{24} Breakfast and Bemusement...
Roughly an hour had passed when Sirius yawned and was barely managing to keep his eyes open. His legs had somehow gotten tangled with Hermione's when they had both sprawled out over the course of the evening.
"Go to bed." Hermione stated softly, smiling tiredly at him as he slowly untangled himself and got to his feet. He held out his hand to help her to her feet. Hermione glanced from his hand back to his face before yawning and accepting the gesture. "You too." He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes. Hermione laughed sleepily, stretching as she turned to the girl's stairs.
Sirius turned away too until he heard her voice ring out. It was soft and quiet. "Thank you for staying with me." he turned around and smiled, making a blush creep onto her cheeks.
"My pleasure." He bowed jokingly with a sincere look in his eyes, before walking up the stairs.
Hermione smiled a little to herself before venturing up her own stairs.
The next morning, Hermione woke up to having Biscuit's tail hitting her face. She scowled slightly before sitting up and the cat jumped away, meowing indignantly.
"Morning." Mumbled Lily from her bed across the room, face buried in her cushion. She jumped a little when Biscuit leaped onto her back and began kneading. "Get. Off." Lily grumbled. However, the cat promptly sat on her back, licking its paws in triumph as if it had just conquered her.
Hermione rolled her eyes and looked around the room. It was strange to see only two beds. In a way she missed her old roommates, despite how annoying they had been and the way they had driven her up the wall. But Hermione realised how much she had taken for granted; the chatter that had lulled her to sleep, their insistence on pillow fights and midnight feasts. A lump rose in her throat before she quickly dismissed the thoughts- it was easier to ignore them than face them head on.
Maybe not healthier, but easier.
Her attention was caught when Lily yelped and sat bolt upright. "You little..." she trailed off, rubbing her back with a frown. Hermione looked at her in confusion when Lily faced her. "The little monster scratched me." She glowered, making her roommate giggle as Biscuit strutted back to his bed below the window with confident strides.
The Great Hall was buzzing with conversation as usual as the two Gryffindor's entered. A few students glanced their way and murmurs broke out, but Hermione simply ignored them as she sat between Remus and Lily.
For Remus. I'm going to, attempt at least, to walk with pride, she thought, nodding to herself a little for confirmation.
Sirius and James were laughing loudly, throwing grapes at one another and failing at catching it in their mouths. For such good quidditch players they had terrible aims. Lily simply rolled her eyes and buttered a slice of toast. "I swear they never know how to be quiet." Grumbled Lily, clearly still grumpy because of Biscuit and his not so lovely wake up call. Hermione stifled a laugh as she met Sirius' eyes. "Morning halfwits." She joked, to everyone's surprise at how swiftly she was relaxing in their presence. But Sirius grinned widely, "You love halfwits." He smirked, and Hermione shook her head no, as she fought back a blush.
"I don't think-"
"Yeah, just as much as Lily loves me." Piped in James, cutting Hermione off as Lily glowered at him and pretended to gag across the table. "Which must be zero- and in your dreams Potter." She groaned. Hermione shared a knowing look with Sirius and they both laughed to themselves.
The conversation flowed easily, Hermione quipping jokes that could easily match the boys' and Remus was being as sarcastic as ever- practically tearing down James and Sirius before their responses even left their mouths. Lily was thoroughly amused watching James sit with a frustrated expression on his face after the fifth time Remus had cut him off with something clever.
Sirius held his hands up, effectively shushing everyone on the table, although some more reluctantly than others. "I have just thought of something."
"Oh, Merlin help us all." Muttered Remus, watching him with a growing smirk. Sirius glared slightly but ignored his mate. "Did it hurt?" Asked Hermione, and Sirius gaped at her before continuing. "If I punch myself and it hurts. Am I weak or strong?"
"You're an idiot is what you are." Remus retorted without missing a beat.
Hermione laughed aloud, shaking her head at Remus, as Sirius just stared at him with a blank face.
"You are meant to love me, not hate me." He announced, sniffing and wiping away an imaginary tear. Remus rolled his eyes, and everyone tried to smother their laughs with their hands- thankfully, Peter arrived and put a stop to the conversation, and Sirius' dramatic tendencies that he was about to unleash upon the unknowing Great Hall. "Breakfast smells delicious." He announced, looking round at his friends who had already tucked in. "It sure is Pete." Remus responded, before taking a bite out of some toast. "What took you so long?" He asked, genuinely interested. Peter stuttered out a quick, "I was reading." before stuffing his face with bacon.
Hermione regarded Peter thoughtfully, trying to keep calm and not react to his presence. Of course, she knew Peter Pettigrew would be there, after all he was their friend too at one point but- how could she not react? She knew what he was going to do. He was going to betray them all. She fidgeted slightly and hesitantly, looked at the boy who was happily munching on bacon and laughing at something Remus had said, James was looking offended for some reason and Lily was trying not to laugh aloud- but Hermione didn't dwell on it too long.
Slowly, she got to her feet and collected her bag.
"Hermione where you off to?" Questioned Lily, making Sirius glance over.
"Oh, just for a walk." She shrugged, trying to act normal whilst beginning to walk away.
"Want me to come with?" Lily asked, instinctively reaching for her bag as well, but Hermione shook her head no, politely. "Finish your breakfast- I'll see you in Transfiguration."
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