{48} It was Hermione...
As Hermione raced to Ravenclaw tower, searching for Alexander, she noticed him walking down the corridor towards her.
"I heard Sirius had hexed you." She commented once he was within ear shot. He let out a slight laugh and nodded his head, "But I'm alright now." He assured her. Hermione looked him over one last time before nodding her agreement and matching his pace, walking back to the Great Hall for dinner in a comfortable silence.
A wave of crimson crept onto her cheeks when she felt him take her hand in his, hooking them together gently. "You mind?" He wondered.
"No." Hermione said quickly, smiling as they continued walking, ignoring the curious looks they received- at least it wasn't because of the scars.
Dinner was a quiet affair that evening.
Lily was chattering away, attempting to keep Hermione from noticing the way James, Sirius and Peter hurriedly wolfed down their food before disappearing- and the fact that Remus was absent completely. Hermione kept her obliviousness and conversed with Lily as usual, now wasn't the time to declare that she knew their secret of being animagi and Remus being a werewolf; she wanted to wait for Remus to come to her first instead of bluntly announcing it.
"Was Alexander alright after Sirius hexed him?" Lily inquired, picking up a treacle tart. Hermione nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thankfully."
"Do you think..." Lily trailed off for a moment as she ate, thinking. Hermione arched her eyebrow questioningly whilst drinking from her goblet. "Do I think what?"
Lily turned pink as she realised that she had spoken aloud, "It doesn't matter 'Mione-"
"Do I think what?" Hermione repeated patiently, throwing Lily a stern look as she sighed and took another bite of her dessert. "Sirius just got really worked up, like more than James or the others." She commented, quickly looking away as Hermione's face scrunched up, pondering the new information.
He's Harry's godfather, she thought to herself, isn't that weird? Well, I mean technically Harry isn't born yet and now we're closer in age- "It doesn't matter." Hermione cut off her thoughts and glanced to the Ravenclaw table to see Alexander talking with his friends.
"I'm going on a date with Alexander." Lily nodded and smiled.
"And it'll be amazing." The redhead added with her usual amount of optimism.
Hermione laughed slightly at her enthusiasm. It still amazed Hermione how Lily always appeared to have a happy outlook, it was refreshing to hear that perspective instead of constant grim ones. It reminded Hermione that there was hope for a better world and gave her a much-needed surge of confidence that she could do what she was there to do- change the future and save them.
Lost in thought, Hermione only took note of Alexander when he wandered over to the Gryffindor table. "I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?" He asked, taking the seat beside her.
Hermione jumped slightly before easing and glancing to Lily.
"She'd love to." Answered Lily, kicking Hermione beneath the table.
Alexander chuckled and offered his arm.
The walk-through Hogwarts was almost silent. The only sound being Hermione's and Alexander's footsteps echoing off the walls.
It was calming, taking time to think and breathe, allowing Hermione time to process what to do next- it could all get too overwhelming at times. Yet, looking around Hogwarts made her chest tighten with grief, especially when she peered down certain corridors. It was difficult to turn down the memories that rushed forwards in her mind of students and the people she loved, fighting for their lives and dying on the cold ground alone.
"You okay?" Alexander asked, voice barely above a whisper as they turned a corner. Hermione's breath caught in her throat as she took a moment, staring down the corridor Fred had died in.
Her heart gave a lurch and she paused, feeling her hands become sweaty. "Hermione?"
"Hm?" She mumbled, tearing her eyes away to look up at Alexander. Concern was clear in his eyes as he was peered down at her. Hermione showed a shaky smile. "I'm fine." She let out a breath and took one last look before tugging him back the way they came a moment earlier.
"You should be getting back to the Ravenclaw Tower- it's late and I doubt you want Filch catching you." Hermione explained to his look of confusion as she pulled him along with a small smile.
Alexander hesitated before nodding, following Hermione the way they came.
A small group of Slytherins were stalking back to the dungeons when Mulciber announced, "I'm going to hex Pettigrew for this- she wasn't there." Avery nodded his agreement.
"He's utterly useless." Muttered Snape, lips turned down in distaste as he strolled behind them.
Regulus stayed quiet, hands tucked into his robes, relief flooding through him- glad Granger hadn't been anywhere near the Gryffindor common room.
"He isn't going to be happy about this." Complained Avery, grimacing as he cast his eyes across the group. Regulus shrugged, silent. He didn't care for the conversation nor found it at all interesting. Snape sent him a look in retaliation to his lack of opinion. Therefore Regulus threw him an icy glare back and stood a little straighter despite being the youngest of the group.
"We'll grab Pettigrew first chance-" His sentence was cut off by the sound of a girl's voice echoing. His stomach felt like it dropped to his feet as he glanced at the boys beside him who shared dark looks and grins.
It was Hermione.
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