The Weird One
I hope the air will serve to remind you that my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath and my words are as timed as the beating in my chest.
I heard All Time Low play in the background as I devour my third mini pink cupcake in my mouth.
At least Harper is having a good time, and as you know, best friends support each other even though half of the duo is creeped out by a pair of green eyes staring at her while the other half is practically sitting on the other pair of green eyes' lap. Great.
We're all seated uncomfortably on our white hand-me-down couch. The two guys were ginormous. I'd say equally above six feet.
"Are you guys related or something?" I asked nonchalantly as I stuff another cupcake in my mouth.
Yummy. If only we had beer this day would be ten times better.
The weird one who won't stop looking at me while I'm not looking then proceeds to pretend to look elsewhere when I look at him answered. "No, we're actually old friends. We get mistaken as brothers sometimes, I guess it's true when you spend a lot of time with each other you'd look somewhat alike." He said jokingly.
Oh, so he does talk and his voice isn't as weird as I made it out to be in my head, it's nerdy and cute.
Harper gave out a hearty laugh and proceeded to eye me, trying to do that telepathic thing that best friends do.
She looked at me with wide eyes and proceeded to drag her eyes on to William, the blue dress shirt wearing man with a nerdy laugh.
I get it. She's saying that I should actually entertain him.
Okay okay. I just nodded and gave a forced ugly smile at her.
William cleared his throat and smiled at me. His stupid cute, no teeth smile. D*amn it.
Why does he have a cute smile and why does he have fluffy hair. Jesus. Tsk tsk.
"What?" Freakin' William asked.
"What do you mean what?"
"You do realize you just made two clicking sounds with your tongue right? Tsk tsk." He said as he laughed and put his right hand on his chest. It seems to be his mannerism when he laughs.
Just then I felt my face go a little pale. Oh no. Am I the weird one?
I just heard Phil, the other guy that's swooning my BFF right now, muttered a slow and quiet "huh?"
"Don't worry, she tends to think she's just talking to herself when she's actually talking a loud. Sometimes it's the opposite. One time she got mad at her sister because she told her to pick her up at 3 pm after basketball practice but she only told her that info in her head." Harper explained while laughing really loud as she recalls how mad I was.
I am the weird one?
"Jess, you're doing it again, sis." She added.
"This is just from the lack of booze in my tumtum. I need more edibles and liquids to stuff my face with. You guys want to go out? It's our first day in New York anyway. It would be nice if you could show us places to drink and chow" I said to change the topic and it's true though.
It's our first day and I don't want to spend it inside the apartment, even though we have a lot of cleaning up to do. We're cramped up inside our tiny apartment with two giant people and I need some fresh dreamy air outside.
As we were walking outside, I realized that first, the air in New York is not dreamy. Why the h*ll did I think it was? I don't know, innocence maybe? imaginative mind?
I always thought New York air is as holy as the air in Bethlehem when Jesus was born.
Instead, I think this is giving me as much cancer as my cigarette smoking habit but now that I've thought about it Jesus was born in a manger where horses and cattle eat. So I guess I was wrong from the start.
Second, I think I stepped on a dead rat.
These small details won't get me down though. It's New freaking York and I'm going to drink and eat and drink some more and become a writer. Sounds like a good, solid as a concrete and well thought out plan.
Phil and William lead us to one of the best places to get burgers and drink beer at the same time, or so they say.
It was almost dark outside and the place looked like a wizard was supposed to give us a palm reading but then would trick us into giving our souls to him.
There was glowing orb-like lights hanging from the walls which was the only source of light in the place aside from the glowing bar and candles on the table.
The waiters wore a violet silky top with intricated flower designs and plain black pants.
Everything else as I can see them are black but the mood is suave with all the different lighting from the orbs and The 1975 started playing their song Girls in the background.
We were sat on the far end of the place, which I assume is their regular table as one of the waiters knew them by their name and guided us to our table as though we had a reservation.
I munched on my second cheesey bacon burger after I just downed my third bottle of beer and the two guys are just staring at me like I have two heads.
"I have a fast metabolism. I rarely sleep and I can barely sit still." I answered the questions in their mind. I always get that question. Somewhere in the lines of 'how are you not fat and greasy?' but boy am I. Only on the inside though.
I learned a few things from our drunk conversations with the big boys. First, Phil lived two rooms beside us and saw Harper and decided to give it a go.
Second, William loves books and we have a lot in common in that aspect. We both love world history and philosophy.. you know, the hits.
Third, I may or may not be attracted to Will.
May as in I might actually like him and his fluffy hair and goofy grin.
May not because this is my fourth bottle of whatever this is and I don't know if it's just because I haven't done the deed in a while or because he talked about the Viking Age in a very detailed way with me. Hot.
Fourth, I still don't know if it's may or may not but I know one thing is for sure. I may not be familiar with my bedroom here in New York since I just moved in but this definitely isn't mine and my ceiling definitely isn't gray and I definitely didn't sign up for an arm wrapped around me when I signed the apartment lease.
My back was turned to whoever this arm belongs to but I think I might have an idea.
I tried to get up but failed and in turn just accidentally pushed myself against his big friend, feeling it without hindrances.
Oh no. I'm naked.
"Good morning beautiful. Sorry I'm friendly in the morning." I feel him smile on my shoulder as he gives it a quick peck. Sweet fluffy haired nerd. "and also, you just said that out loud again." Now, he laughed. His throaty, I-just-woke-up laugh.
Oh no. I really am the weird one.
Thank you for reading guys, let me know what you think in the comments and if you like the chapter please vote :D
Word count: 1248
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