The Fourth Wall
Jess's POV
We all went our separate ways after dinner. Finn and Amanda went outside on a walk. Philby and Willa went somewhere, probably to play Pokémon. I ended up talking with Charlene. "So you want them to get together right?" "Yes!" I exclaimed. I was pretty sure I knew who she was talking about, but just in case, "You're talking about Willa and Philby right?" "No," Charlene said sarcastically, "I'm talking about Philby and Amanda." "NOOO!" I cried, "What about Fimanda and Wilby?" "And Willa could be with Finn," Charlene added. I thought about that. "That might be cute but they are my BROTP," I told her, "My OTP being Fimanda. Wilby is my second choice. Charbeck is my third. However the author's OTP is Wilby, though she has no clue how I figured that out." "Jess! You can't break the fourth wall!" Maybeck exclaimed. Apparently he had been listening to our conversation. "But the characters in our AU have done it like twice," I complained. "Jess!" he cried. "Fine," I sighed. "After this I'll go to the AU and stop them from breaking the fourth wall," Maybeck informed them. "Tell the AU Jess hi," I said. Charlene and I went back to our conversation. "Willa and Philby should definitely get together. But sadly, I think there's more of a chance of accidentally vaporizing your pre-algebra teacher than them getting together," I told Charlene. I possibly just broke the fourth wall again but I didn't care. "You know what we should do? We should tie them up and lock them in a room," came a voice from behind us. We turned and saw it was the sword guy, Percy. He and Rachel had left the dining room and come up from behind us. "That..." I started, "Is an awesome idea! Let's do it!" Rachel, Charlene, and Percy all nodded. "WHAT! Why would you do that?!" cried Maybeck, who had apparently not left for the AU yet. We all left for Rachel's book room which she used for studying. Well all of us with the exception of Maybeck. We began to plan how we would tie them up and lock them in a room. We weren't kidding, we were all dead serious about doing it.
Maybeck's POV
Finn and Amanda had gotten back from their walk and were going to watch a movie. Amanda had gone to the kitchen to get popcorn while Finn started the movie. I walked in to talk to Finn. "Hey, you need something?" Finn asked. "Yeah, I have a dilemma and I don't know what to do," I told him. "Whatcha got?" he challenged. "Well, I have to choose between going to our AU and trying to stop them from breaking the fourth wall or stopping the others from tying people up and them locking them in a room," I told him. He blinked. "Well... That's an... Interesting dilemma... I can't say I've heard that one before... I don't know... Um, good luck," he told me. Seeing that he was no help, I left.
Finn's POV
I watched a movie with Amanda (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Being important members of Disney has its perks). I them went into the study hall to check in everyone else. Percy, Rachel, Jess, and Charlene were all hunched around a table, planning something. Behind them, Philby and Willa were playing Pokémon on a card table. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. Ugh, I'm starting to sound like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb. I am not sweet and innocent enough to be her. A/N: He is definitely sweet and innocent enough to be her. But I think Willa would be a better Isabella. Mostly because she is way more sweet and innocent than Finn. And as I typed this, I remembered Willa is short for... Isabella. Hey, maybe I should give them all a Phineas and Ferb character. Maybe I'll write an AU about that. Or just a one-shot. I'll do it at the bottom. "We are planning on tying Willa and Philby up and locking them in a room together," Jess informed me. I glanced at Philby and Willa. Philby sighed and looked up at me. They don't know we're here, he mouthed. He turned back to the game to see that Willa had just killed his Pokémon. I turned back to the others. "Oh, Maybeck wasn't kidding about that," I thought aloud. "Should we even bother tying them up?" asked Percy. "If we don't, they'd probably just walk out," Charlene reasoned. "Honestly, if we do this, my bet is that they will get out of the ropes and just stay in the room playing Pokémon," Rachel said. I glanced at the pair behind them playing the game. "Yeah, I can completely see that happening," I told them. "Wanna help?" Jess asked. "No thanks," I told them. I turned to leave when Willa called out, "Wait up, were leaving too." The smug smile on her face told me who won the game. The foursome froze and looked at each other. They then turned around. Philby and Willa had packed up their cards and walked up to me. The three of us left. From outside the room, I heard Percy ask, "So, are we still doing this?"
Just a little fun thing. 👇
Maybeck's POV
I appeared in the bathroom of the room the AU characters were staying in. I walked out to see everyone sitting in the living room. Including the me from this universe. It was weird seeing myself. Everyone looked at Maybeck. Then they looked back at me. "Who are you?" asked Charlene. "I am Maybeck, from an Alternate universe," I told them. "Oh, hi. You're from the Fandom Cousins and Tia Dalma Plots to Destroy New York fanfic right?" asked Jess. "Well, I dunno about Fandom Cousins, but yeah, Tia Dalma fanfic," I told her. "Oh yeah, only Philby and Willa were in Fandom Cousins. Oh, and Finn was in there a little bit," Jess recalled while everyone else looks confused. "So... why are you here?" asked Finn. "I'm here to try to stop you from breaking the fourth wall," I told them. "Oh, well then we will try," said Jess. "Good," I declared. "So what is everyone from your universe doing right now?" asked Amanda. "Well Amanda and Finn were watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Philby and Willa were playing Pokémon, and Jess, Charlene, Rachel, and Percy were in the study room planning to tie Philby and Willa up and lock them in a room together," I told them. "Wait, what?! Why?!" Philby exclaimed. I glanced at Jess. "Um, well, there's still not much developing on that. I mean, we have a little Finn and Amanda but not much other than that," Jess informed me. "How are you so cool about someone from an alternate universe just randomly appearing here?" asked Charlene. "Oh, the Jess from their universe comes and visits me sometimes," Jess told her. "Uh, cool?" Finn said I surely. I looked around. Only Willa hadn't spoken. I felt like I had talked to them enough. "Well, I better go," I told them. "Tell Jess hi for me," Jess requested. "Ok," I said. I left.
Kingdom Keepers as Phineas and Ferb characters.
Finn is Jeremy
Amanda is Candace
Philby is Phineas
Willa is Isabella
Maybeck is Ferb (on a day that he lost his voice)
Charlene is Vanessa
Jess is Stacy (close to Candace but not dating anyone memorable)
Mattie is Baljeete (or however you spell that)
Greg is Buford
I'll probably write a one shot about this later.
1280 words in 48 hours. I'm feeling proud of myself.
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