Chapter Thirty Nine // Ponte Vecchio
My eyes fluttered open, the sunlight making them burn slightly. I rolled over, feeling the pillow sink underneath my weight, and my hair fall in front of my face. I gently touched the sheets that were covering my body, before peeling them off of me.
It seemed like I was in some kind of hotel.
I suddenly remembered that I was in Florence, Italy, and that I was here to find Johnny so I could confess my love to him and hopefully bring him home.
I turned over, and found Steve lying next to me, sound asleep. His black hair was matted across his forehead, and his skin seemed to be glowing from the inside.
I was reminded of waking up next to Johnny's in the morning, and it instantly made me sad again.
I couldn't stand to look at Steve any longer without balling my eyes out, so I reached out to him to shake him awake.
"What the hell is going on?" Steve grumbled, his voice low. I stopped shaking him, since I clearly got his attention.
"Get up. I want to go looking for Johnny as soon as possible," I stated. Steve groaned, but nodded his head.
"Alright, alright. You can start getting ready, and I'll be up in a few minutes," he replied. rubbing the sleepiness out of his blue eyes.
"Great," I muttered to myself, feeling a bit anxious.
I got off the bed, and began to get ready to find the love of my life.
I walked into the room a few minutes later to see Steve dressed and ready to go. He was wearing a navy blue button up shirt that had short sleeves, and a pair of black jeans. He was also wearing a pair of white converse, and he had his hair brushed back.
I couldn't help but let my jaw drop.
"Why the hell are you dressed so nice?" I asked him. He let out a loud laugh.
"Italy is my home. I ain't gonna be parading around here looking like a slob!" he exclaimed. I sighed, but gave him a huge smile.
"Well, do I look acceptable?" I questioned, signalling to my own outfit. Steve looked me up and down.
I too was wearing black jeans, but instead I was wearing a white button up t shirt with one of Johnny's denim jackets on top. I also had on a pair of white an black superstars, completing my look. On top of that though, my wheat colored hair was slicked back a bit, keeping it out of my bright green eyes. I even put on some fancy cologne.
"Yeah, I would say you look great even," he started. "Now, how about we go and hit the town?"
I nodded in enthusiasm, walking out of the hotel door.
Steve and I were walking around, marveling at the beautiful sites of Florence. The roads were made out of brick, and small, elegant cars would drive past us every few minutes. The smell of tomato sauce and cheese floated through the air, making everything smell scrumptious, and the sun was baking down on us. The sky was blue, with a select number of clouds sprawled across. Flowers adorned the sidewalks, making it look like a painting.
Florence was beautiful, but it wasn't going to be the same until I got Johnny back.
I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around, hoping to see Johnny. Instead, I found a girl.
"Ciao piccola. dove stai andando?" asked the woman. She had long, black hair that was curled, and olive colored eyes. She also wore a white dress with red embroidering.
"What? I can't understand you," I replied, making her laugh. She grabbed me by the arm and looked me in the eyes.
"I'll handle this," Steve whispered to me, clearly understanding everything that was going on.
He stepped in front of me.
"Andate via e lasciate solo il mio amico. Lui è gay!" he yelled. The girl gulped and nodded, before walking away, unable to take her eyes off of me.
"What the hell was that about?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"She was hitting on you, so I told her to go away because you were gay," he replied, rolling his eyes. I sighed.
"I just want to find Johnny," I mumbled. Steve gave me a slight smile.
"Let's go walk around a bit more, alright? There's this place that I want to take you called Ponte Vecchio," Steve suggested. I just nodded my head.
We continued to walk, unsure of what we would find.
Steve and I walked down the street, looking at the magnificent buildings that were lining the bridge over the Arno River. I was beyond impressed, gazing at the architecture.
I suddenly looked straight in front of me, and saw something that I couldn't believe.
A few feet away was a boy with his back to me. His black hair curled at the ends, and he was wearing a white dress shirt with a blue blazer and khakis. He was also wearing a pair of worn out converse.
I felt myself stop breathing.
He looked like Johnny from behind.
I elbowed Steve, pointing out the boy to him.
"Doesn't he look like Johnny to you?" I asked him. Steve took a good look at him, before leaning closer to me.
"Ponyboy, I don't want to get your hopes up," he started, "But I think that's Johnny."
I felt my heart beat out of my chest.
"Go check," whispered Steve in my ear. I nodded.
I began walking towards the boy, barely being able to feel my feet hit the concrete.
I was behind him, when I took a deep breathe.
I tapped him on the shoulder.
He turned around...
I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes which were staring into mine. His black curls fell in his face, and there was a slight blush on his cheeks.
I saw him smile slightly.
"Ti amo fino alla luna e ritorno," he whispered. I couldn't help but smile back, despite the fact I had no clue what he was saying.
"What does that mean?" I asked, giggling. He grabbed both of my hands.
"It means I love you to the moon and back," he stated, before looking deep into my eyes.
I could feel his love for me.
Suddenly, I felt his lips press against mine, sparks flying...
Standing in front of me was Jonathan Cade.
"Ponyboy?" he whispered, surprised. I let out the biggest smile. "What are you doing in Italia?"
I felt tears in my eyes.
"I came all this way for you, Johnnycakes. I needed to tell you something," I started. "I needed to tell you that I love you, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. You're my one true love."
A few tears rolled down his cheeks. He was smiling wide.
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