Nico's Birthday
A/N: The Royals AU WILL continue. I promise. I just like this idea. Ok, read now.
Nico's POV
I woke up to loud banging on my door. Tiredly, I pulled back the covers and opened my door.
"Nice boxers." Percy stated bluntly, and everyone burst out laughing. By everyone I mean Percy, Jason, Leo, and Will. All the girls shot Percy a look.
"I don't know about Will, but this is the closest I've seen him to naked." Leo put in, and more laughter followed.
I looked down, and, sure enough, I was not only in boxers, I was also shirtless. I slammed the door before they could see the blush on my face.
I pulled on my typical outfit. You know, black shirt, black pants, black shoes, black jacket, and my skull ring. I also pulled on a yellow bracelet that Will gave me, which I took off to shower and forgot to put back on. I usually wear it all the time. It was my most colorful piece of apparel.
I reopened the door, but everyone was gone. A small note was on the doorstep. It said to meet at the Zeus cabin. I trudged over, and knocked on the door. Will opened it.
Let me be clear about something. Will and I, we're not dating. The group is constantly teasing us, thinking or wanting us to be together, but we're not. The bracelet is a friendship bracelet, which is what I assume to be a sign we are just friends. But I was totally okay with that. Totally.
"Hey, Will."
"Hey, Death Boy! Happy Fifteenth Birthday!" He said while pulling me into a hug. I awkwardly patted his back. I'm still not quite comfortable with... Touching.
I heard a wolf whistle come from behind Will, and I sent a glare that direction. Leo ducked his head.
"Jeez, Death Breath. I was just kidding." Leo held up his hands in defense.
Shrugging it off, I stepped back to get a better look at the room. A table was lined with gifts, and another held the biggest cake I have ever seen. Chocolate, of course. My favorite.
Everyone was here. Reyna and Hazel each gave me a hug. Then the party started.
"Hey, Neeks!" I heard someone shout in my ear. The party was getting loud. The whole camp heard about the party, and they all tried to crowd into the Zeus cabin. That didn't work, so some of the party was inside, some out.
I turned around and faced Will, who was uncomfortably close to me. Well, everyone was uncomfortably close to me, but he was close enough that he could, well, kiss me.
"Hi, Will!" I yelled over the music and loud voices. I did a quick sniff of his breath. No alcohol.
Now, you may be wondering why there's even alcohol at this party. Well, there wasn't. But then the Stolls showed up and everything got out of hand. Where's Chiron you ask? I have no dam idea. But he's not controlling this party. And of course Jason isn't controlling the party because, well, he's wasted. Along with Leo and Percy. All of them are probably puking their guts out by now. And the girls? Too busy worrying about their boyfriends. What about single Reyna? Consoling the worried girlfriends. Frank and Hazel? Left the second the Stolls showed up.
Anyways, back to the party.
Will tugged my arm and led me away from the premises, where it was more quiet.
"Do you want your present now?" He didn't have to shout anymore.
"Um. Sure. But you didn't have to get me anything." The other gifts were sort of forgotten. I'll probably open them tomorrow, when my "bros" aren't drunk.
"Of course I have to, it's your birthday! Now, close your eyes." He commanded, and I obliged.
Two seconds later, I felt Will's lips connect with mine. I was stiff at first, as this was my first kiss, but I eventually loosened up. I brought my hands around Will's neck and pulled him closer. I let his tongue explore my mouth a little.
Then, just as soon as it started, it ended. Well, it actually lasted a long time, but it hardly felt like it.
Will was flushed and breathing hard. He had the biggest smile on his face. I let the corners of my mouth turn up slightly, just so he would know that I was happy.
"I like you, Nico."
"I like you too, Will."
A/N: AWWW WASNT THAT CUTE! That was pretty cute! At least I thought so...
Peter Pan
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