{31} Tea and Mischief...
Quickly, they slipped in and took seats across from the boys, and surprisingly Lily.
"Where did you two go?" She asked as Hermione panted with a smile.
"Mischief." She shrugged, and Lily groaned as Sirius looked triumphant.
"What the bloody hell have you done?" Lily demanded. Her head was resting in the palm of her hand, disbelief crossed with exasperation plastered on her features. Hermione looked up with a glint in her eyes as she glanced at Sirius who was trying not to laugh. "Wait and see." She smiled sweetly, before placing the tin on the table as food appeared.
As always, James reached for the pumpkin juice and poured a cup before handing it to Remus.
Hermione and Sirius shared a knowing look as James drank from it and scrunched his nose up at the taste. "What the-" He cut himself off as black hair began to grow from his head, and multiple cries were heard all around the Great Hall. Hermione burst out laughing and finally understood why Fred and George pranked people.
There was a level of satisfaction you received by watching a prank pay off and not to mention how hilarious it usually ended up being.
James was freaking out and immediately stared at Sirius who pressed a hand to his chest. "It wasn't just me!" He whined, throwing his arm around Hermione who went red in the face. "It was both of us." He stated happily, and Lily was biting back a laugh. She didn't want to laugh because it was Snape, they were making fun of... but it was quite funny to see so many people flailing and knocking over the food. "Why did it have to be Snape?" Asked Lily, and Hermione sobered slightly as Sirius continued to laugh. Until Hermione hit him in the arm. "Because we didn't have hair from Dumbledore." He said, completely serious, but it seemed to anger Lily.
The effects of the polyjuice potion finished after half an hour and Hermione was still giggling to herself. Merlin help her if she caught Sirius' eyes because they would begin to laugh all over again.
As Hermione was walking back to the Gryffindor common room with the Marauders and Lily, she heard her name being called.
"Miss Granger!" It was McGonagall.
Hermione paused for a moment before readjusting the grip on her bag and approaching the Transfiguration professor as the others waited and stood to the side. Lily rolled her eyes at them and began talking with Remus. Peter was laughing with James and Sirius.
"Would you please accompany me to my office?" She inquired, before lowering her voice slightly, "There is much to discuss about the Order." McGonagall elaborated. Hermione felt her stomach flip as she took in a deep breath, her hands beginning to fiddle with her bag strap. "Of course." She smiled brightly, ignoring the thumping of her heart as she turned to see Lily and the others waiting patiently. "McGonagall needs me." Hermione said apologetically, giving a look to Lily who nodded in understanding.
However, Sirius bounded forwards before Lily could catch his arm. She scowled irritably at the back of his head.
"Minnie!" He exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.
"Mr Black." Stated McGonagall, giving him a pointed look- but there was a glint in her eyes as he strode towards her. "Do you really need Granger?" He asked, "We were celebrating." He groaned, and Hermione rolled her eyes at him, dreading if he was going to reveal their prank to their head of house; she wasn't sure if he was that stupid or not. "Mr Black, I assure you, your 'celebrations' can wait." McGonagall responded with an air of finality as she turned around and marched down the corridor. Sirius pouted as she walked away before shifting his gaze to Hermione who was rolling her eyes at the boy once again. "Honestly." She mumbled, flashing Sirius a quick smile before it fell completely. He couldn't help but notice.
As Hermione turned to follow the professor, she felt as if the walls that had once protected her were now closing in on her. There would be no going back after tonight.
A wave of calm overtook the Gryffindor as she entered the familiar office, noticing the same trinkets and books dotted around from her own time.
Silently, Hermione followed her professor as they both took their seats, vaguely surprised to see a tray with a pot of tea and biscuits floating over to the desk before her attention flickered to the woman sitting across from her. Instinctively, Hermione hid her hands in the sleeves of Remus' sweater, taking comfort in the warmth it provided.
"Sugar?" McGonagall offered, and Hermione nodded eagerly as sugar lumps jumped into her tea. Carefully, the student accepted the piping hot teacup and blew on it gently. "I suppose you are wondering, why I wanted to see you."
"You said something about the Order." Hermione replied, meeting the eyes of her head of house, her expression barely decipherable. "I assume it's because I am to be finally meeting them?" She suggested casually, though saying the words aloud made her heartbeat faster. McGonagall nodded, relaxing in her seat for a moment, letting seconds pass, as if she didn't want to say her next words. "You are correct. They finally want to meet you. And I wanted you to be prepared." Minerva explained evenly, but there was a firm undertone to her words that made Hermione sit straighter and pay closer attention to her next words. "Alastor Moody, a great Auror, will be present- amongst others- and they will have many, questions." Hermione nodded slowly, letting the new information settle in her mind. Alastor Moody. Memories flitted in her head of 'him' as he professor in her fourth year. "But also," continued McGonagall, setting her teacup down, "I wanted to make sure you were alright, settling in properly."
Hermione smiled, easing the professor's worries. "I am." She assured her, "All thanks to Lily and the boys- and the luggage case you got me. Everything was perfect." McGonagall nodded, allowing her lips to tug upwards at the fact that Hermione was settling in well. It had been one of her many concerns when she was informed Hermione would be attending school as a student; that it would all be too much. After all, Minerva understood that Hermione was still young- the weight of the world shouldn't sit on her shoulders alone.
"Good. I'm pleased. How are classes?" She inquired, swallowing back her worries.
The duo happily slipped off into conversation, forgetting about the looming meeting in only a few, short hours.
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