Collins P.O.V
After Devan was taken back mom walks back over and sits down. Dad rubs her shoulder "don't worry about him, he'll be ok." Mom nods "I know but, was I too hard on him in the car?" I snorted "no, Devan was being crazy."
We sat in silence for a while until I started to get curious "how long will he be back there? Did they say?" Mom shakes her head "they didn't say, but I'm guessing for a while." Nodding I turn on my phone and smile when I see the Star Wars game Devan was playing open.
After hours the door opens and a doctor comes out with devan following him. "Devan! How are ya bud?" He looks up at us and says nothing. I start getting concerned, Devan looks really tired and he has traces of pain lanced across his face.
"Devan?" We all ask in concern and he opens his mouth to answer but the doctor talks before him "don't worry about him, he's under some drugs right now, so he might be unresponsive." Dad nods "what can we do to have him start talking again?" The doctor looks over all of us, including Devan "just make him as comfortable as possible and keep trying to talk with him."
"On another note though, we do think we know what happened." We all tear our gazes away from Devan, whose has sat on the ground, and look toward the doctor with interest.
"First off, it's nice to meet you all my name is Dr. Macon and your son's a pleasure to work with." Dr. Macon says as he shakes all of our hands.
"Secondly we did a series of tests on Devan today, which included x-rays, blood samples, a regular check-up, Q&A, and research. What we found is quite astonishing. It looks like what Devan ate was bad and the bad version of the fruit has some chemical compound in it that seeps through the cell membrane and keeps going until it reaches the DNA. Once it reaches the DNA it removes some tags on the DNA that mark age. Once some of the tags are gone, you get younger. The tags naturally come back though so he will at some point just change back into his normal self." He added this last part quickly seeing all of out concerned faces.
"So...he'll just change back randomly?" Mom asks and Dr. Macon nods. "Most likely at night when he's sleeping and probably not for another day or so." Dad nods "ok. Thank you so much." and shakes the doctors hand. The doctor smiles "my pleasure" then he bends down to Devan "and thank you for being amazing and giving me a new challenge."
Devan looks up at Dr. Macon tiredly and out of it. "What" the doctor laughs and ruffles Devans hair "I was saying thanks." Devan nodded and looked down again. "Devan, what do you say to this nice man?" Dr. Macon laughs "don't worry about it" but devan mumbles "thawnks" and the doctor smiles "your welcome."
"For now he might seem out of it and maybe in some pain. His child body had a lot going on today, so just try to make him comfortable." Dad nods and stands up to leave. We all follow his lead except Devan, who doesn't seem like he noticed we all stood up. "Thank you again" dad says again and shakes the doctors hand.
I walk over and poke Devan "we're leaving bud, unless you wanna stay." Devan looks up and sighs getting on his feet.
We walk out of the hospital all of us thinking about what the doctor said. Well all of us except Devan who was just walking tiredly behind us.
We get to the car and I expect Devan to fight about having to be in the seat again, but to everyone's surprise he just climbs right into the seat and let's me buckle him without complaint.
I glance at my parents and see they're just as surprised as me. Dad turns from the front seat "are you ok Devan?" Devan doesn't respond. We all glance at each other "let's just get him home." mom whispers and dad starts the car, pulling out of the parking lot.
Devans P.O.V
I hurt. My teeth hurt for some reason and my stomach and my arm and my head and just...everywhere. I'm also really tired. Like really tired.
I let Collins buckle me up without complaint because I'm just to tired and in to much pain to complain or fight back. I can vaguely hear them talking but I'm just not focusing on them, I'm more focused on the pain.
The car rolls away from the parking lot and dad rolls down his window, bringing some cool air to the stifling hot car and my small waves of hair start to blow in the wind. Again I don't really notice until I feel a hand on my head trying to push the waves back into place. It only works for a second, then they come loose again and the hand gives up.
"Devan...Devan" I perk up when my name is being said constantly and I feel a small poke on my arm. Looking up I see mom twisted around in her seat with concern all over her face, dad driving but watching in the mirror also with concern on his face, and Collins' head turned watching me, again with concern on his face.
"Are you hungry? We can stop by somewhere and get you some food." Mom asks and the very thought of food makes me want to throw up. I just can't handle food right now and I don't think my teeth will be able to handle it either so I shake my head and look back down. "Are you sure? It's been hours sense you've eaten and your stomach was growling." Again I shake my head. "If you give me food I'll just give it to Collins, so I wouldn't even try if I were you."
"How about a iced tea?" Mom asks trying to taunt me with my favorite drink. Still though, I want to throw up at the thought of having anything so I again shake my head. I can almost see their faces even when I'm looking down. They're shocked. "O-ok. Are you sure?" I nod.
I'm starving and my throat and mouth are parched but if I have anything I will throw up, that or I'll fall asleep.
"Well, what do you want then?" I shrug and zone out again. "I don't even know what I want besides the pain gone. The worst thing is, part of me feels like giving up and just crying. Oh what is wrong with me?!"
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