The class stood in a single file line while walking down the plaza. We passed a lot of animal statues and cut out signs that you stick your face in and take pictures with. When we reached the middle of the plaza our guide separated us into small groups so we can go explore.
I was with Azera, Noah, James, and a girl named Ally.
"So, what are we gonna do first?" I ask. Everyone shrugged and I looked around until my eyes stopped on something.
"Look! Giraffes!" I squealed and began walking towards them, the rest of the group struggling to keep up with me. When we reached them I took out a bag of carrots that they gave us and handed everyone two. I took one of mine and hesitantly held it up to the giraffes head.
I giggled when the giraffe's tongue wrapped around it and pulled it into it's mouth. Then everyone else used up their carrots along with me on different giraffes. When we finished, we walked off the platform and started walking on the path again.
Noah wanted to see the lions and so we headed there, me giving directions on the map.
"Turn right." I said and they turned to the right and walked forwards.
"Turn left, then walk forwards until you reach the lion statue."
"Left?" Noah asked.
"Right." I said and he stopped confused.
"So right." He stated confused.
"No, left!" I corrected. He groaned and continued walking.
I stopped and gazed in awe at the exhibit and the group kept walking. There were deer walking around, grazing at the grass, nuzzling at each other, and fawns trotting around next to their mother. A male deer with huge antlers came up to me and I held out my palm. He nuzzled his nose into my palm and I giggled at how cold and wet it was.
"You're so beautiful!" I whispered to him in awe.
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