30 | Vittorio, Confidence, Loss | October 30, 1918
Well, so things are going to happen.
This ended up much sadder than I intended it to be.
Well then.
At least it doesn't start out sad.
Enjoy! :)
When Race found his brother around two weeks ago, he had no idea that he would be agreeing to fight in another battle of that war. Well, now they're here.
True, Race is still in a war, and the situation is dire. But now that he has his brother, he feels better than before.
This is nothing like France.
Yes, he feels guilty about abandoning Chick Tucker.
Hopefully he'll see him again.
In these past couple of weeks, Race has been pretty well accepted into the regiment. True, the circumstances in which he joined were a little unconventional, but now it's like he's been here the whole time. Since this regiment is made up of people younger than him, they call him old man or old timer, which he takes as signs of affection. His brother claims that Race looks younger, though. Claims that he can pass for sixteen. While Race knows that isn't true, he enjoys hearing the mischief in his brother's voice, and can't help but feel so, so grateful that they found each other.
Of course, joining the regiment meant that he would also be joining them in any fights.
Including this one, in Vittorio, which started 6 days ago; it was only today when they were needed.
All armies are advancing, getting closer and closer to Vittorio Veneto.
The 332nd Infantry Regiment is following the Italian Tenth Army along the Piave. Supposedly, this is where the Austrians have been withdrawing along the Lower Piave. All the armies here are going to change that.
Today is the day it's going to happen. Today, the 332nd Infantry Regiment is going to pour over the Piave, behind the Italian Tenth Army. They'll stop the Austrians. There will be a fight, and it's not going to end well for one side, but they have to pull through.
They heard that the Italian 8th Army is close to successfully seizes Vittorio Veneto. That alone gives them the motivation to carry on.
Race looks at his brother. Oh, how much Antonio has grown. Here they are, fighting in a war together, halfway around the world, in the land where half their ancestors come from. If someone would have predicted this five years ago, both would have turned it down, saying that that most certainly wasn't true.
Well, here they are.
Here's for Italy.
Here's for America.
Here's for the Allies.
Here's for hoping that this truly will be the war that will end all wars.
The third phase has finally began.
Mush and Spot and the rest are still marching, clearing the Argonne Forest. The French are ahead of them, almost reaching the River Aisne.
Once they clear the forest, the armies will reorganize.
It's funny, because in all this marching, Mush doesn't feel like he's in danger as much as he probably should. He's gaining more confidence. Nothing that will become arrogant; just confidence that he will make it out of here alive.
He looks over at Spot and grins.
Spot looks back and grins as well.
They're doing it.
They're surviving.
Just like they knew that they would.
Dave Simmons is sicker than before. Jack and Kid Griffo are panicking more than before. When Dave first started looking pale, they had hoped that it was only from their situation, and that he would feel fine soon. But he only got worse.
And now he's sick, with no one to help him, and he's been growing weaker and weaker.
Today, he can't even stand.
"I'm just ... so, so tired..." Dave murmurs, voice barely a whisper.
"Hold on, Dave," Kid Griffo tells him worriedly, holding his hand. "It's all gonna turn out okay."
Dave doesn't respond. Just closes his eyes.
They're losing him. They can tell.
They can't let that happen.
"Why are you so close to me?" Dave asks suddenly. "I don't want you getting sick too."
"We don't care," Kid Griffo declares.
"We don't," Jack agrees. "Please. Hold on for us."
"If not us, then for Sardinia," Kid Griffo adds, desperate. "You gotta stay alive to see Sardinia again."
At the mention of Sardinia, Dave smiles wearily, eyes still closed. "I love Sardinia."
"Mhm." Kid Griffo fights back tears. "And he loves you."
"Out of all the people in this world, he makes me feel safest," Dave says, almost dreamily. "My life has been full of hard things. He made all those things disappear."
"Of course he did." Jack's eyebrows knot. He bites his lip. They just got to keep him talking.
"I had a good life because of him," Dave continues. "Make sure to tell him that when you see him again, since I won't be there myself."
Jack and Kid Griffo exchange looks of horror.
Kid Griffo turns back to Dave. "No, no! You are going to be the one to tell him that!"
Dave doesn't respond.
"You are going to be the one to tell him that!" Kid Griffo repeats desperately. "He needs to hear it from you."
"It's okay, you can tell him first," Dave replies deliriously. "I'll tell him second."
Kid Griffo and Jack exchange puzzled looks. "Seco-second?"
"When we're in a better place together."
"That doesn't have to happen anytime soon," Jack says quickly. "You can take your sweet time getting to that place, you hear? Take your time. Don't even think about it."
"How can I not think of it when I can feel it so close?"
Kid Griffo's breath hitches. "Don't say that!"
"It's true, though." Then, Dave smiles. He makes sure he is holding both Kid Griffo and Jack's hands. "Thank you for staying with me until this end. Well, farewell. Until we meet again."
His breathing grows softer and softer until Jack and Kid Griffo can't hear it anymore. Until he no longer is breathing.
His hands go limp in Jack and Kid Griffo's grasp.
Kid Griffo looks at Dave in horror, eyes shining, tears about to spill. "No. No."
Jack swallows, and blinks slowly. In this time that they've spent together, these past twenty days in the prison camp, they have grown so, so close.
"Dave no, please, no!" Kid Griffo trembles.
Wordlessly, Jack puts his hand on Dave's chest, moving it slowly to right above the heart, trying to feel a heartbeat. Jack shakes his head. Nothing.
Kid Griffo wails. He puts his ear to Dave's chest, as if he'll magically hear a heartbeat. He cries out in anguish when there's still nothing.
And as Kid Griffo sobs, Jack just sits there, feeling completely numb, and so utterly alone.
Crying as I write that incredibly sad ending.
I am so, so sorry for that.
Sorry that that kind of became the focus for this chapter.
I wanted to include the Battle of Vittorio Veneto ever since I learned about it. I wanted Race to go to Italy from the very beginning. But it wouldn't have added up, because there's no way that he would have been drafted into the 332nd Infantry Regiment. And so that's the story of how Race walked to Italy.
It's so funny, because I'm like "You see, I can't go around writing this in my story. The historical inaccuracies would be too great. But, for this other minor detail where I could try to be accurate or write whatever I want, I'll go off the rails." But honestly, this is so deeply intertwined with my mindset and how I write that I don't know if I'll be able to stop haha.
The next chapter is going to be better than this one, I promise. I also promise that these chapters are going to start being more than just 1000 words.
Who's ready?
Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section at all times.
~Your Beloved Author (who is writing this on the 8th year anniversary of Robin Williams passing away. May he rest in peace)
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