Truth or Dare
A/N: I'm writing this very angry. VERY ANGRY! I can't believe it deleted this whole thing, and now I have to rewrite it. It was so great. Also, I'm in French class. Yay!
Will's POV
We had all gathered in the Poseidon cabin for a game a truth or dare. By we I meant Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank, Nico, me, the Stolls, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, and Calypso.
We pushed the furniture out of the way to make room for everyone. We sat in a circle on the floor, Piper and Nico on either side of me.
"I'll start. My cabin, my rules. No chickening out. You have to do it no matter what. Understand?" Percy grinned. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Jason, truth or dare?"
"Dare," Jason answered instantly.
"I dare you to make out with," he looked around his cabin, "brick." Percy smiled impishly.
"What? Gods, why do you do this to me? Why do you all ship me with a brick?" Jason asked, embarrassed.
People in the room looked around, confused. The only people that weren't confused were Percy and Leo.
"Because it's funny," Leo explained. Everyone was still confused. Calypso leaned and whispered something in Leo's ear. "Oh, it's just this thing in the fandom." She leaned and whispered again. "Oh. Jason, Percy, and I are fanboys. Don't question it. Its hard to explain."
"Just make out with the brick already, Grace," Percy complained. Jason complied and spent a solid minute making out with the brick while everyone burst out laughing.
When he stopped, he chucked the brick out the window, shattering the glass. "I'm going to get back at you, Percy. Annabeth, truth or dare?"
"Truth," Annabeth answered confidently.
"No fun! And I had such a good dare!" The Stolls leaned in and whispered into Jason's ear. He promptly laughed and turned back to Annabeth. "Now I've got a really good truth."
Jason's voice was so quiet that everyone immediately shut up so people could hear him. "Annabeth. Are you a-" his voice dropped even lower so that I was barely audible, "virgin?"
Annabeth turned red and made a strangled sound in the back of her throat. I glanced at Percy, and he too was turning red.
"Can I change the rules, actually?" Percy asked.
"Nope. You said no chickening. Annabeth, answer the question," Jason demanded.
"I- No, I'm not." Annabeth looked at her hands, bright red.
Everyone in the room went silent. Everyone was still, no one said a word. Finally, Leo broke the silence.
"Well, I sure hope you two didn't do it on MY SHIP," Leo said sassily. "Let's get on with the game. Annabeth, your turn."
"Hm. Nico, truth or dare?"
Nico, who was not really paying attention, looked up. "Uh, dare?" He immediately regretted his decision. "Wait-"
"No take backs!" Percy said in a sing-song voice.
"Nico, I dare you to kiss your crush." Annabeth smiled.
Nico turned bright red. I could've sworn he glanced at me.
"Wait! No, I chicken. I can't. Please! No, I refuse! I quit! I-I can't." He repeated excuses over and over.
"Just do it," Jason said and gave him an encouraging nod.
Nico crawled across the room, and, to my surprise, stopped where I was sitting. He looked me in the eyes, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I immediately kissed him back.
The room erupted in cheering, and when the kiss ended, we received many high fives.
That day was the greatest day of my life, because I had finally kissed him. I had finally kissed the boy I loved.
A/N: Way shorter than it was before. Sorry guys! I hope you still liked it.
In Disney We Trust,
Peter Pan
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