{29} Just Kind...
Nervous, Hermione moved to grab Professor Sprout's attention.
Her robe sleeve knocked off her parchment and quill to the floor. A groan escaped her lips as she crouched to the ground, quickly shaking the soil off the items when she hit her head on the desk.
Her body jolted and the parchment and quill fell from her hands as the earmuffs slipped off. Hermione gripped the back of her head, the pain that exploded made her breath hitch- then she heard it. It was as if the plant was calling her, beckoning her closer. Slowly, Hermione stood to her full height, staring at the Haunting Hawthorn with wide, horror filled eyes; earmuffs long forgotten.
You're terrified that even if you try your hardest... it still won't be good enough.
Because you already failed the ones you loved.
Hermione was startled at the words resonating through her head as her vision became clouded with tears at the pain in her chest. It was unimaginable- every inch of her grief amplified. Lily turned around before gasping and ducking to the floor, searching for Hermione's earmuffs, when she screamed.
It was ear-piercing.
Panicked, Lily shot back to her feet and froze. As her eyes rested on Hermione, she felt as if she went into a state of shock. The redhead gripped the desk to stay upright as her legs trembled beneath her and she stared at Hermione who was clutching at her head and chest- screaming.
Everyone Hermione had watched die appeared in her head.
Her nerves felt like they were on fire and her senses were being flooded with the memory of the broken Hogwarts she had left behind. You left them to die. Hermione felt herself falling to the ground, her breaths causing sharp pains in her lungs.
The scream startled Sirius who jumped back, knocking into Remus.
Remus was on his feet in seconds, slipping off his earmuffs and dropping them to the ground. He moved towards Hermione before stopping short, realising his mistake. And then the song hit him full force, overloading his senses.
You're a monster. A savage beast. Sooner or later your friends are going to realise.
They'll leave you all alone. Because you're a killer.
Remus took in a sharp breath, gripping the desks he stood between, attempting to fight back and block out the music- Hermione needed him. I need to help her. I need to be there for her. A shiver ran down his spine as the music seemed to grow louder and louder with every note. A crescendo.
Then it hit him. The agony of his transformation.
He could practically feel the cuts littering his body being re-opened and his bones popping. Remus clenched his eyes shut and let out a painful gasp as he struggled to get oxygen into his lungs, he could hear the heavy breathing of the wolf- but it was just his imagination. Surely? James turned and ran to his best friend, collapsing beside him- heart pounding fast in his chest. He gripped the back of Remus' neck, forcing their eyes to meet, to give him something to focus on.
But he looked past James' shoulder to see Hermione screaming; clutching her legs to her chest with Lily attempting to hold her, but Hermione was fighting for dear life, as if a single touch would burn her alive.
Professor Sprout rushed forwards, eyes wide as she pulled Hermione to her feet, ignoring the girl's struggle and shrieks. Quickly she pulled her outside with Lily following behind closely.
The Marauders followed, gripping Remus by his arms and dragging him out of the greenhouse, his legs dragging behind him. Gently, they placed him beside Hermione who was sitting on a bench a few metres away from the class, hands trembling as she itched at her skin unblinkingly. The rest of the students were peering out of the greenhouse windows, silent. Sirius panted and looked anxiously between the two Gryffindors who were dazed and taking in deep, shaking breaths. Peter was wringing his hands as James paced up and down, running a hand through his hair. How did I let this happen? I should have been keeping an eye on them. He chastised himself.
Lily gripped both of their hands as she crouched beside Sirius. "Mr Potter, Mr Black, Mr Pettigrew and Miss Evans it is best to leave them alone for the remainder of the lesson. Their heads need to settle and come back to the present." she explained softly yet firmly, her eyes shining with sympathy. Hesitantly Peter backed away, followed by a reluctant James who waited by the door for the others.
Yet Lily and Sirius didn't even think about moving.
"Now, Miss Evans and Mr Black." The professor repeated, and Lily took in a sharp breath.
"You shout for me if you need me." Said Sirius, looking between his two friends intently.
Remus continued to stare forwards, stunned and lost in the mind of the wolf. But Hermione forced herself to meet Sirius' eyes. It wasn't real, it wasn't real- but he is. She managed a shaky nod in response, and he was overcome with relief. Sirius wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulders and softly pulled her to her feet, herding her back to the greenhouse despite them both wanting to wait with their friends.
Beats of silence passed.
Hermione clumsily reached for Remus' hand and gripped it tight, bringing him back to the present, anchoring him as he shook away the thoughts of the Haunting Hawthorn and the wolf within him. Remus held it back fiercely as they both stared at the ground, unseeing and lost in their own horrifying thoughts.
Hermione was the first to break her stillness.
"I," she breathed in, "I saw you in pain." She whispered, her throat felt sore and scratchy- like when she had first arrived in the marauders time. It chilled her to the bone. Remus nodded, sneaking a glance at her expression before quickly looking away. "I heard you." He replied, and she nodded.
"Whatever it was- I'm here for you." She promised, even though she had a vague idea of what it was. He couldn't help but look at her again. Really look at her.
The way her hair was slightly frizzy, how warm her eyes were, how scars grazed her features. In that moment he swore to himself he would protect her, from anything. Even a silly little spider or a Death Eater. He just knew she was compassionate and most important, kind. Just kind. And seeing her so afraid and in pain, broke him inside. Someone so kind shouldn't have had to have gone through so much. "I'm here for you too." He said, and she gave a weak smile in response before letting her head fall on his shoulder and a breath escape her lips as they both closed their eyes.
I could never tell him, she thought, I would only scare him away.
I could never tell her, he thought, I would only scare her away.
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