Whimpers and cries bounced off her bedroom walls as she tossed and turned, one of her hands gripping her chest tightly, the other covering her head as she curled up. Hot fat tears rolled down her cheeks, her black painted nails digging into her skin through her thin shirt.
The lights to her room flashed as two figures rushed into the room, one with white hair the other with black.
The white haired figure shook the girl awake until her baby blue hues met his matching ones. Her face scrunched up in both pain and fear, "Hey.. it's okay.." he cooed, pulling her to his lap, he held her like he always did, "You're safe, sis.. breathe.." the man soothed, rubbing her back while simultaneously running a hand through her short fluffy locks.
The other man sighed softly, "I'll go make breakfast." he spoke gently, pressing a gentle kiss to the sibling's heads before leaving. "I-I'm s... so sc-scared.." she whimpered, her elder brother held her tighter, "I know, baby girl.. I know." he murmured, touching his forehead to hers.
"But we're safe. You're such a strong woman, and you're going to U.A. with me now!" he smiled, their matching eyes meeting each other, "You're going to do so well, I'm already so proud of you. Me and Kuro both."
She looked away, a frown present on her lips, "I'm sorry.. I'm such a burden.."
The man flicked her forehead with an unimpressed expression, "You're not a fucking burden you dumb ass, you're Naoka fucking Rai, my baby sister and the cutest most bad ass girl I've ever met." he chided, giving her a second flick, "Now go shower, get dressed, and meet me and Kuro downstairs for breakfast."
"Okay.." she murmured, her brother kissed her head before leaving her to herself. Naoka dried her face when she got to her bathroom. She turned on the shower before finding herself staring at her reflection.
Her baby blue hues glowered at her scarred body, a small smile tugged at her lips as she poked her pudgy stomach. Then her gaze traveled to her thick thighs and wide hips, pale stretch marks lined her inner thighs and hips like strips on a tiger or faint lightning tattoos, they littered her her small breasts as well.
"I'm fucking adorable." she spoke, "And I'm bad ass. I'm gonna be a great hero one day!" she beamed, determination flaring in her eyes as she giggled.
After her little pep-talk, she undressed and hopped into the shower. She washed her hair, ears, and tail with coconut conditioning shampoo, and used vanilla soap for her body, then rinsed herself off.
She dried off and got dressed in a black sports bra and black girls boxers, she slipped on black spandex shorts, then a black tank, white button down, green skirt that reached her mid-thigh. Her bright red tie was loosely done, hanging below the two opened buttons at her collar. Instead of the blazer, Naoko settled with a pastel grey sweater vest.
Once dressed the rabbit girl brushed her thick curls and clipped in her favorite black ring earrings. The turquoise haired girl looked in the mirror. She made any adjustments she thought necessary before smiling at her appearance and skipping downstairs.
Naoka took a deep breath, silently urging her heart to calm down. She lightly pushed the door open, finding that her new classroom was mostly empty, save for a spiky haired blond who was leaned back in his seat, legs on his desk.
The rabbit girl took her seat behind him. "You got a name Usagi girl?" the blond gruffly mused, laying his head back to look at the turquoise haired girl. "Naoka Rai, you?" she chirped, smiling warmly at the blond, who hummed lightly, staring at her.
"Katsuki Bakugo." he offered, ignoring the warmth that crawled up his face. "It's nice to meet you Katsuki!" she beamed cutely, her snow white ears twitching slightly as he returned the small gesture, "Same here, Naoka."
Her ears went up as she heard the door slide open, every hair on her body bristling as a loud voice cut through the air. "You!" a teen with blue-black hair snapped, "Get your feet off the desk, that's disrespectful to the heroes who have sat there before you!"
Naoka's ears flattened as Bakugo rolled his eyes, looking disinterested in the other boy.
His crimson eyes met Naoka's innocent baby blues, and sighed, moving his legs from the desk and instead turning to face the rabbit girl.
"Where you from?" he inquired, he wanted to know more about his cute peer and he could tell by her thick accent that she wasn't Asian, or at least not fully, "Abuja, Nigeria." she chirped, "I moved to come live with my brother and his fiance when I was.. four."
"You weren't at the entrance exams, did you get in on recommendations?" the other teenage boy inquired, she nodded meekly, "Mhm."
"I'm Tenya Iida." he stated, holding a hand out to her, she lightly slipped her small, soft hand into his much larger one.
"Naoka Rai." she offered softly, she never was good at talking to others, she could do fine with one on one conversations, but he was just so.. formal, that it made her nervous. He nodded, glasses glinting before his eyes drifted to Bakugo, who gave him a bored look.
"You're Katsuki Bakugo. You were sitting with that green haired boy, yes?"
"Tch.. fucking Deku." Bakugo grumbled, "Yeah, so what?"
Naoka felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and turned, her baby blue hues meeting another pair of crimson hues that perfectly matched his newly colored spiked up hair.
The rabbit girl instantly lit up, "Eiji!" she chirped happily, springing up and wrapping her small arms around his neck. He laughed and gave the short, athletic chubby girl a squeeze before setting her back down.
Naoka's small hands reached up, "Your hair!" she squealed happily, "It looks so good!" he laughed, "Thanks.. and nice touch with the mint green. It suits your eyes."
Bakugo scowled at how the small girl interacted with the redhead.
He found himself irritated by the way her tail would move erratically in excitement, and her ears would perk and her eyes visibly lit up.
"Kats! This is my best friend, Eijiro Kirishima." the girl beamed happily, "Eiji, this is Katsuki Bakugo!"
"Nice to meet you, Katsuki." the redhead grinned boyishly, the blonde nearly winced at how.. sun-shiny both Kirishima and Naoka were. "Yeah." he nodded, "Same here."
"If you're here to make friends, then just leave." a lazy voice piped up, cutting the classroom's chatter off as a certain lazy hero ventured further into the room. "I'm Shota Aizawa." he stated blandly, his heavily bagged eyes scanning the class briefly, "Go change into your gym uniforms and meet me at the fields."
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