Edited by TenYearOdyssey
Ava’s POV
I awake to the uncomfortable sensation of my pajamas soaked in sweat and sticking to my skin. I grimace as I slowly sit up, pulling the damp fabric away from my overheated skin. I hate being hot.
I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look around the room. Thomas is fast asleep, lying in a chair with his head resting on the table, softly snoring. After another few seconds of starting, I notice that he's shivering. He must have given his blanket to me. I remember last night, I was so tired and I had been too lazy to slip under the covers. But, now Thomas is freezing.
I get up and place the blanket on Thomas, being careful not to wake him, then leave the room. I walk down the stairs into the dining room, where everyone is gathered around the dining table, eating breakfast.
"Ah Ava, you're finally here. I have some matters to discuss with you," the king says.
Oh, dear. I wonder if something is wrong, the king never wants to talk to me. In fact, he had never even spared me a second glance.
"Of course...Your Majesty," I say, unsure of his proper title.
I gingerly sit down at the dining table, trying to ignore the glare from my mom.
The king waits while I get my food and start eating before asking, "Ava, about your engagement to Thomas, have you decided the date for the wedding yet?"
I slowly drop my fork and look at my mom she shrugs. My hands start to get clammy. I rub my palms against my pajamas, hoping to calm my nerves and stall for time. What am I supposed to say? No, Your Majesty, I don't really want to marry your son, so I definitely haven't decided on a wedding date yet. Yeah, that will go over well.
"Ava, dear, did you hear me?" the king asks.
I nod tentatively, "I don't why don't you ask Thomas."
The king smiled kindly and says, "He told me to ask you."
"Oh," I say.
"It's alright dear, you don't have to decide right this moment, but tell me when you do decide. We have to get started on the preparations soon," the king says. "Oh, also, as the future queen. your duty is to provide an heir for the kingdom. You are fertile, aren't you? You cannot be infertile if you wish to marry Thomas."
Wow, I highly doubt I'm infertile considering I am a virgin. Plus, my best friend made me go check with her a few months ago.
I can feel my mom glaring at me. No doubt she's worrying about my fertility, but only because my fertility now holds the key to my power.
I don't voice any of my thoughts, instead, I just reply, "Of course I can bear children, Your Majesty."
"That's great, dear," he replies.
I wonder if he actually means that, but I just nod and finish the french toast in front of me rather than ask him.
"Ava, why don't you go get Thomas, he's slept enough," the queen says.
I nodded again and quickly get up. I scurry up the stairs, eager to escape the dining room and talk about my fertility.
I hear voices in our room, once I get to our door. Thomas must be talking on the phone. I decide instead of spying on Thomas I will just walk in and see his reaction.
A loud bang has me pausing with my hand on the doorknob. Did he drop his phone? I crack the door open and peer into the room. Thomas has his head in his hands and tears are streaming down his face.
I accidentally bang my head against the doorframe in shock. Thomas looks up. There are still tears slowly trickling down his face, his usually bright blue eyes are dull and lined with red, his perfect hair is now tousled and messy.
He watches me carefully like I'm dangerous, then he says, "Come here."
I slowly walk towards him, his hands snake out and grab my hips and he pulls me towards him. I gasp as he hugs me tight. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and cries. I slowly wrap my arms around him and hold him. I can feel him sob as his tears gradually make my shoulder wet.
Around fifteen minutes later, he eventually stops crying and pulls away. His face lingers in front of me.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, unsure of his emotional state.
He pushes his body away from me and, without sparing me a second glance, heads into the bathroom.
What just happened?
Author's note
I know I know, this is short its about half the size of the chapters I usally write.
And I know i havent updated in forever.
But I just had to end it there it was perfect.
In better news I finally found a cast for this book yay me.
And I ate some ice cream it was tasty 😂😂.
Ok have a great day everyone. Hugs...
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