Chapter Twenty // Ci Vediamo in Giro
I couldn't believe that Johnny had moaned.
Before I could say something, he was already reacting to the ringing of the bell.
Johnny sighed, but walked to the front door. We both knew who was going to be on the other side, and it disappointed us greatly.
Johnny opened the door, revealing Two Bit.
"What's up, little buddies?" he asked, holding a soda bottle in his hand. He stepped into the house.
"Nothing, man. We were just watching some televisione," Johnny replied, a bit oddly. Two Bit gave him a weird look.
"Since when do we speak Italian in Tulsa, Oklahoma?" he questioned, jokingly. "It sounds real funny sometimes, y'know that?"
Johnny didn't say anything, but I could see his stature begin to shrink. He clearly didn't appreciate being picked on for not being fluent in English.
"I swear, sometimes you damn immigra-" started Two Bit, before I cut him off.
"Aw, c'mon man! Lay off. We gotta get goin' anyway, before Darry throws a fit," I said, redirecting the conversation away from Johnny.
"You're right, we gotta go. Anyways, thanks for takin' care of him for a few days," stated Two Bit, outstretching his hand. Johnny reached out, and shook it. "Take it easy, Johnny Cade."
"Bye, Johnnycakes," I said, before realizing what I had called him. I felt Two Bit giving me a weird look. I immediately flushed a bright pink color.
"I'll ci vediamo in giro," he mumbled.
"Damn Italians, I swear," whispered Two Bit under his breathe.
He was clearly pissed off that he couldn't understand him.
I didn't get the chance to say anything else, because Two Bit dragged me out of the house by the collar of my shirt.
When we were a few feet away from Johnny's house, I went off.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked harshly. Two Bit stopped in his tracks, and gave me a confused look.
"What are you talking about?" he replied, confused. His eyebrows were scrunched. He really didn't understand what he had done, did he?
"What were you makin' fun of Johnny for?" I questioned. I could feel my southern accent getting heavier the angrier I got.
Lots of people told me that I hardly talked with a southern accent, despite living in the south. I think it's because of all of the movies I watch. Most of them are produced in big northern towns, like Chicago or New York. They didn't talk like trash up there.
"Makin' fun of Johnny? I didn't do that!" he said defensively. I shook my head.
"You were saying things about how he speaks funny, and all that. He can't help it! He hasn't even been here for a full three months! He probably feels terrible that he can't speak like us, almost like an outsider!" I yelled. Two Bit sighed.
"Do you really think that's how he feels?" he questioned, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Yeah, I do! It must be hard moving to a new country, and having everybody be mean to you! He just wants to belong somewhere. Imagine how he must be feeling, all alone and stuff, like he has no friends. Would you like to feel that way?" I asked, challenging Two Bit to answer. He shook his head.
"No, I guess you're right. I'll go down there tomorrow or somethin' and straighten everything out," he mumbled, apologetically. I nodded my head.
"Good," I stated, firmly. For a second, I felt like Darry.
"..Ponyboy?" said Two Bit, sounding a bit ashamed.
"What?" I replied, a bit exhausted from my miniature rant. I saw him gulp.
"I really was joking, man. I didn't mean to make him feel bad," he stated, looking down at his shoes. I nodded.
"I know, but he doesn't," I said. He looked back up at me.
"Pony?" he asked again. I nodded.
"Is there somethin' going on between you and Johnny? You guys were acting mighty weird when I came around this morning," he stated. I felt my eyes go wide.
"Don't worry about it," I whispered.
I didn't know it back then, but my response would be the start of something that was going to happen later on...
I was laying in bed, late at night, when I heard a tap on my window. I looked around, realizing that Soda had gone out with Steve for the night on a date with their girlfriends, so it couldn't have been them.
Carefully, I walked to the window, scared of who might be there.
The closer I got, the clearer the person became.
It was Johnny, sitting on the tree outside of my window. I immediately opened it.
"Johnny? What're you doing? It's the middle of the night!" I whispered a bit loudly. I didn't want to wake up Darry.
"I had to come see you," he stated. The minute those words left his mouth, I knew that something was wrong.
"Something sounds different..." I said, trailing off. Johnny gave me a very slight smile.
"Yeah, I know," he replied. It suddenly dawned on me.
"Johnny, what happened to your accent?" I asked, a bit stunned. He really started to smile now.
"You noticed! I decided to try and get rid of it, and talk like everybody else in Tulsa!" he exclaimed quietly.
I could see the hurt in his eyes when he said this.
"Is this 'cause of Two Bit?" I asked in a demanding voice. He shook his head.
"Nah. It's just better for me to get rid of the accent all together. I gotta sound...what's the word?" he asked, not wanting to use the Italian words he already knew.
"You want to sound normal?" I questioned. He nodded.
"Yeah, I want to be normal. So, that starts with getting rid of my accent!" he stated, sounding semi confident.
I could tell that he was lying to himself.
Before I knew it, I had began to tear up.
"You don't gotta do this, Johnnycakes! You're perfect just the way you are!" I said, desperately. He looked down, but shook his head.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school."
Just like that, he had began to climb down the tree.
I closed the window, feeling heartbroken by his insecurities. I walked to my bed.
I suddenly had an idea...
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