The next morning had them walking into the bullpen at eight fifteen. Their routine began as usual, with Reed clocking them in while Nines fixed his morning coffee. The difference was that as he fixed the coffee, he hacked into the forensics lab's visual feed. Haley and Brad were working the shift in the lab that morning. That was fortunate. Both had personal experience with Reed, and they didn't dislike each other so much these days. Haley was currently working on a drug analysis for narcotics, testing the contents of an unknown substance. It was likely red ice, or was being sold as red ice. Brad was just getting started on matching a bullet to a gun. It wasn't related to Stan's case, but it was still gang related. He kept the feed active as he returned to his desk and dropped off the coffee.
"Thanks." Reed was still half asleep as he reviewed a case on his terminal. It wasn't one of his own. He'd only just returned after the Hickory Killer incident, so they were both on light duties. He was simply giving input to others, offering leads and advice. It was a good role for him. He may have once been the department asshole, and still was to an extent, but he was also one of the best detectives on the force. His insights were invaluable, and with his new approachable attitude, he was finding more newcomers were willing to reach out for help.
Nines turned on his own terminal and reviewed his internal emails. He had very few. Since he wasn't the lead detective, that was to be expected. Reed got the majority of their work emails. The emails he received were often from other androids within the precinct, seeking advice on how to deal with their assigned humans or voicing complaints. These emails often went to Connor, but more recently, it seemed Nines had been deemed more approachable. His success at gaining a close and workable relationship with his formerly antagonistic partner hadn't gone unnoticed. Many had never expected Gavin Reed to become civil, let alone kind.
Nines' brow furrowed as he read over the latest message from one of the PC200 androids. During his regular night shift, he complained his partner and a few of the other officers kept teasing him and speculating on whether he'd had a genital component installed. The verbal teasing he could live with, but one of the female officers had attempted to grope him to make a more accurate assessment. He didn't want to risk any of them losing their jobs, but the physical encounter had left him somewhat shaken. He was finding it difficult to interact with these humans, and his partnership was suffering somewhat because of it. That's disturbing...It was unacceptable for humans to do that to one another in the workplace, and such rules had been extended to include their android colleagues. It was sexual harassment and verged on speciesism. Verbal contemplation of what an android had beneath their clothing was not an acceptable topic of conversation.
He would bring it up with Fowler himself, only the android in question was adamant that he didn't want his co-workers to get in trouble. Perhaps this in an issue better directed towards Connor...He'd noticed his brother was often more diplomatic in his approach. If there was a way to solve things without involving their superiors or creating a tense working environment, then Connor was the best person to ask. In Nines' opinion, these humans didn't deserve such consideration, and the android in question was likely trying to find an easy solution to prevent animosity within his department.
Nines forwarded the message to Connor with his own thoughts attached and checked in on forensics again. Brad was on the move. It was almost eleven fifteen, just as he'd predicted the night before. He watched him head to the elevator, which would bring him up to a corridor just down the hall from the interrogation rooms. He looked up and waited for him to leave the elevator and cross to the evidence locker. Viewing the live feed from there, Nines watched him walk to the expected case to sign out the required firearm, which was neatly sealed within a plastic bag.
"Gavin." Nines nodded toward the hall, encouraging him to follow as he headed across the bullpen. Reed followed, partly nervous and partly bewildered as Nines strode into the breakroom and poured a plain black coffee. From the machine. He didn't bother to heat it as usual. It was safer that it remain lukewarm. "Your coffee, Detective...Tell me, do you believe there is a possibility that Detective Yates would fabricate evidence in order to ensure a favourable outcome in Mr Lent's case?" Nines asked conversationally as he directed him to follow. Brad would come out of the evidence locker soon. Reed almost scoffed, something bitter in his expression as he fell instep without question.
"I wouldn't put it past him. That asshole doesn't care who he has to step on to get through the day. If he can get a fast result, he'll do pretty much anything. He doesn't care about right or wrong, just whatever makes his own life easier!" His brow furrowed in displeasure at the thought of him, and his tone was full of resentment. The mere mention of Yates had put him in a bad mood. If Yates had his way, the whole incident would probably be dumped on Stan's shoulders and he'd be in for life. Yates had never believed that gang members could change, and if you were from a rough neighbourhood, you were screwed. As far as he was concerned, all scum came from the same place. You didn't even have to be a gang member for him to suspect you of something.
"Do you have much personal experience with him?" Reed's stress level ticked up. That was a definite yes, even if he hadn't already told him a few details. Nines slowed a little, causing Reed to fall into his usual habit of turning to walk backwards down the corridor as he took the lead. Reed wasn't sure where they were headed exactly, but he knew this must be part of Nines' plan. It seemed the question had the desired effect. He was so annoyed about Yates that he'd stopped paying attention to where he was walking.
"Do I? Phck! The asshole wouldn't leave me alone for years after I straightened out! Even after he stopped sending his cronies to watch me directly, he always turned up during my shift for the first few months. He'd walk by with this judgemental phcking look on his face, like I was about to whip out a pipe and start smoking red ice right there in the middle of the phcking bullpen! I was never even a user! Prick's a phcking asshole! The only reason he stopped checking up on me was because Jack and Tina threatened to hand him his ass!" Green eyes sharpened as he recalled the constant jitters he'd felt during those early years. Always looking behind him, always making sure he never set one toe out of line, checking his locker with Jack daily to make sure the asshole hadn't planted anything on him. Fowler had gotten him to back off some, and then Jack and Tina had scared him off for good. By the time he reached detective, it seemed Yates had either given up on catching him in the act or decided it was above his paygrade.
Nines listened amicably to the passionate rant, silvery eyes calculating as they drew level with the small corridor between the elevator and the evidence locker. As predicted, Brad stepped out and headed towards them. He was lost in thought, not paying attention to them or their loud conversation. His head was lowered to read the label on the evidence bag he was carrying, the handgun clearly visible within. With a final stream of muttered curses, Reed turned to continue his way forward. He walked straight into Brad with a grunt. Both humans paused with curses as hot coffee spilled between them, most of it going on Brad's arm and lab coat.
"Shit! Phck! I didn't see you, you alright?" Reed checked as he shook his own wet hand, ignoring the slight scalding from the spill. Nines swiftly stepped up beside the two men and plucked the evidence bag from Brad's fingers with a gentle tug. Brad didn't give it a second thought as he looked down at himself with a frustrated sigh. The sleeve of his white coat was soaked brown across the forearm, and hot liquid was quickly seeping through the fabric. The pinch of his brow told Nines he could feel the heat of the coffee.
"You should clean up and ensure your skin is undamaged," Nines suggested in his usual clipped tone, knowing that Reed would catch on instantly. If he had cottoned on, it didn't show on his face as he pulled up his own sleeves to check his forearms. He maintained the same slightly pained and apologetic expression he had the moment they'd collided.
"It's fine. I'm in the middle of transferring evidence, and I don't want to break the chain." Brad knew it would be his ass if anything happened to the gun. It wasn't that he didn't trust his co-workers, the risk just wasn't worth his job. The coffee had been hot, but not at boiling point. His skin would probably just be a little red for a while. Nines had already factored in this argument, which was why he'd taken the bag already. In touching the bag, he had now joined the chain and would need to sign for it. He held up the bag in explanation.
"It would be wise to check for first-degree burns. I can accompany you down to forensics to fill out the appropriate papers when you're done. I also wish to consult with Haley on a case related matter." Nines allowed Reed to see to the rest as he insisted that first-degree burns were a bitch and led Brad into the restroom a few doors down. As soon as the door shut, Nines got to work. They were already fortunate there were no cameras aimed at this spot. It was one of the most appealing things about it. Nines quickly opened the Ziplock bag and removed the gun. Before leaving the penthouse, he'd ensured that he had a small microfiber cloth in his pocket, which he used to dab and wipe the prints. He didn't press hard enough to erase them completely, but he did ensure that they were too badly smudged to give any conclusive matches. That was one of the most appealing things about his and Connor's models. They could see the fingerprints perfectly by adjusting their vision. The prints almost looked as if they were ultraviolet when he scanned for them. The whole procedure took less than a minute, and then the bag was safely resealed as if nothing had happened.
There was only one way to ensure no one would ever find out about his tampering, and that was to erase it completely. The first thing he did was carefully select a point to stare at while he waited and loop the footage. Next, he picked out an earlier string of thoughts to attach to the image, reviewing the email from earlier in the back of his mind as he did so. It had to look seamless. He had to ensure the footage could fool everyone, including himself. Finally, he set a timer and selected the memories he needed to erase right up to the final moment. With a blink, it was done. Moments later, the bathroom door opened, and the humans stepped out.
"...said we'd get it back to you, but with all the stuff from this latest gang crimes case, we've had to put a few things on hold," Brad was saying as they stepped out. It seemed Reed had been improvising some work related queries to keep Brad a little longer and buy him the time he'd needed. Nines' gaze dropped to Reed's hand briefly, noting the angry red marks that lined his thumb and trickled up to his wrist. He knew from preconstructions this would be the likely outcome, but still felt bad knowing he'd orchestrated the situation.
"Alright, but get it to me soon, yeah? I know it's a cold case, but it's only going to get colder." Brad voiced his agreement before accepting the bag from Nines. Nines felt a spike of anxiety as he recalled that he hadn't wiped the weapon down, but a secondary reminder he'd set in place informed him he'd done his intended job, but couldn't recall it due to his own security measures. He knew from his plan that he'd fully intended to erase his memory of the tampering, so it stood to reason that he had completed his mission. He wouldn't know for sure until Brad had completed the second test, however, he was confident in his own abilities.
"I shall accompany you down to forensics and sign the evidence record." They parted ways with Reed, and he returned to his desk. He would likely stop by the infirmary for some cooling gel. The redness on his skin must have been irritating. Brad was completely relaxed as they entered the elevator. He didn't suspect a thing, and why would he? He knew he was an RK900, designed to enforce the law, and Reed was a decorated detective. They shared a little small talk as they headed down, and once there, Brad showed him where to sign to say that he'd handled the evidence bag. It took less than two minutes, and he was free to see Haley. "Something rather disturbing has come to my attention, and I believe it would be prudent to share it with you," Nines excused as he stood beside her work station. Brad was already in his small lab off to the side, starting the test.
"It must be serious to bring you all the way down here." Haley was sitting at her own terminal, likely inputting the results of her latest analysis. It was unusual to see her out of her blue scrubs. She was wearing a neat office suit with a pencil skirt and had her long white lab coat over the top. This was his first time seeing her in such attire. It suited her and was far more flattering than her usual protective gear.
"It is somewhat...May I?" he added as he extended his hand to interface. Haley accepted, and he set his plan in motion. He shared a few details with her about Reed and his relationship with both Mr Lent and Detective Yates. He shared his own reservations about Yates and Reed's certainty that he may alter evidence. Haley's LED flickered yellow as she took in the data. In return, she shared her own apologetic feelings on the matter. She wasn't responsible for doing the weapons testing on that case, so she hadn't reviewed any of the data. Nines shared his regret, though inwardly he was relieved. Haley hadn't seen the positive match of Stan's fingerprints before he'd altered the results. Brad, it seemed, either didn't remember the original result or simply assumed he'd been mistaken when the retest got flagged. That was the advantage of humans. They forgot things so easily, and could be tricked into misremembering minor details.
"Those are some rather serious concerns..." Nines nodded his agreement. They were real and very true concerns. He had no doubt that Reed was correct in his suspicions, even though they were the ones currently performing illegal acts to safeguard a gang member. "Is there anything you'd like me to do?" Haley wasn't sure what she could do. She wasn't an investigative model, or even a qualified officer. Her place was in the lab.
"There is. I would appreciate it if you might keep a separate copy of the results in a secure location. If Detective Yates is planning to frame Mr Lent in some manner, it is important that we have an unbiased individual to assist in his defence." Nines knew that if he brought the results forward himself, he would be accused of altering them. There would be a standoff. Gang crimes against homicide, and Nines and Reed weren't even involved in the case. It would look suspicious for them to bring the evidence forward. Haley nodded her understanding, knowing that Reed would be considered unreliable due to his relationship with the suspect.
"I can do that. I'll have Brad send a copy directly to Captain Fowler as part of our own report." That was even better. If Captain Fowler got a copy of the results directly from forensics in the form of an official report, and Yates later presented him with altered documentation during his investigation, they wouldn't even be able to accuse Reed of tampering. With any luck, Elijah's lawyer, combined with the lack of evidence, will be enough to scare Detective Yates off...He doesn't seem the type to test his luck where money is concerned.
With his current mission complete, Nines headed back up to the bullpen, where he found Reed sitting at his desk with a bandage neatly wrapped around his hand. It didn't take more than a second for Nines to recognise Connor's handiwork. He was currently seated at his desk reviewing his emails and case related files. His LED span yellow as he interfaced with his terminal and examined the data, processing things almost as quickly as Nines. It seemed he'd heard him approach as he removed his hand and turned his chair with a warm smile. Nines had barely drawn level when Connor was out of his seat, wrapping him in a tight embrace.
"I'm so pleased to see you. I know we spoke, but..." He trailed off as Nines returned the embrace somewhat stiffly. He was far less awkward than he would have been a few months ago, but he never truly relaxed with anyone besides Reed and Chloe. He could follow what Connor was saying. It had been his first major injury, and considering his upgrades, it had come as a nasty and unexpected shock. He'd informed Connor from the hospital once Reed was safe and Elijah had completed his preliminary examination. He hadn't wanted to contact him without ample information. Nines was patient as Connor's hand slid down his new arm to grip his hand, warm hazel eyes tracing over it clinically.
"The replacement is excellent. Identical to the original in every way." He accepted the interface Connor offered. It wasn't long. It was simply the sharing of intense relief and joy at seeing him again. Nines was touched, returning his own feelings of gratitude and regret that the incident had taken place. "You took care of Gavin for me," Nines observed as he shifted his attention to the cheerful cactus on his desk. It was a healthy shade of green with little spikes standing proud. It would begin to bud soon, likely by March or April.
"I did. I know you've been looking forward to seeing him flower," Connor replied as he joined him in looking down at the cheerful pink pot. He smirked as Reed clicked his tongue indignantly, shooting them a small half glare are they doted on the small plant. "This Gavin is much easier to maintain." Connor folded his hands behind his back, large eyes twinkling in amusement as Reed all but pouted and hunched over his terminal.
"He is also quieter, and of a much calmer disposition." Nines smirked, pleased at the small scoff Reed gave him. His LED blinked yellow as a small ball of yellow paper bounced off his temple. Nines smirked as he picked up the crumpled sticky note and left it on his desk. "Less messy too." He chuckled as Reed flipped him off and returned to work. Connor remained a little longer, talking quietly about their android colleagues and their problems with integration. Connor was considering a staff meeting, or perhaps sensitivity training. Nines believed that to be unnecessary. They shouldn't need to train humans to be civil and considerate. Even his own partner had managed to pick up those skills on his own.
"You could just send out a station wide announcement telling them to get their shit together. They'll know who it's aimed at." Reed didn't even pause as he typed up some notes on the current cold case he was looking into. Connor hadn't thought he was listening, though he couldn't say it was a bad idea. Perhaps asking Captain Fowler to send a message to everyone would be a good idea..."Write up a draft and take it to HR." Nines inclined his head. It was a measured and appropriate response. It was anonymous and could be made vague enough that the human officers may not know exactly which android had spoken up. The message could be made open enough that all of them would know that they were likely being called out.
"That's not a bad idea. Thank you, Gavin." Connor headed back to his desk to work on a draft as Reed waved him off.
"See? Not just a pretty face." Nines' lips softened out into one of his almost smiles that turned Reed's insides to mush. When did I get so phcking soft? He felt his skin heat at the look. His own lips quirked as he felt a tap against his foot beneath the desk. He didn't need to look to know Nines' foot now resting against his own. He twitched his ankle to tap back, leaving their shoes touching.
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