiful, a perfect couple. It's almost impossible to not envy them.
Thomas seeing me look at his brother says, "He's my twin, I'm older by a minute." My eyebrows raise, that's news to me. I knew he had a brother, I just didn't know they were twins. How did I miss that?
Thomas offers me his hand, I take it and we stand up and walk over to greet them. The girl's eyes rake over me with disdain. She asks, "Who is this?"
Thomas opens his mouth to respond but I beat him to it, "Ava Mays, I'm Thomas' fiancée."
She frowns and questions, "When did this happen?"
"While you were gone, Annie," Thomas says glaring at her.
She flinches and grips her fiancée's hand tighter and replies, "no need to be so rude, Tommy."
Thomas eyes harden and he replies, "I told you not to call me that."
She snickers and replies, "What would you like me to call you, Thomas maybe?"
"That is my name Antoinette," he says, his gaze unflinching.
She laughs a lighthearted laugh. "And you know better than to call me Antoinette, you know I prefer Annie."
"Fine, Annie," he says, his voice gritting and making the name sound quite terrible.
"Why thank you, Tommy," she replies with a smug smile.
Thomas' nails bite into my skin and he looks away from her to his brother and says his gaze still cold, "Pleasure to see you again, brother."
His brother smiles and replies, "The pleasure is all mine."
Thomas laughs for an uncomfortably long moment then finally responds, "I'm sure it is."
There's obviously tension between these three. I can't help but wonder what happened.
The queen clears her throat and says, "Come, everyone, why don't we go to the garden, it's quite lovely outside."
Thomas' hand grips tightly on mine as we follow everyone outside.
Authors note.
Sorry it took me so long to update. Did you like it though.
I hope so.
Oh and I have an update on my crush...he broke up with his girlfriend.
I have no clue what to do know, he's so I guess imitating is the right word.
Any ideas?
In other news , what's up with Thomas and his new friend Antoinette.
Things are getting spicy, or is it just me.
Welll that's all I promise to update sooner this time.
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