Chapter Twenty Six // Malato
I felt the rays of sunlight streaming onto my face, making everything around me warm. Slowly, I began to open my eyes.
Next to me was absolutely nothing.
I suddenly jolted awake, confused as to where I was.
I looked around the room, and quickly sighed in relief. I was in Johnny's room, but he wasn't present.
I sat up, and began rubbing my eyes. I couldn't help but be confused. What was I doing here?Why was I alone?
"Johnny, babe?" I called out loud. I smiled when I realized what I had called him.
He really is a babe, I thought to myself. He's one cute babe.
A few seconds later, the white door opened, revealing Johnny.
When I saw him, I couldn't help but drool.
His hair was in curly black tufts across his forehead, making it look extremely soft. Somehow, his bed head looked elegant yet adorable at the same time. I would give anything to play with his bouncy hair right now.
Then, I got a good look at his phenomenal looking face. His skin was smooth and tanned, and his cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink color that made him look innocent. His dark eyes were shining, making them look like they were a shade of amber.
But on top of that, his lips were curled into a slight grin. His soft, red lips looked extremely kissable, and his smile made my insides melt. It was absolute perfection.
Finally, I looked at his outfit. He was wearing a navy shirt with thin, white stripes scrawled across the front. He was also wearing dark blue jeans, and white high top converse. He looked put together, yet laid back at the same time. Only he could pull that look off.
Suddenly, he began to speak.
"Hey, Pony, baby. I'm so sorry, I decided to make you colazione," he stated. I couldn't help but gasp when he said that. Not only had he made me food, but his voice sounded deep and raspy. I felt like I was on cloud nine.
I finally noticed the tray of food he was carrying when he started to walk towards me. I couldn't help but smile.
"Wow, thank you!" I exclaimed, thankful. He handed me the food, and then sat down on the bed next to me. '
"How is my favorito boy doing on this fine morning?" he asked. I giggled at his tone of voice.
"I'm doing much better now that my boyfriend is here," I replied with a cheeky grin. "But, who's your favorite boy?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.
I wanted to hear him say that he loved me, even though I knew he didn't.
It was worth a shot though.
"You are my favorite boy, bambino," he said in a sweet voice. He reached out to stroke my cheek.
I couldn't help but smile. He kissed my forehead softly.
"Now, eat up. I don't want you to morire di fame."
When I was finished eating, I took my dishes, and began walking downstairs. Johnny told me that he had cleaning to do, so he left me alone to eat.
When I entered the kitcstrehen, Johnny was putting some flowers in a vase. His shirt was slightly rolled up, so I could see his soft, tanned stomach.
I want to see more of his stomach, and everything else, I thought to myself.
No! Don't think like that! He's your boyfriend. We are in an innocent relationship!
I was taken out of my thoughts.
"Are you done mangiare? he said, looking at my plates. I nodded swiftly, unsure of what to do with them.
"Yeah, I am. Thank you, it was delicious!" I exclaimed. He smiled shyly, and then hid his face in his hands.
"Ti ..." he mumbled. I didn't catch a single word he said.
"What?" I replied. He suddenly turned bright red.
"Nothing, don't stress about it," he mumbled shyly.
I decided not to bother him, and I instead looked at the clock.
It read 6:50 AM.
"Shit! I have to go home and get changed! We have school today!" I exclaimed. I quickly put the plates on the counter.
"Alright, partire. I'll see you at school," replied Johnny, relieved.
I grabbed him by the face, and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"I'll be back for you, baby. We can walk together," I rushed out, before I sprinted out of the door.
The minute I stepped outside I only had one thing on my mind; How can I love somebody as much as him?
I stepped into the house, and immediately felt people staring at me.
The whole gang was in the living room, their mouths slightly agape. They all looked shocked. Suddenly, Darry stood up from his chair.
"Ponyboy, where were you all night?" he asked firmly. I gulped.
I had forgotten to tell anyone where I was going for the night.
"I'm sorry, y'all. I went to Johnny's during the evening, and I fell asleep on his couch," I fibbed.
I saw Steve wiggle his eyebrows at me. I gave him a small smile.
Then, Dally stood up.
"Wait, I thought you said you had a date last night," stated Dally, suspiciously. I gulped.
"Yeah, what happened to the hot lady you were gonna see?" asked Two Bit. Soda hit his shoulder, signalling that he should shut up.
"I went on the date, and then I went to Johnny's to tell him about it.." I lied, trailing off. Steve winked at me, signalling that I made a good save. "I'm really sorry, guys. I just wanted to tell my best friend what happened first."
"Hey, it's alright, kid brother. Just don't let it happen again, y'hear?" replied Darry. I quickly shook my head.
Sodapop stood up.
"Well, enough of all this. Pony, go get dressed for school," said Soda, putting on his DX shirt. I nodded, and walked past Dally.
For some reason, he was staring at me.
He knew something.
I was walking down the hallway at school, when I felt somebody grab my shirt, shoving me into the boys bathroom.
I was beyond scared and confused. I hesitantly turned around to see who it was.
It was Johnny. He was looking at me with a soft look in his eyes.
I immediately began to relax.
"Johnny? What's going on?" I asked, bewildered. He put his finger up to my lips, and shushed me.
"Shh, don't worry. I just perse you," he stated quietly. I wasn't able to get a word in, because before I knew it, he had shoved us in a stall, and locked the door.
He suddenly pressed his lips against mine, in an earnest way. He was gentle, yet aggressive at the same time.
I kissed back, and ran my fingers through his curly hair.
"Ponyboy," he groaned softly. I smiled against his lips. "You are so bellismo."
"Maybe, but you're perfect," I replied quietly. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened.
We jumped away from each other, the moment ruined.
"Who's in here?" asked the voice suddenly. I heard them pull out a blade. I could tell that it was Two Bit.
I shot Johnny a look, and then unlocked the stall.
"Hey, it's just me and Johnny," I said, looking at Two Bit. He sighed, and put the knife back in his pocket.
"Oh, hey guys. What are you doing in the same stall together?" he asked, innocently enough. Johnny glanced at me.
"Ponyboy was feeling malato. I thought he might throw up, so I took him here," covered Johnny.
Two Bit shot us both a look, almost like he knew we were lying.
"Well, alright. I'll leave you two to it," he stated, with a wink.
He slowly backed out of the door.
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