I walked into my house and dumped my stuff on the ground, hoping my dad isn't home. I walk into the kitchen and look through the cupboards only to find only protein bars. I sigh and hold my grumbling stomach. I suddenly hear the front door slam close and I turn around quickly, looking through the kitchen archway.
There stood a tall boy with shaggy brown hair sticking up in all different directions and lean arms putting a box down. I gasped in surprise and run towards him, tackling him in a hug.
"MANNY!" I scream and hug him tighter. He laughs and swings me around. He puts me down and I kiss his chest. The door opens again and my mom comes in loosening her scarf. Her eyes light up at the sight of my brother and she stands on her tip toes to give him a hug.
"Welcome home!" She whispers. We all sit around the table and laugh, having fun for the first time in years. It became late and after a lot of catching up we were tired.
"Before we go to bed I have something to give you." Manny states as he puts the box on the table. I grin excitedly and watching him pull out an item. He pulls out a beautiful silver watch and hand it to my mother. Her eyes fill with tears and I smile. My mother has always wanted a silver piece of jewelry but god knows we can't afford that.
He then turns to me and pulls out a little case. He hands it to me and I open the lid slowly. I gasp and my eyes widen from what I see. Inside is a beautiful silver ring with a simple diamond in the middle. It was simple but elegant and I loved it!
"Thank you so much!" I whispered as I put it on.
Late that night I woke up to smell something strong. I sniffed and coughed at the strong ness of it. The room soon filled with smoke and I launched myself out of bed. I opened my door and screamed when I saw a fire starting to grow in the living room. I heard my mom and brother scurrying around, trying to find water. I scurried down the stairs and looked up to see the flames eating the ceiling. A piece fell and I screamed, just dodging it. On the other side there was my brother and mom reaching for me. I tried to reach for them but the fire nicked my skin.
"MANNY! MOMMY!" I cried desperately.
"JANE! GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE! RUN FROM IT!" My brother yelled.
"N-no! No! NO I'M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE!" I yelled as I frantically tried moving the piece of wood in between us.
"Jane, we love you so much. You don't deserve to die. You deserve to see the world and where you'll find yourself in it." My mother said so softly that I'm surprised that I could hear it over the cackling flames.
"B-but so do you!" I say back while I'm holding in my sobs. Through the fires I can see their skin slowly burning off and their hair falling off. I scream in terror and frantically try to reach for them.
"STAY WITH ME! PLEASE!" I sob. They give me a small burnt smile.
"We always will." And I scream as they collapse to the ground, the flames devouring them.
Firemen run in and start talking. One grabs me and I pull away from them, sobbing hysterically.
"NO! NONONONO! SAVE THEM! PLEASE! THEY ARE ALL I HAVE LEFT!" Firemen push through the hunk of wood and one carries me away from the scene and out the house. Outside there is a crowd of people, most of them my classmate's parents. I frantically try to get out of his arms and run toward the house but he keeps a firm grip on me.
I start to sob so hard that I can't breathe. I struggle to get words out.
"N-no! N-no! M-manny! Mommy! S-stay with m-me!"
Then the world engulfs me with darkness.
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